I bulked up, so now how do I lean out?



  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    10-15% under ur tdee on non workout days, and eat at tdee on workout days to get your defecit.

    what if i workout five days a week, whether its weight training or cardio. 2 days at a slight defecit is going to be enough?

    You'll still cut, but it will take longer. Are you strength training 5 days a week? If so, there's no real need and you should compress it down to 3 days if you can.

    no, lift 3 days a week. cardio 2 days a week. take 2 days off. also try to get some light cardio on lifting days.
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    I would also suggest googling figure competitor lean out/cutting diets...they have whole web sites dedicated to just this subject. I couldn't believe that these girls are willing to share their diet plans when I read them. Most of them cut down to eating only two servings of complex carbs in the first one or two meals a day and they seem to cut back on fruit. Some cut back or eliminate dairy as welll....lots of green fiberous veggies and lean meat/protein seems to be key. My aunt is a pro figure competitor and she hates to lean out before shows.....she ends up doing two a day cardio sessions (30 minutes each-one am/one pm) and she continues to lift heavy. The goal is to maintain as much muscle as possible while cuting fat. Amanda Latona has a great cuting diet that I've seen when I googled her.

    I actually have two close friends that are competing (one figure, one bodybuilding...both women!!!) but I don't feel like their diet is very balanced or maintainable. They eat no fruit and eat boiled chicken for breakfast. But they don't do it for more than 12 weeks so for them it's ok. I want something more for longterm success. I also can't do those two day cardio sessions. They work out all day!!!
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    Just keep lifting and eat at a slight deficit.......complicated, no.

    i like this suggestion
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I totally agree....it is something that I couldn't maintain for a long time either. I don't think people realize how hard it is to look like that. My aunt doesn't have chicken for breakfast but I think she may sprout feathers from all the egg whites she eats....blah!
  • Jswimmer84
    Take a look at 5 changes you could make to shed excess fat:

    1) Cut down on your white carbohydrates, this will include foodstuffs thats containing bread, pastas, white rice and potatoes. Carbs are components that take a lot more time to break down and quickly turn into fat.

    2) Substitute for sugar filled and caffeinated beverages as an example soda and espresso with natural juices. The sugar and calorie content in many beverages are absolutely silly, and they provide virtually no benefits to your state of health in the least. While soft drinks and coffees can provide a burst of fast energy, fruit or vegetable juice can equally do the same however with increased rewards and longer lasting changes.

    3) Cleanse your body and normalize your system with dietary fiber. Doing this should allow you to eliminate all the waste and extra things that you simply do not desire in your physique. you can find fiber in food such as breakfast cereal or oatmeal, peanuts, fresh and dried fruit, and veggies.

    4) Drink a lot of fluids for example drinking water, herbal tea and herbal juice. This tends to help you stay fuller through the day, together with keeping your body hydrated and cleaning your digestive system.

    5) Stay clear of processed, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated food. Not only are these unhealthy, but also possess cancer-causing substances.

    Source: http://learnfatburningfurnace.com/why-you-should-just-say-no-to-diets-to-burn-fat-part-2/
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,991 Member
    Same routine, just eat less.