

  • Thanks so much guys, your replies are really inspiring me xx
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    I just started swimming too! Here's what works for me: number one, get on your swim suit. Two, look in the mirror and think "I look good, but next year I won't recognize this person", three, look at ur feet and tell them they need a pedicure and if they want one they better carry you to the water, four, do not jump in! Slowly walk down the steps and go on about your business. Everyone else is there to get exercise so get urs, chat with the other ladies and keep on going!

    I was surprised at how much I love it and how much it kicks my booty. Also, I get more positive attention than negative because I'm working out and playing with my kid in a pool typically full of older people (I swim in the early afternoon) who applaud the effort. Even when I go when the younger crowd is there I usually get one punk kid that comments "nice boobs" or something.
    You'll do fine! Add me if you like!
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hey MFP

    i have joined the gym, my induction is at 7 am tomorrow but it is not that i am afraid of...yes its the local massive pool with actual human people in. I have purchased a swim dress which looks ok but still shows my mammoth legs. I am nervous and worry i am going to talk myself out of it tomorrow.

    I used to love swimming and i can do loads of lengths i guess im ao scared of going in and out of the pool?

    Can anyone suggest anything to help me overcome my confidence??

    A bin bag and running as fast as i can and bombing into the pool hoping no one sees is all i have up to now!! :'-( xx
    Go to the STAR TREK store and purchase a ROMULAN CLOAKING DEVICE that renders you invisible. Jump in pool. Deactivate cloaking device. Swim. Activate cloaking device and run like hell to changing room. Change. Deactivate cloaking device. Go home.

    Bwahhhahh! Or do this...
  • jpschabell
    jpschabell Posts: 18 Member
    Swimming has been my biggest source of exercise this year. I felt the same way you did at first....then realized, like many others said, there are many shapes and sizes there and you are there because you're doing something good for yourself! Go for it! I wrap a big beach towel around my waist and take it off at the last minute, walking calmly down into the water. Once you're in there, it's a breeze, and you'll be looking at everybody else's faces, as they will yours...not bodies! Good luck!! I hope you really love it...as I do!
  • Keep the big picture in mind and forget the rest. The big picture meaning weight loss and getting fit. I recently joined a Master Swim Team, which I never new that anyone can join as long as you can swim. I was nervous but when I got there I notice people who were just like me. I needed something that was really going to build my endurance because of a triatalon I an doind in July. You end up in the pool the whole 90 minutes swimming laps. This would also avoid the in and out of the pool. Keep up the good work.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member

    Someone the other day posted about someone shouting "fatso" at her while out for a run. She has lost almost 50 pounds and decided to post her success early, I presume to help make up for what that insensitive JERK did.

    What was so impressive to me is that SHE had the strength to say to herself that the person that shouted at her didn't give it another thought all day long...and she refused to, as well! GREAT!!!

    You are doing the right thing. Don't let people (especially insensitive ones) get to you. IF they thought about it, they would be praising you for having the gumption to do the right thing and get healthy. GO FOR IT! Become that incredible shrinking woman!

    And when you get done, come back and post how GREAT it felt!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    unless your going on a Saturday lunch time when all the cool teenagers are ther i wouldn't worry everyone there has gone to exercise

    i used to go to a water aerobics class then stay behind to swim and honestly even in my bright pink swim suit at well over 250lbs giggling and mascara running the worse i got was an evil look from some woman who clearly wasn't as happy as i was!

    fake confidence if you don't have it for real, and if you need to take a towel to the poolside and drop it just before you get in!

    hold your head high and remember people will naturally look at who is getting in and out of the pool, only if you look scared will they even notice you for more than half a second,

    even the most toned of men an the super model like women will be worrying about if there hairs sticking up or if there swim suit is too tight

    enjoy your swim and don't forget to smile at everyone!!!
  • Everybody at the pool is there for exercise. I used to be a lifeguard and honestly, the thought of judging someone because they were big never entered my head. Think about all the people who aren't there. Who cares what size you are, you are moving and becoming healthier. The same thing goes for running, the people who are just starting out and think all the "real" runners will judge because they are not in the best shape are completely wrong. The "real" runners are happy to see someone else doing what the runner loves so much. It really doesn't matter what people will think.

    The 1/2 hour or whatever will pass whether you are in the pool or not and you will feel much better about yourself if you have been in the pool. Don't worry about the other people: nobody actually looks good in a bathing suit and everyone is there to workout.
  • wasp22
    wasp22 Posts: 1
    If you don't go you will be upset with yourself and angst over it; just go and enjoy the water and feel your sense of accomplishment! In other words, tell yourself "Just Do It!" It will be great!:happy:
  • I am so spoiled. and I guess I have been taking it for granite that I have an indoor pool in my condo building. the water is almost always warm and there is rarely anyone there. I swim at 5 am and only once or twice has there been someone else there. I am going to have to add to my challenges to join a master team. It sounds wonderful. good luck.