anyone here finished couch to 5 k

I ran week 5, day 2 today and it was HARD. I really feel like its impossible i'll do 20 minutes straight on weds. At the end of every week so far I've thought, ''wow next week is gonna be hard, i can't imagine running more than the *however many minutes ran* today'' but then on the day ive sailed through (i wouldnt say it was a breeze but its obviously not supposed to be)

My question is, did anyone feel like this after week 5 day 2 and then the 20 minute run wasn't too hard? I need faith! Ive done so well so far!


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Day 2 of every week was harder for me than day one or three. Slow down a little bit if you need to, and keep on trucking.

    I felt so good during W5D3 that I ran 25 minutes instead of 20! But I should also add that even now, after almost a year and a half of running, with about a dozen races under my belt... I still sometimes have to walk a little. Do what you gotta do to get through it.
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm just starting tonight, I'm nervous! Has it been good to you & when you do the "Run" are you more jogging at first??
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Scarlettgeorg, I it and I totally agree with LorinaLynn. If it feels really hard one day, just slow down a bit. You can always repeat a week if you feel like you need extra time. This program will help you get more in tune with your own body. There will be days that you have to walk or slow down, and that is ok. Just keep going and it will get better.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Slow is best when you're just starting. The right pace is one where you could almost, but not quite, walk just as fast.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I've finished the C25K plan and have now moved beyond. I remember being terrified of the 20 minute run, and it wasn't as hard as I expected.

    A few tips/tricks:
    Work on your breathing - in through the mouth for 3 seconds, out through the mouth for 3 seconds
    As your runs times/distances increase, slow your pace down (even if you think you couldn't go any slower)
    Some days you will have good runs, other days your legs feel like lead. This will continue through your running career
    If you need an extra DOR, take it.
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 99 Member
    yeah 100% jogging, i dont think anyone actually runs do they? i'd die haha.
    it has been good to me though, i love it! its making me feel like i can do anything if i put my mind to it, jogged 8 minutes today which i would not have been able to do when i started.

    you'll love it, i'm sure.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I'm just starting tonight, I'm nervous! Has it been good to you & when you do the "Run" are you more jogging at first??

    running is very relative. start with a slow jog. No need to sprint a 5k. The more you run, the faster you will get. But to start, start nice and slow. I think alot of people hear "run" and try to go as fast as they can. You can't keep that pace up if you are a beginner. Just go at a nice even pace and you will be fine.
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 99 Member
    and thankyou guys!
    i'm so excited but so scared - i don't want to let myself down by walking & having an extra day but i will if i need it. hopefully i'll just push through the pain ;)

    and yeah i have noticed im getting a bit slower i think, i dont want to burn myself out before the end of the session.. :)
  • slynn88
    slynn88 Posts: 14 Member
    I just completed the program a couple weeks ago, and I felt the exact same way. In the beginning when it jumped from 90 seconds of running to 3 minutes, I thought there was no way I could do it. And when week5 day 3 came along I was sure I would have to take a break. But I started out slowly and by the halfway point I was feeling pretty decent. I still went ridiculously slow because I didn't want to push myself too hard and not be able to complete the entire 20 minutes. I knew if I didn't finish it that day I would be too discouraged to finish the rest of the program. But luckily I went slowly enough that I made it and it felt amazing. I know you can do it! Best of luck! :)
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I want to do this program but I have been wondering what people use to time the segments. Like how do you keep track of when your 60sec for jogging ends and then your 90 sec of walking ends. I don't think the timer on my iphone will do it without me having to stop and change the timer after each segment. Not sure if my HRM does it either.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'll be graduating from the program this week, and let me tell ya, Week 5 and 6 were the hardest for me! The 20 minute run is terrifying, but 90% of it is mental. If you did the 12 minute run without feeling like you were dying at the end, you will definitely be able to run 20 minutes. You just have to keep your brain from tricking you into thinking that you "need" to stop. You don't. Go very slow, and control your breathing. And DON'T keep looking at your watch/phone/etc. :) Good luck and let me know how it goes!
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm just starting tonight, I'm nervous! Has it been good to you & when you do the "Run" are you more jogging at first??

    running is very relative. start with a slow jog. No need to sprint a 5k. The more you run, the faster you will get. But to start, start nice and slow. I think alot of people hear "run" and try to go as fast as they can. You can't keep that pace up if you are a beginner. Just go at a nice even pace and you will be fine.

    Thanks everyone!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    i finished it and loved the program :)
  • MariDavidson
    MariDavidson Posts: 3 Member
    I want to do this program but I have been wondering what people use to time the segments. Like how do you keep track of when your 60sec for jogging ends and then your 90 sec of walking ends. I don't think the timer on my iphone will do it without me having to stop and change the timer after each segment. Not sure if my HRM does it either.

    There is a C25K app for your phone that you can download that has voice prompts to tell you when to run, or walk.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I want to do this program but I have been wondering what people use to time the segments. Like how do you keep track of when your 60sec for jogging ends and then your 90 sec of walking ends. I don't think the timer on my iphone will do it without me having to stop and change the timer after each segment. Not sure if my HRM does it either.

    If you have the iPhone use the RunKeeper app. You can program the intervals to tell you when to run/walk based on the week you're on. Then you can have the app play your running playlist. The app is free and it will be useful once you complete the C25K.
  • meadowmail77
    meadowmail77 Posts: 64 Member
    I have! I've run two 5k races (albeit it slowly since I am still very slow but I ran the whole time!) and I often go to the park and run 5ks for a work out. I have a hard time doing 5ks on my treadmill. i just dont like running on there as much as I like running outside.
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I used to dread each week and how much more I'd have to push myself to keep going. But everytime I finished another days run- I felt so awesome that I did it that it gave me the motivation to keep going. Not only did I become a C25K graduate, I kept running afterwards and had gotten up to 40-50 minutes of running at a time. You can do just have to believe that you can!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I completed C25K and am still going strong.

    Go at your own pace & if you have to repeat a day or a week that is ok. Do you use a treadmill, if so maybe try out doors. I prefer to run outdoors. Just keep at it & don't give up ~ you won't be sorry. It's a great program :smile:

    Good luck & feel free to add me for some added support.
  • barbtill
    barbtill Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, we did the 20 minutes and lived to tell! We are about to start week 7, though in week 6 we repeated the 10 minute run 3 minute rest several times. So we are still going through the program, one run at a time! Isn't it a great feeling ?