Contraceptive pill and weight gain?

Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
I went on a new pill a month ago and I've gained five pounds already. I've been working out and TRYING to eat well but I keep getting completely insatiable cravings for sweet things (even though I've ALWAYS been a salty/savoury girl)

Has anybody else experienced weight gain on a new pill? If so, how can I counteract the major increase in appetite? I'm prone to binge-eating regardless of being on the pill, and I haven't been binging this month - much more-so OVEREATING.

I'm on YAZ. The pill DIANETTE led to a 60lb weight gain from my ideal weight at 17, and I lost 50 of those lbs a year ago.

I want to lose the last ten so bad but my weight is creeping in the opposite direction again, and I really need to be on birth control for my skin (hormonal acne problems) and for my long-term relationship.

Any replies/experiences will help xxxxx


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I had some weight gain but I'm not sure if it was related to the pill or the fact that I started adapting to the same eating habits of my boyfriend. I've noticed with pills you have a few months of getting used to it and then your body adjusts. I had some side effects but they went away after about 3 months.

    I think the only thing I've noticed in the form of weight gain has been on my chest. I was a B cup, now I'm a big C, small D at the same weight. Not complaining tho :)

    Personally, I think most of the weight gain associated with the pill is either water weight or just the fact that most girls get on the pill when they have boyfriends/husbands and that in itself leads to weight gain.
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    I started Lutera about two years ago, and had a weight gain of about 8 pounds in the first two weeks. I was eating very healthy and exercising regularly, and it STILL happened. I also broke out terribly (since I'm not on a tri-cycle pill) and felt nauseous and irritable constantly for the first 3 months.

    There were MANY times that I wanted to quit because the experience was so terrible.
    I'm glad I didn't, because after those first 3 months I have had zero problems. No more weight gain, no more breakouts, and no more nausea. It takes the body a while to adjust, and some undesirable things are likely to happen. Stay with it for a few months and you may find that your hormones chill out.
  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    I might consider switching again. I was on Yaz for a year and gained some too. However, I switched to Loestrin 24fe and didn't gain at all.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks guys! At least I know its normal for the boobs to get bigger (I've gone from a small B to a large C!) and I can tell it is water weight in part, HOWEVER the weird cravings for foods I don't usually lean towards is something I'm not sure how to handle!
  • damnedlady
    damnedlady Posts: 32 Member
    I've gained a lot on Yasmine. I then shed it after I quit them, but then I've gone back on a few times because it wreaks havoc on my skin when I'm off them. I'm off at the moment and now have the skin issue. I have no idea how to not gain on til pill as I always have. :/
  • nca88
    nca88 Posts: 2
    I've been on Lutera for almost 2 weeks now, since Aviane is out at most pharmacies, and the weight gain has been immediate. I was on Aviane for 1-2 years and I was able to maintain my weight at 107. Well, I've gained 4 lbs in almost two weeks with Lutera and it has been a nightmare. There is no change my eating habits, so it's leading me to think that its either slowing down my metabolism or making me retain water. Either way, I'm discontinuing this pill. I'm not going to letting this pill make me gain anymore weight.
  • Tofuface
    Tofuface Posts: 1
    I started on lutera last month, and after maintaining my weight for a long time, gained 4 lbs in about a month. A lb a week is not okay, and I think I'm going to try switching back to kariva, since I maintained my weigh just fine on it. I have been so bloated, and my stomach has been so upset, it's not worth it to me. Also, I noticed that my diet and exercise didn't really change, so I'm guessing it's lutera. :(
  • nca88
    nca88 Posts: 2
    It is also making me break out like crazy!!
  • Dinac84
    Dinac84 Posts: 1
    i gained 6 lbs the first month and have cellulite in places i never did before. I just finished the first pack and i'm scared to take next months because if i gain another 6lbs i will lose it. Also, my hormones were out of control on the active pills and spotted the week before my actual period, now on the non-active pills i'm not bleeding at all and i feel alot less crazy. Not sure if I should stick it out or not? I was on yasmin for 6 years and had no side effects till the last year when i started clotting really bad
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I was on the pill in college, and was at the lowest weight of my adult life.