May Team Challenge Sign up

bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
Welcome to the 7th month of Belinda's Team Challenges. Here are the basics...
1. Teams of 5 people (1 captain reports to me weekly on Sunday)
2. Challenge will be exercise based --- I GIVE SPECIFIC EXERCISES TO DO 6 DAYS A WEEK (normally about 15-25 mins)
3. Team will earn BONUS points for weight lost - weigh in each Sunday with your captain
4. Special Bonus days will also be created to keep things fun and ever changing (nomrally nutrition based)
5. Google Spreadsheet for tracking teams progress will be provided to the team captain
7. I will post weekly with status updates and the exercise challenges for the following week
8. Extra bonus points for those that track inches. You would measure at the start of month and at the end of the month. Your team earns points for the inches lost over the month. This is an OPTIONAL choice and if you do not wish to track you do not have to.

READY SET GO! BUILD YOUR TEAM QUICKLY!!! As soon as you have a team of 5 and a team name please let me know by having the captain report information here.

If you are looking to be on a team please comment here! If you are willing to be a captain also comment here so others know that you are looking to fill spots.

Everything for this challenge is done in the group section labeled team challenge. Once you are on a team please join the group and get a thread started for your team.
