Insanity starting monday 4/30



  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    HEY YOU GUYS!!! add meeeeeeee!!! im looking for pallies, im gonna start tomorrow too.
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    I Will Start the Insanity Tomorrow i did the Fitness Test & The First 3 Days But i had to stop Because i Am Doing it along with My Husband After He Come out of work,Dinner was Done & Our Daughter was in Bed but last week he had to work more time So we Want to Start All Over Tomorrow.
  • colorlessgreen
    colorlessgreen Posts: 173 Member
    I just printed out the calendar and fit test pages at the bottom of this page:

    ...and put them on my fridge! :) So excited!
    ERIKARJ Posts: 32 Member
    Excuse me... What's is insanity ....?
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I have had a few false starts with Insanity. I can not get thru the whole work out of day two. I have a question. Is it ok until my fitness level gets better that I take a break and just finish the work out later that day? I can only get about 25 mins in. I used to be in much better shape last fall but I came down with a pretty bad case of bronchitis that lasted several months and then hurt my back and this is me just trying to get back on that wagon now. If you all who have done insanity think that as long as I keep pushing myself and finish the work out and keep pushing thru is ok then I would love to start with you all tomorrow
    ERIKARJ Posts: 32 Member
    I just printed out the calendar and fit test pages at the bottom of this page:

    ...and put them on my fridge! :) So excited!
    Thanls for the website
  • DonSlowikFitness
    Anyone have any questions about Insanity, need that morale support or how to do some of the exercises when you can't jump. I have gone through it twice and gone from 272 to 220. Shoot me a message and friend me, I will be glad to help. I am smiling because I love it!
    ERIKARJ Posts: 32 Member
    The web site Isn't working
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    Just bought it today!! I only have 17lbs left to go so i hope this is AWESOME feel free to add me!! Im always looking for a challenge!!
  • wendyjo3
    wendyjo3 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm also starting Monday 4/30! Post a link to the group info if anyone is able to create one, would you? Oh, and good luck!! :)
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
  • DonSlowikFitness
    Insanity is a high intensity 45 minute workout, leaves nothing but a bunch of sweat. You need no weights or any other equip, all your body.
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    YAY!!! i love insanity. It's amazing. Ive done two rounds of it. If you are looking for some extra support, I have a ladies only support group on fb. we would love to have you. Send me a msg :)
  • Jeck1988
    Jeck1988 Posts: 12
    thanks trish! can't wait to improve with everyone- we are going to kick some serious a**!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I hope so! I just did the fit test again last week (this is my third and final start) Should I do it again or work in my endurance by doing the day 2 twice on monday and tuesday?
  • Arhoades76
    Arhoades76 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I am an INSANITY graduate- yes, I earned my T-shirt. Stick with the program, it works!!! I am also a coach with Beachbody as well, so if you ever have any questions about any of the products, I can help as best I can.

    My biggest recommendation with Insanity, is to not over do the warm up. It is an intense 9 minutes, and you will need the energy for the rest of the workout. Once you do it a bit, you definitely will pick up the intensity, but it is fun, and addicting! Good luck!!!!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Hello! I am an INSANITY graduate- yes, I earned my T-shirt. Stick with the program, it works!!! I am also a coach with Beachbody as well, so if you ever have any questions about any of the products, I can help as best I can.

    My biggest recommendation with Insanity, is to not over do the warm up. It is an intense 9 minutes, and you will need the energy for the rest of the workout. Once you do it a bit, you definitely will pick up the intensity, but it is fun, and addicting! Good luck!!!!

    Maybe I am putting to much into the warm up. Will try scaling it back a bit to make it thru the whole work out. Thanks
  • Jeck1988
    Jeck1988 Posts: 12
    i would do the fit test again; i feel like starting from the beginning really makes it a NEW beginning for ya!
  • Jeck1988
    Jeck1988 Posts: 12
    Hello! I am an INSANITY graduate- yes, I earned my T-shirt. Stick with the program, it works!!! I am also a coach with Beachbody as well, so if you ever have any questions about any of the products, I can help as best I can.

    My biggest recommendation with Insanity, is to not over do the warm up. It is an intense 9 minutes, and you will need the energy for the rest of the workout. Once you do it a bit, you definitely will pick up the intensity, but it is fun, and addicting! Good luck!!!!

    thanks! i think i am definitely in the habit of putting too much into the warm up! i got the dvd's from a friend so i don't have access to the beachbody website; do you mind if i add you? are you doing a different program now? i am thinking either p90x or turbofire after this... depending on what i want to accomplish once i finish insanity.
  • Jonnelle06
    Im in lets do this ...