Why does a fatter/larger person need more calories?



  • werterr
    werterr Posts: 3

    I have trouble understanding exactly how many calories I'm supposed to eat. I am 187 pounds. I eat about 1200 to 1500 calories a day. I guess I'm doing it wrong!

    Any idea how much I'm supposed to eat? MyFitnessPal says 1,200, but thats never enough for me. So like I said, I eat a little more.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    Mostly I'm very frustrated with myself for not understanding how all this math and ideas fit in with me losing weight. I've put on more muscle than I had 40 pounds ago, so why am I not burning more? If I burned more at 313 and doing nothing, why am I burning less at 267 and exercising 5-6 times a week, and why does the latter not lower my weight?

    I'm eating more fruits and veggies, drinking enough water (about 80 ounces) that I have to get up and pee 3 times a night, exercising, and building muscles. I cut back on portions, measure and weight foods, and pushed out my delicious BBQ chips. Sadly, I can't forget what I've learned and go back to that stressless time when I didn't know about BMR, TDEE and Jillian Michaels.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Even if its fat you don't want...all your body mass takes calories to maintain and feed and hydrate. If there's more of you, it takes more to keep all those cells healthy, as best as your body can. When you lose weight, some of those cells are "sacrificing" their energy potential content (fat) to fuel the rest of you, since you're at a deficit to maintain all of them.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    This topic got me thinking:

    In the OP, he says, "the minimum someone should eat is "bodyweight * 10" in calories. Multiply your weight by 10, if you're eating below that number, you're not eating enough."

    Ok, to me that would be 2670 cals a day to lose weight. The underlying question is why? Why does a fat/large person need to eat so many calories?

    As many people have said, the more you weigh, the more calories your body has to burn to maintain your muscle, pump blood through your body, move yourself around, etc.

    That said, the statement of eating at least 10 times your body weight in calories is way too much of an oversimplfication, which may be way off for some people. MyFitnessPal bases your automatic calorie target on several pieces of data that you input: gender, age, weight, height, activity level, and desired weekly weight loss. Those are used to estimate the number of calories you burn in a day, then 500 to 1000 calories (depending on what you picked for weekly weight loss) are subtracted from the total to give you a calorie target.

    This is going to be much closer to an accurate value than just multiplying your body weight by 10.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Try not to stress out. Stress hormones tell your body to hold onto its fat because something bad is gonna happen!

    Yes, it sucks that as you get smaller, your caloric needs decrease, but it's a fact. I like the premise of the fat2fit way where you eat maintenance for your goal weight so you basically eat the same amount of calories forever!

    What I think is obnoxious is that when me and boyfriend run together, he burns more calories even though I have shorter legs so I have to work harder to keep up! And since he has a higher allowance, sure he is hungrier, but a 1.5k binge would be all my calories on a low active day and like half of his! So much more room for mistakes. Oh well! I love this body much more than my old one, even if it is more work to keep!
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Oh well! I love this body much more than my old one, even if it is more work to keep!

    I don't know what your old body looked like, but I can't blame ya for being proud of what I see in your profile photo. Great job!
    HYBRIDXXX Posts: 86
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Think of it this way:

    When you lose 100lbs walk around.............

    Then, pick up 100lbs of weight in your hands...........and walk around.............in which way would you be exerting more effort?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you need more calories because it takes more effort to move a 250 pound 5'5 body around than it does to move a 150 pound 5'5 body

    you should eat as many calories as possible (but still enough of a deficit to lose) because it helps you preserve muscle mass. most people especially newbies, think they are packing on all this muscle when they exercise, but they aren't, especially the female ones. you simply dont have the chemical makeup or the training schedule and definitely not the necessarily calories if you're only eating 1200 calories to build muscle. if all it took to build muscle was a 5 pound weight, a dvd and 30 minutes on the elliptical then why would some bodybuilders need to work out hours and hours targeting specific muscles, eating specialized diets and taking supplements?

    you also should eat as many calories as you can because it reduces the risk of you gaining the weight back once you've taken it off. there's only so long you can eat way below your BMR and not damage your metabolism. it takes months to take significant weight off, so you're essentially going to force your body into a somewhat starvation mode. once you get off your diet. your body is going to respond from its recent famine by reducing your BMR and storing as much fat as possible in case there's another similar famine in the future
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    most people especially newbies, think they are packing on all this muscle when they exercise, but they aren't, especially the female ones. you simply dont have the chemical makeup or the training schedule and definitely not the necessarily calories if you're only eating 1200 calories to build muscle. if all it took to build muscle was a 5 pound weight, a dvd and 30 minutes on the elliptical then why would some bodybuilders need to work out hours and hours targeting specific muscles, eating specialized diets and taking supplements?

    That tells me not to bother with any sort of weight lifting at all. Wish you'd told me 4 hours ago before I did my 40 minutes. Thank you.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    1. Blanket statements like the one that person made in that thread are almost always wrong.

    2. In addition to what everyone else said, also recognize that fatter people can tolerate larger deficits/quicker weight loss
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Because bigger people burn more calories doing simple daily activities.

    Why do I burn more calories? Because I'm carrying around so much weight? If so, then why bother building up muscle?

    I know these are ridiculously stupid questions, but I'm sick wondering.

    Building muscle isn't the issue. You may already have a good percentage of muscle mass. KEEPING existing muscle mass is the issue. If you just diet (with no exercise) ... it's more likely that you will lose muscle tissue along with fat.

    For those of us who are older (myself included) .... we will lose muscle as we age. Older folks need to take specific steps to KEEP it.

    Yes, it's true having more muscle increases your metabolism ...... this is really a small number. The real benefit to muscle is that it's compact ....... while fat is just a blob. I don't want to be a blob. Muscle makes you "appear" thinner.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    when you carry around more body fat your body has to work harder supplying blood, and removing waste. fat cells are cells too. narrowing arteries and veins make your heart work harder to pump the blood through. if you have fat deposits on your organs, your organs work harder.

    you breath harder, and your muscles ( including heart) work harder during physical activity.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    a friend of mine ( she's on here) made a great visual statement for me last week. she's lost almost 40 lbs. she said, " i can't believe i've lost the equivalent of my 6 yr old."

    my 7 yr old weighs 40 lbs i would have a VERY hard time carrying her around in my arms or on my back ALL DAY LONG. even more so if i was trying to lose a 50, 60, 80, 90 + lbs person. if you had to carry around a person that weighs what you are trying to lose, think of how much energy it would take!

    i look at my kids and think, "WOW!! i can basically lose one of them and still have wiggle room!!!!! " it's a pretty good visual for me :-)
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Because bigger people burn more calories doing simple daily activities.

    Why do I burn more calories? Because I'm carrying around so much weight? If so, then why bother building up muscle?

    I know these are ridiculously stupid questions, but I'm sick wondering.

    Muscle actual helps burns fat, you need it. It may weight more but it helps burn it better. :) I forgot about this when I asked why my bf can eat like a pig and be in better shape than me, well I forgot he lifts heavy bags of ice during the summer n builds tons of muscle, then over the winter hes laid off, eats like a horse, and only gains like 15 pounds. I know, lucky dog.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    You know how when you drive a car over a certain speed, or you tow a heavy load with it and you basically bring your MPG down?

    Yeah it's basically like that.
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    I have a reaccurring agrument with my girlfriend at the gym while on the treadmill. We will both run for an hour. She will run faster and farther but I will always have more calories burned than her. Facts are facts. It takes more energy to move my 190 lb frame than it does to move her 135 lb frame. Like the comment above, this is applied to all daily activities.

    The reason you burn more is because your heart has to work harder, not directly because you have more fat but indirectly because your body had more work to do to flail around. Plus she may be more in shape than you.

    You're point is correct, but you can't trust a treadmill! Those things are notoriously inaccurate. Get a Heart Rate Monitor if you want to be accurate.

    Wrong. I have about 8% body fat and run 4-5 marathons a year. I burn more energy because I have more mass. It simply takes more energy to move a larger frame compared to a smaller frame. Treadmills are inaccurate? I never once said that in my first comment. I agree that they are but I think you missed the point.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    most people especially newbies, think they are packing on all this muscle when they exercise, but they aren't, especially the female ones. you simply dont have the chemical makeup or the training schedule and definitely not the necessarily calories if you're only eating 1200 calories to build muscle. if all it took to build muscle was a 5 pound weight, a dvd and 30 minutes on the elliptical then why would some bodybuilders need to work out hours and hours targeting specific muscles, eating specialized diets and taking supplements?

    That tells me not to bother with any sort of weight lifting at all. Wish you'd told me 4 hours ago before I did my 40 minutes. Thank you.

    weight training will help you KEEP your muscle mass while you're losing. basically because if you're regularly using it then you're body won't be as likely to use it as fuel. there's always some measure of muscle that you're body is going to dip into when you're on a weight loss program. from what i understand the ratios are going to be different based on your individual body type, but anyone of any body type can help push the body to use more fat than muscle by doing weight training.

    also since the body gets efficient at doing exercises, you always want to make sure you are increasing the weights you use. otherwise you're making it easy for your body to use some of that muscle as fuel
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    most people especially newbies, think they are packing on all this muscle when they exercise, but they aren't, especially the female ones. you simply dont have the chemical makeup or the training schedule and definitely not the necessarily calories if you're only eating 1200 calories to build muscle. if all it took to build muscle was a 5 pound weight, a dvd and 30 minutes on the elliptical then why would some bodybuilders need to work out hours and hours targeting specific muscles, eating specialized diets and taking supplements?

    That tells me not to bother with any sort of weight lifting at all. Wish you'd told me 4 hours ago before I did my 40 minutes. Thank you.

    Try not to read the over explanations especially when you are new to the whole weight loss process. The reason why people who weight more need to eat more is because you have a lot more of everything (blood, tissue, weight in the form of body fat and muscle etc.) than an average size person. Your body needs that many calories to make sure that everything is in working order this is going to be your BMR-Basal Metabolic Rate which is the number of calories that you need to eat for your body to function if you are in a coma. On top of that you have more mass that you carry around which allows you to burn more calories than the average person. Those two things are the reason you eat more than a smaller person

    About the strength training- It is suggested to have some form of strength training in your routine to MAINTAIN muscle. When you lose weight you do lose fat, but the smaller you get, the less muscle you need to carry around your body weight there for you lose muscle. If you have strength training you will be able to better preserve that muscle you already have and lose as little as possible.

    If you don't strength train you run into the problem of being potentially "skinny fat" because you will lose a lot of muscle and not as much fat and be just skinny instead of skinny and fit.

    Edited to say: It is extremely difficult to gain muscle while cutting calories. your body needs a large amount of protein extra to get a big gain from muscle. most gains with women are from water weight.

    you can use this to get an idea of your BMR: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    There are other calculators that are good on this website as well. Message me if you have any questions.

    I hope this makes sense.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    The key focus should be changing your body composition.

    Want to burn fat? Lift weights and do cardio.

    Women seem to have this horribly misguided idea that if they do one set of squats they will she-hulk out.

    Instead what you are doing is a very solid anabolic exercise that puts demands on your body to start using as many carbs as it finds to fuel muscle repair/growth after you worked them all (and squats are just about a full body lift).

    In the absense of carbs, fat gets sythesized to fuel this. You cannot build muscle mass as quickly as a man without taking some kind of growth hormone or testosterone, but you can build muscle. Sure you can eat below 1000 calories if you have a ton of fat, you won't start consuming muscle, nor will your metabolism slow down in any level that makes a difference. If you eat way below your BMR but have a solid balance and you feel good, I wouldn't worry. We have fat as a reserve energy source precisely so our body does not consume anything else important; like muscle.

    This is a biological principle for pretty much all mammals.

    Honestly eating at below your maintenance by a decent amount that you feel comfortable with, lifting weights, and doing cardio will make you burn fat in a healthy, smooth, and reasonably quick manner. You will feel much better through the day, sleep better, screw better, and generally just be a happier person.