Friends Needed


i have rejoined and need friends!! I think I may stick with the program if I have connections. I am 47 trying to lose weight for health reasons mainly. I need to loose around 45. I want to loose and KEEP it OFF. I know I can loose the weight- it is the keeping it off that is the hard part. I have lost the same pound over and over.... yikes...



  • hall1751
    hall1751 Posts: 5
    Add me if you want - I just joined over the weekend and I'm mainly doing it for health reason to - and the same situation with keep losing it and putting it back on!

    Best of luck!

  • You can add me if you'd like :) I'm also trying to lose weight for health reasons.
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    Welcome.. Anyone can feel free to add me. I am on everyday !!
  • toxicmikki
    toxicmikki Posts: 60 Member
    Welcom to MFP! Please feel free to add me...I'm on everyday and would be happy to provide motivation and support! Best of luck to you :)
  • Hello everyone! I joined a while ago too, but haven't used it at all. With so much going on, my weight gain just keeps going up. I am 32 and need to loose about 75 lbs for health reasons and because I just feel disgusting. 32 and a size 16 is NOT where i intended to be!

    Hoping to utilize the tools I can.
  • friend request sent
  • tjohnson777
    tjohnson777 Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined today and need to lose weight for health reasons also. I've lost and gained, lost and gained and I've found the older I get the harder it gets to lose the weight. I'm 45 and am about 80 lbs overweight. Need friends for support and accountability.
  • EmilyCholette1990
    EmilyCholette1990 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Its great to have friends on here to keep motivated. Im looking to lose between thirty and forty pounds and I dont want this to be a quick fix either but a lifestyle change :) take care!
  • hey my name is ashley, i am trying to improve my health and get fit for summer! i wanna feel sexy and confident about myself! i am new to this and need motivational friends who have the same goal as me; let's be workout friends! :)
  • vyolette
    vyolette Posts: 23
    Me too! : )
  • shamansa
    shamansa Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me. Let's all motivate each other!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    :bigsmile: Welcome back! 48 here.............friend me if you'd like
  • Hi. I am 43. I joined about a week ago. I lost 12 pounds and gained in back. It will almost be a year since I lost the weight. I lost it through long distance cycling. I still ride my bike, but I want to lose weight through a balance of exercise and diet this time. We can encourage each other to stay on our diet and not yo yo.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Would be glad to be friends if you would like.
  • Jll1484
    Jll1484 Posts: 3
    Feel free to add me! :smile: I am new here myself! I don't have support through family - I am hoping to find it here!
    Have a great day!
  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    Fill free to add me. I'm 53 and love MPF. Have a great day.
  • Feel free to add me as well = )
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Happy to have other to mutual support.. please add a lil message
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! I am here everyday and as often as possible, Anyone who would like to add me as a friend feel free to do so when ever you are ready to have an extra friend:laugh:
  • I would love to help support you on your way! Feel free to add me! :)