What do you eat when you REALLY want junk?! (Girls)



  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    Skinny Cow treats or ice cream....

    Skinny Cow ice cream!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    Everything! In moderation. Come on, it's a suckish time of the month. ;)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Banana and peanut butter. I make a version of Jamba Juice's Peanut butter Moo'd
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    Well, good thing I only get my TOM four times a year...
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Just curious - do you drink diet soda? I was totally amazed how much better I felt when I cut out all soda and stuck to water only. When I drink diet soda, I start craving all kinds of sweets and junk food!

    Nope, no soda at all here. I use to drink 5 cups of pepsi a day, i cut it out completely a few months ago. I know myself, if i had diet that would lead me back to regular. So just water all day :)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Everything! In moderation. Come on, it's a suckish time of the month. ;)

    LOL! If only i can get this moderation thing down! Especially during that time of the month. I would just keep going. Sigh.
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    A lunchable haha. I'm a little kid, but it really helps me when I want "junk food" and it's 390 calories. I get my juicebox to make me feel like a 5 year old, I get a piece of candy (mmm pb cup!) and I get the carbs I'm so desperately craving from the crackers. It's not completely unhealthy, so I go with it and it helps me not cave into eating an entire bag of fritos with a jar of salsa con queso...
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    I usually tell myself I can have one if I walk to the store for it (about a 45 minute walk there and back), which burns off most of the extra calories anyways, let alone that after a walk I usually feel like picking up something less heavy.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Well, good thing I only get my TOM four times a year...

    Same here! But is Zero times xD hehe
    Thank goodness!
  • LaTeasah
    LaTeasah Posts: 1 Member
    When I want something sweet I eat Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds. Now when I say delicious I mean DELICIOUS.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I try to make healthy swaps, which is what it sounded like you did. Sometimes I will have some cereal and throw in a few chocolate chips. Other times, I will make whole wheat banana chocolate chip muffins...things like that. OR if it fits in your calories, just get a small bag/piece of what you're craving so you will only have it that once.
  • missyfarr
    missyfarr Posts: 22 Member
    mango cream bars from Trader Joe's (like a half size mango creamsicle) and they're only 70 calories (if I recall correctly). YUM!!
  • april1126
    april1126 Posts: 65 Member
    fat free fudge bars help with the chocolate craving
  • Lniebuhr
    Lniebuhr Posts: 1
    I take a small glass bowl, put in about 1/4 cup of light whipped topping, 1 Tbsp of Hershey's syrup, and 10-15 chocolate morsels. This satisfies me completely.
  • Same here. But honestly I let myself have something a little unhealthy every day. And some days I struggle to get my calories up so I have something even more junk foody. I heard it's a good method to be healthy 80% of the time and be more relaxed 20%. So as long as the rest of my day is how it should be I'm perfectly okay with letting myself have a candy bar when I want it. But if you don't feel comfortable I'd say maybe a chocolate protein shake or whatever flavor you're craving and maybe some crackers to substitute for the cheetos. I just think that if your body is really wanting it, have a little. It won't kill you. It takes 3,500 extra calories to gain 1 lb
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Hmm...oh...I miss read this...oh well...honestly when it's really bad, I just give myself ONE really bad day, then I get that HOT FUDGE SUNDAE frozen custard or whatever I really, really wanted, so I don't go eat a bunch of stuff mindlessly like I end up doing when I secretly want something and follow up with some good slow burn foods like protein smoothie or something like that.
  • Organic Dark Chocolate Cocos Nibs if you have a bulk barn anywhere near you. I have fallin in LOVE with them they are 60cals for 10g and the chocolate is so pure that you only need 5-10 little nibs to satisfy any chocolate craving!
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Doritos, white chocolate and milk chocolate caramels. Milk duds, rolos, anything like that. I dont really crave chips but I could eat Doritos forever. Theyre the perfect chip. Lol. And mint chocolate chip ice cream! Its my TOM right now and ive got white chocolate kit kats if I need something. We will see.
  • KellyLyn4
    KellyLyn4 Posts: 63 Member
    plain popcorn :)

    Yep..I'm a popcorn girl here too. If you really like it buttery you can spray it with I cant believe its not butter. For sweet treats find those sugar free chocolate pudding cups.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Well, good thing I only get my TOM four times a year...

    ME TOO!!!! It's awesome!!!:drinker:
    My doctor said that theoretically, I could skip those too if I wanted to!!!