What is your favorite guilty pleasure that isn't food?



  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Morning sex.

    So not a morning person. :(

    Well how about in the middle of the afternoon with all the windows open?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Morning sex.

    This, after I have my first cup of coffee. Helps provide energy....
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Anything on TLC/Bravo. Especially stuff like Say Yes to Dress, Pregnant in Heels, or Hoarders.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    painting my nails! haha I have tons of nail polishes and have tried lots of different techniques.. right now its a ´marble´ one (white, green, blue, purple and yellow) :)

    And well, another stuff thats ints not appropiate for this site :blushing: LOL
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    I love watching all the cheesy loves stories on Lifetime for Women. The acting is always sooo bad but I cant stop watching them. I also really like to clean my ears with q-tips...oooohhh thats the best feeling ever. (Ok, well maybe not EVER, but it comes pretty close!) I also like to watch Lizard Lick Towing...they are soooo country it's ridiculous, but they make me laugh.
  • Maddy__H
    Maddy__H Posts: 28 Member
    TOWIE !!!
  • LifeChangingExp
    LifeChangingExp Posts: 454 Member
    Say what you want but truth is I really, really enjoy crocheting and pattern weaving.

    I'm just f'ing with you! It's porn.

    Here here. Lol
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    Anything on TLC/Bravo. Especially stuff like Say Yes to Dress, Pregnant in Heels, or Hoarders.
    I watch all those too! I love to watch Say Yes to the Dress. Do you ever watch My Fair Wedding? I can watch that for hours!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Celebrity Apprentice!
  • Walking in the woods all by myself. Just the joy of the quiet and peace is so pleasurable.

    Or curled up on the sofa reading a good book I can't put down.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Dancing with the Stars
    Taylor Swift
    The Twilight Books and Movies (recently switched to team Jacob :blushing: )
    Accessories - scarfs, earrings, necklaces, nail polish, flip flops....I have way too many of these items
    Hello Kitty anything
    King Spa and Sauna
  • SabKab16
    SabKab16 Posts: 114 Member
    Cigarettes I don't know why I love smoking so much, but I just do.... I only end up doing it every time I go on vacation to a warm climate. lol.
    Thank god I don't do it otherwise.

    And sheesha/hookah. Love sheesha. Do that once a month.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    Costa Rican midget porn.

    But if I want to get REALLY dirty: BBC America - House of Commons
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    Pretty sure I'm not allowed to say it on MFP..... :noway:
    I agree I dont want to get kicked off!! :laugh:
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    I have SAD. No, not Social Anxiety Disorder...


    Yes, I'm a traditional wet shaver (scuttle, brush, lather, safety razor) and have recently realized I love buying new shaving creams, aftershaves, colognes and razors. HELP! ;)

    I also write some articles for Sharpologist.com if you gentlemen (or ladies) care to read.
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    reading b/c i feel soooo guilty sitting down and doing nothing; i need to be on my feet and doing work.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Costa Rican midget porn.

    But if I want to get REALLY dirty: BBC America - House of Commons
    <<<fans self>>>

    Because NOTHING says sexy like British politics!

    ... oh, and personally, I prefer midget porn from Thailand, but that's just me.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    Costa Rican midget porn.

    But if I want to get REALLY dirty: BBC America - House of Commons
    <<<fans self>>>

    Because NOTHING says sexy like British politics!

    ... oh, and personally, I prefer midget porn from Thailand, but that's just me.
    Maybe not SEXY but hot-n-DIRTY!!

    And Thailand you say, eh? *scratches chin*
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Nerd Alert: Electronics, building some new component, having fun designing something for my Ham Radio Hobby, or designing some new antenna to try out.