5wks hardcore workouts = NO results!

I joined a bootcamp w/ a professional trainer (former NFL player) knowing I needed someone to push me past my own limitations and not take any excuses that I came up w/. I'm on week 5 of 6, 4x a wk.

I have cried several times during workout b/c it's soooo hard and it hurts! but yet, I am "loving" these workouts. I do feel I'm getting stronger (I can now bench 10lbs more than when I started) and I feel empowered by working out so hard. My moods are better, my stamina and energy have improved and I look forward to the next morning for class.

Thing is, I haven't lost ANY weight (goal is to lose 50lbs) and other than 1inch on my waist, I haven't lost any inches!!! I was introduced to MFP 3wks into camp and since then I have been keeping up w/ my food logging. I had it at 1200cal. and depending on the day (how hungry I was or not), I would or would not eat back my calories burned. Today I changed my goals from 2lbs a week to 1lb which upped my calories for the day. We shall see if this makes any difference.

The point of all this is this: I'm frustrated that I'm working soooo hard and yet see NOTHING !! I don't get it! I'm 32yo and when I lost my preggo weight I was 27 and lost 40lbs in 4mo. Does age really make a difference? I'm pretty sure my hormones are not well (haven't gone to the dr. though) and wonder if that is what's keeping me from losing??!!!

What am I doing wrong? what am I NOT doing? I need to SEE results in order to keep encouraged. As of now, I feel everything I'm doing is pointless and therefore I am tempted to EAT b/c what difference has NOT eating made????

I totally vented! Thanks for hearing me out peeps. I look forward to the May challenge, but I wonder if I will change any of my #'s (I'm restarting the bootcamp class for another 6wks once this one is done). Thanks for any advice or pointers, I need anything I can get!! ~ Elaine


  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    An inch is huge, maybe it is what you are eating but it sounds to me you are making progress
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    How is your food diary/logging. Exercise is great but real changes are made in the kitchen.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Topic says "NO results", yet.....
    I do feel I'm getting stronger (I can now bench 10lbs more than when I started) and I feel empowered by working out so hard. My moods are better, my stamina and energy have improved and I look forward to the next morning for class.

    Also, you will find that weight loss is driven mostly by diet, not exercise.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    with the amount of exercise you were doing, you may not have been eating enough. Since you've upped your calorie intake that should help.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    An inch is huge...
    Sometimes. :smokin:
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    If you're doing bootcamp, you should be nourishing your body properly (hard lesson to learn that 1200 calories a day is not enough). I eat 2000 calories a day and it works.... maybe it's time to up your calorie intake and as the last poster said true changes are made in the kitchen! Good luck on your journey!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Check out the group on here Eat More To Weigh Less. It will show you why you need to fuel your body for those workouts!
  • crawpapa
    crawpapa Posts: 156 Member
    Agree that while the SCALE might not show it....seems like a lot of other aspects of your life are....keep up the good work, focus on the positive, the scale will catch up.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Same boat - fun, right? :mad:

    I cant give you any advice because i've been working out/eating right for 4months now and havent seen a dent in terms of progress (weight loss or inches)
    all I can do is tell you that I feel your pain - it is extremely frustrating - and I want to "cave" all the time too
    just dont.
    all my friends on MFP have told me i need to up my calories - like by A-LOT!
    i was at 1200 too
    i've raised it to 1500 and see what that does.... fingers crossed.

    what does your trainer say?
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Topic says "NO results", yet.....
    I do feel I'm getting stronger (I can now bench 10lbs more than when I started) and I feel empowered by working out so hard. My moods are better, my stamina and energy have improved and I look forward to the next morning for class.

    Also, you will find that weight loss is driven mostly by diet, not exercise.

    Exactly what he said...you've obviously made signficant improvements in your strength over the last 5 weeks. You should be giving yourself a standing ovation! Stop looking at the scale! You're building muscle!
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    I would talk to your personal trainer and get a nutrition analysis done. If they don't know how to do that, they should know someone who can. You may not be taking in enough proper nutrients to work with this new activity and level you are doing it at. Your trainer should know more about you than anyone on here.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    An inch is huge,

    That is NOT what she said.....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    What am I doing wrong? what am I NOT doing? I need to SEE results in order to keep encouraged. As of now, I feel everything I'm doing is pointless and therefore I am tempted to EAT b/c what difference has NOT eating made????

    What I suspect is not eating enough. Programs like P90X and insanity are pretty crazy workouts (which seem to be in line with your workout) and they recommend no less that 1800 calories. So I would recommend eating back your exercise calories or at least 50% of them). If you don't know them, you can always set your profile to moderately active and not worry about exercise calories.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Sounds more to me like you are not eating enough calories. I cant be sure without seeing your diary. If you are working so hard you cry you may be overdoing it for the amount of food you are eating. I know its hard fro a lot of people to hear but to lose more you have to eat more especially when you are working out
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    When I was doing college track (3 hours/practice 5x/week) I thought I'd also restrict my calories to 1200. I didn't lose even a pound :frown:

    My coach told me about a month later that I should be eating 3500 per day to support my training (this was so I wouldn't lose weight, just gain muscle). I ate between 2800-3300 per day after that (most days I couldn't reach 3500, thats a lot of food!) and had to eat even when I wasn't hungry because I KNEW my body needed fuel. Sometimes I felt like I was going to gain so much weight because I was constantly eating, but over the course of two months I lost 5 lbs and felt awesome because I was stronger and leaner.

    If I was doing it just to lose weight, I would go down to 2300-2800 calories... You should definitely be eating more. You'll hear that a lot here, but if you really want to improve, you need to fuel. Be consistent with the calories you eat, and make sure you are getting enough to run your body's vital functions (BMR)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    1200 calories is not enough food for someone working out hard.

    I'm 5'5", 121lbs and I eat 2300-2800 calories a day to fuel my hardcore 5-6x a week workouts. And I'm STILL losing weight eating this much. Plus I have tons of energy for my workouts. Win!
  • Gel978
    Gel978 Posts: 19
    1200 calories seems pretty low especially for working out 4x a week.....from everything I've read on here you should be eating around your BMR. Im not an expert by any means, but there are many discussions about eating more to lose. Hopefully you find a solution....good luck!
  • emarge
    emarge Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for showing me that! That's amazing!!! Hopefully, I will be able to show those same kind of pictures w/in time............