Easy and Healthy Lunch Ideas??

Does anyone have heathly lunch ideas that they would like to share?
I am looking for ideas that are easy to make, preferably the night or even weekend before.
I am tired of salads, low sodium lunchmeats and tuna. I would really like to try lentils and quinoa.
Lunch is the bulk of my caloric intake for the day, so I need them to be hearty and healthy!

Thanks in advance!!


  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Here's something easy to do. At the beginning of the week prepare a bunch of protein like chicken breasts, thighs, pork lion chops, marinated tofu, etc. There pair that with the carb, fruit, and veg you like during the week. This could easily become salads, sandwiches, soups, omelettes whatever you want. It takes very little effort.

    For example: Hubby through a bunch of stuff on the grill Saturday. Today I'm having some BBQ pork loin with homemade humus, whole wheat pita, and carrot sticks.
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    I have several recipes but I will need to pull them from file. However, here is a quick one you can look up. Try the Green Goddes Chicken Wraps from Sunset magazine. Go to the the recipe section and do a search for the green goddess. I believe the entire wrap is 600 cal; however, I made some modification to decreese the calorie. The dressing calls for 1/2 of mayo and 1/2 c of sour cream but I have subsistuted low-fat may and low fat greek yogurt for the sour cream. The dressing has about 3 or different herbs or spices so the flavor isn't lost by adding low fat may/yogurt. It has been a while since I made but as a recall the recipe makes a large batch of dressing so I only put about 1/4 low-fat mayo and 1/4 of the greek yogurt. I also skip the anchovy. You are supposed to toss the chicken with the dressing but I just pour a couple of tablespoons on the chicken or just drizzle some dressing directly on the wrap and then directly on the chicken and veggies. Sometimes I skip the chicken and pile on the veggies. I believe I manage to cut about 140 calories using these modifications. If you cannot find the recipe, I'll be more than glad to send it to you. I'll pull my other recipes out and send them your way. by the way you can make this the night before.
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Jeni, I have another idea for you...stir fry veg with strips of chicken and serve over a serving of brown rice. When I make this for dinner I make a extra for lunch. I use whatever vegies I have on hand such as mushrooms, bell peppers (red, yellow or green), green beans, zucchini, etc... and a 4 oz chicken breast (per person) into strips. Heat up a wok or a pan with 1 tsp sesame oil. I cook the chicken first and when done I remove from the pan. add another tsp of sesame oil and I usually start with the mushrooms then I add the rest of the veggie. Don't forgot to add the salt and pepper.

    By the way, did you find the sunset recipe for green goddes chicken wraps? If not, I will be more than glad to email it to you.

  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    If I have an early morning and no time to prep a lunch I will make a quiche the night before. I guess its not really a quiche since it has no crust or cream/milk. I use about 6 or 7 egg whites and loads of broccoli and tomatoes (or any veggies I have on hand but this one is my fave). Bake it, let it cool and take it with me the next day with hotsauce. Low cal, high protein and you could add whatever you wanted to increase the caloric intake and protein factor.