Anyone start running in their 50's???

So, I told my mom that I was going to run the Falmouth Road Race this summer and she said, "Maybe, I will too!" I am super excited, because I love running, but usually when I mention it to her she usually says she hates it and has no interest.

Of course, I want to gently fan this flame and encourage her....So far I only mentioned that she should check out the Couch to 5K program and that I would go with her to get fitted for running shoes.

I know in reality that it is all on her, but I also know that encouragement is a good thing...

I'd love to hear some success stories from anyone who has started running in their 50's with what helped you and what hindered you?



  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm going to be 48 in July and I just started. Tell her to take it at her own pace though - I have. My feet and knees have had bouts of being very sore and I just work through it and keep going but because of that I'm not exactly on schedule with the program. I think that's ok though - I'm still working up to it!
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    This would be me! I'm running my first half marathon in Chicago with my daughter in July.
    She will definitely need good shoes and just tell her to take it slow. I do jog/ walk intervals. I'm not a runner but I'm going to give it my best. Oh and yes I have signed up for another half marathon for Nov, even though I haven't done the first one yet. :laugh:
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    I need to start got c25k on my ipod but unused at the moment, got 5k race for life end of june, but it just keeps raining! know I'll look a prat running/jogging but a wet one no way - could do with a buddy to run with....
  • balaena
    balaena Posts: 3
    I'm 54 and have been a runner since my early 20's. I've had to back off some in my 50's due to some other sports-related injuries, but I don't see any reason why your Mom can't start running in her 50's. She should take it slow and begin - like most beginner runners - with walk/run combinations. Many runners use heart rate monitors to keep their training rates within an acceptable zone.
    I'm doing barefoot running now (I know...sounds crazy...but, it takes a lot of strain off your knees and back).

    Anyway, Runners World has a great 10-week program online for beginners;,7120,s6-238-520--2201-0,00.html/

    Running has added a dimension to my life that is really hard to describe. It has helped me stay healthy, energetic and provides mental focus. In addition, since I do most of my running on trails -- it's a time to really enjoy nature, as well. I wish your mother the best of luck.
  • DigDougOK
    DigDougOK Posts: 20
    I'm 48 and just started in Feb. I have progressed pretty quickly as far as walking faster and going further, but I can't break from walking to running at all. I try to slowly work into it, trying to run 1 min then walk...but after about 2 or 3 minutes my shins are hurting so bad I can't stand to run. I've tried everything...icing, compression sleeves...guess I need to go see a dr. and see if they can figure out what is up. I do walk 13 min miles with no knee pain or other issues. Good luck to her, if she is like me she will hate to go each time, but once she goes and gets started walking it feels really good.
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 48 and just started in Feb. I have progressed pretty quickly as far as walking faster and going further, but I can't break from walking to running at all. I try to slowly work into it, trying to run 1 min then walk...but after about 2 or 3 minutes my shins are hurting so bad I can't stand to run. I've tried everything...icing, compression sleeves...guess I need to go see a dr. and see if they can figure out what is up. I do walk 13 min miles with no knee pain or other issues. Good luck to her, if she is like me she will hate to go each time, but once she goes and gets started walking it feels really good.
    Wearing good shoes is VERY important. If you don't have any I strongly suggest you get some, as I think that will help the shin splints. Good luck!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I started running in my mid-fifties and I’m now 59. I had to take it really slow to start with since I kept getting shin splints even with a slow build up like c25K. Where c25k called for 60 second jogs I had to do 30 second sets and even just 15 for a while. But I stuck with it and it paid off for me. I am primarily a cyclist and use running as cross training and to help build bone density. I did a 5k trail run this morning and managed a 9:07 pace, which is quite fast for me. I spent a year or two at an 11:00 to 12:00 min pace so just getting to 10:00 last year was thrilling. Speed has never been a major goal for me, but running at 9:07 has me thinking perhaps I can get into the eights. But mostly I adore just being outdoors and enjoying the sun, wildlife, and being immersed in nature. And the ole “runners high” is priceless! Running is a great boost for the spirit, soul, and body. It’s great for people of any age but has special benefits for people of my generation who refuse to give in to age easily.
  • DigDougOK
    DigDougOK Posts: 20
    Wearing good shoes is VERY important. If you don't have any I strongly suggest you get some, as I think that will help the shin splints. Good luck!

    Yes, before I started I went to the running store and they fitted me. Had me run on the treadmill and all that to get the correct shoes. I even took the first ones back and got a different brand and it's the same. I'm pretty frustrated with it all, I just want to be able to work up to running a 5K at some point.
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    I'll be 48 next month, i tried running a running program last year, finished the 3 month period and that was it, unless I am running sprints in boot camp or at gym.... I am just not a runner.... I can Zumba, do Aerobics, anything else about all day long, but just do not like running.....hard on the body too I've heard....
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Running has added a dimension to my life that is really hard to describe. It has helped me stay healthy, energetic and provides mental focus. In addition, since I do most of my running on trails -- it's a time to really enjoy nature, as well. I wish your mother the best of luck.

    ^^^This is exactly how I feel about running and I'm hoping that my mom will feel the same from it!

    Thank you everyone for the replies! Lots of good info and motivation!!!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Wearing good shoes is VERY important. If you don't have any I strongly suggest you get some, as I think that will help the shin splints. Good luck!

    Yes, before I started I went to the running store and they fitted me. Had me run on the treadmill and all that to get the correct shoes. I even took the first ones back and got a different brand and it's the same. I'm pretty frustrated with it all, I just want to be able to work up to running a 5K at some point.

    Do you have the opportunity to run off road? I do most of my running on a dirt road and my shins don't bother me like they did on the asphalt. ...just thoughts I think if it does keep up you might want to see the doctor. Shin splints are usual, but you should be able to move past them at some point.

    edited...I just noticed that I wrote "shin splints are UNusual....I meant usual, sorry
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    I am 54 and didn't start running until last year, and just ran my first two 5k's! I went out and ran 5 miles yesterday "just because", so I guess I am hooked! Just tell your Mom to start slow, walk, then walk/jog/walk/jog, and gradually increase her jogs. Stress that she should be able to keep a conversation going as she finds her jogging pace, especially early on. It's not a race! It will also help immensely if she can find someone to do those workouts with, both to have someone to have those conversations with, and to motivate and keep her accountable!
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 198 Member
    I will be 52 in October and doing the couch 25 k program. I love it! Had an injury to my ankle unrelated to running so I started over. I have every intention of being in a 5K race this fall.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I'm 45 and started running 3 weeks ago. What I've learned is that, even though I was a cross country runner in HS, I may as well have never run ... ever! I did not start off slowly, and my hams and calves are reminding me of this. C25K is a good program that I should have jumped on before I went out and did it. I'm able to run a 5k in 25 minutes, but my legs still hurt a lot when I finish. I'm slowing down a little to make sure they recover between each run.

    Good luck to your mom!!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I am 59 and did my first 5k this weekend. I am on week 7 of C25K - been through a couple of different shoes to find the right one. I watch my heart rate and do slow down when it gets too high... nutrition and hydration are important. I'm doing a triathlon in 3 weeks -- so am training 6 days a week. Unless you are athletically gifted, imperative that you work up to it and train.
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    I'm 55 and I started running in August 2010, so less than 2 years. So far I've ran in 8-5k's and 1-10K. I'm never going to be a real fast runner but I've never been last in a race. I run around a 11 minute mile most of the time and occasionally get in the 10's. She just needs to take it slow and not give up.
  • nay220
    nay220 Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Yolanda and I'm 58 yrs old and I started running/jogging for myself. What motivates me is
    That I'm doing this for me and my health. I go out every morning and I jog or power walk. I lost 5 pds
  • I'm 49......started running 2 years ago (at 220 lbs).........went from the couch to the marathon...........and just completed my second marathon yesterday (at 179 lbs)..........cut 33 minutes off my first time can be done. If I can do it, anyone can. Encourage your mom to start. "The miracle is not in the finishing........but the miracle is having the courage to start." So true!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Wearing good shoes is VERY important. If you don't have any I strongly suggest you get some, as I think that will help the shin splints. Good luck!

    Yes, before I started I went to the running store and they fitted me. Had me run on the treadmill and all that to get the correct shoes. I even took the first ones back and got a different brand and it's the same. I'm pretty frustrated with it all, I just want to be able to work up to running a 5K at some point.

    Do you have the opportunity to run off road? I do most of my running on a dirt road and my shins don't bother me like they did on the asphalt. ...just thoughts I think if it does keep up you might want to see the doctor. Shin splints are unusual, but you should be able to move past them at some point.

    It took me a long time to get past shin splints. I too had good shoes and did icing and all that but shin splints still derailed me. As noted in my own comment, I had to cut the c25k run times back to 30 and even 15 seconds and I eventually had success. I also run mostly on trails and recommend trail running as it provides a nice soft surface. But do take care, uneven and rocky or rooty trails can be even worse on shins. Dirt roads are great and probably the best for a beginner, but I love trails. It often takes us "seasoned" folk a little more effort to get going, but running is really worth the effort it takes to get started.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I started running in my mid-fifties and I’m now 59. I had to take it really slow to start with since I kept getting shin splints even with a slow build up like c25K. Where c25k called for 60 second jogs I had to do 30 second sets and even just 15 for a while. But I stuck with it and it paid off for me. I am primarily a cyclist and use running as cross training and to help build bone density. I did a 5k trail run this morning and managed a 9:07 pace, which is quite fast for me. I spent a year or two at an 11:00 to 12:00 min pace so just getting to 10:00 last year was thrilling. Speed has never been a major goal for me, but running at 9:07 has me thinking perhaps I can get into the eights. But mostly I adore just being outdoors and enjoying the sun, wildlife, and being immersed in nature. And the ole “runners high” is priceless! Running is a great boost for the spirit, soul, and body. It’s great for people of any age but has special benefits for people of my generation who refuse to give in to age easily.

    Umm...You Rock!!! I just ran a road race last weekend and was practically doing cartwheels because I finally ran 9 m/m!!! Nice! Thanks for your story...I think this is exactly how my mom needs to approach c25k!