over-weight and wanting to get pregnant

I am terrified that I am too fat to get pregant and I am working on it but I am still worried about being overweight when I get pregant. I am currently 186 and 5 foot 3 (which is still considered obese even though I don't look obese) with high cholesterol that is under control with medication. Any suggestions or encouragement from other women that are over weight


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I was 185 when I got pregnant.
    No problems conceiving at all.
    I was on birth control and an antibiotic!!!!
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    I was 185 when I got pregnant.
    No problems conceiving at all.
    I was on birth control and an antibiotic!!!!

    Ahh yes the old antibiotic/BC trap... :grumble:

    Poster: I wish you luck! You make talk to your doctor. Good luck in your trying!:flowerforyou:
  • katie517
    Wanting to get pregnant is my biggest motivation for losing weight. I am 5'4" and currently 180 lbs. Just about the same size as you. While I don't think there would be much risk/complications with conceiving or pregnancy in our "state," I want to be as healthy as I can be before we start trying to conceive. I just know that if I don't realize my goal before kids, I never will afterward. I'm young yet (24) and have plenty of time to think about having kids. So, I'm in no real rush other than being completely baby crazy.

    If you decide to get pregnant now, you can still keep up your new healthy lifestyle and your baby would sure appreciate it.

    Good luck! Shoot me a message if you need an ear or have any updates.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I was 224 when I got pregnant with my daughter :smile: Don't worry. Plus, because I was "obese" to start I actually lost 18lbs while I was pregnant with her bc her hungry little butt was taking it all and my body wasn't storing the excess anymore, she was getting it. :smile: Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i was 189lbs when i got pregnant with my son. there were no complications or any problems. i was told that because i was heavier i'd have to eat healthy/excercise. but i didn't listen and ended up gaining 50+ lbs, but had a totally healthy pregnancy.

    when i got prego with my 2nd, i hadn't lost much of my pregnancy weight, and then gained about 30+ with her. i've lost weight since having her

    we're thinking of trying for #3, and i'm currently 229lbs. this go round i'm going to make sure that i eat healthy and excercise. i was told that it would actually be ok for me to still be losing weight while prego because i am so much heavier

    good luck
  • missbabybee
    The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about it. I, too, want to have a baby, but my doctor has recommended that I lose some of the weight first. Not something I wanted to hear, but if it is safer for me and baby, then that's what I have to do. Being overweight during pregnancy increases your chance of gestational hypertension and/or diabetes, thromboembolic disease, and a bunch of other complications. It's not to say that you couldn't have a normal pregnancy, because you could, but the chances of these complications are higher, and it's dangerous not just for you, but for your baby too.
  • jewely82
    jewely82 Posts: 52 Member
    I completely understand. I want to be pregnant too. However, I also want to be a better weight when I do get pregnant. You have already lost a lot of weight so that you can have a healthier pregnancy. Just keep on eating healthy and exercising. If you do get pregnant now you can be happy with the knowledge that you have lost a bunch weight that will make your pregnancy that much better.
  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    Well when I was at my heaviest weight my family doctor said i should try to loose weight first. When I was in to see my obgyn in april she just told me to work on being healthy and exercising before then having the baby and she said everything would probably be ok. So I am still worried but we were going to try to start trying in Jan. I initially lost the weight but have mostly been maintain for the last few months...so I am afraid I won't loose much more before then....we will see.

    Thanks for the encouragement, adivce and support....it is nice knowing I am not alone because I don't know anyone in my situation to talk to about it!
  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Well first of all- I would love to say i'm in the 180's again!! and congrats on your weight loss already!
    Secondly- I found out I was pregnant when I was in the 190's, and 39 weeks later I was welcoming my completely healthy baby girl into the world!
    GOOD LUCK!! :flowerforyou:
  • oneforarun
    oneforarun Posts: 1 Member
    I was 272 when I became pregnant with my son. (I'm 5'11" so imagine Zena Warrior Princess pregs.) I gained 32 pounds with the pregnancy and went over 300 for the first and only time. My pregnancy went well until I went into labor--27 hours of natural before they decided on a c-section. My husband was in the room with me the entire time and he said that he was embarrased because the nurses were not able to move me in the bed and they had to call additional assistance in the room. Since then he has been fearful that if anything ever happened to me he would not be able to help move me. Three years later I am 254---trying to conceive and lose weight at the same time. Ideally it would be great to have my weight lower when I conceive however I'm a little older and my eggs are almost hard boiled.

    Good luck!