HELP! I've reached a plateau!

I have been working at this since November and have lost 22 pounds. Now, I know that 22 pounds in 5 months is a very slow rate (right?), but I am totally ready to get after it! This past month, I feel as if I have been eating well and walking/jogging my butt off but I am just not dropping any lbs!! ANY SUGGESTIONS?!

Need motivation. :flowerforyou:


  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Erika, Maybe you just need to adjust your routine, if you've been doing the same for a while. I've been focusing on metabolism: pump it up and make sure it's pumped all day: exercise first thing in AM, easy on the carbs, small meal/snack several times/day, rev it up with some exercise at least two times/day. Weight training for muscle, which burns muscle. The cardio doesn't have to be for long periods if it includes sprinting. :)MinMin
  • pigsfly1972
    pigsfly1972 Posts: 14
    I can't see your diary but things I have done are cut out white flour, wheat , gluten, eat smaller meals, Or a detox. I am eating a lot of habeneros, red chilli flakes.Lemon juice in your water first thing in the am. Listen to your body as well sometimes that helps. You probably already know this but no eating after 6 or 7. Try a different cardio& work different muscle groups.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    me too, not to discourage you but me for a long time like almost a year.... Change it up. I have started adding in strenghth and cardio starting to see some changes. thinking of buying insanity.
  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    I had the same issue recently -- I had lost 25 lbs and hit a wall and then again at about 32 lbs. My Beach Body coach told me to up my calories as I was only eating about 1200 a day, even on days I worked out. It took 6 wks of me working out, eating clean and still not losing ANYTHING to listen to him -- and trust me, I still have 60 lbs to go so there is plenty to lose. Last week I upped my calories to between 1300-1500 a day and if I workout I try to keep it around 1290 or so net and I lost 2.8 lbs. You may want to evaluate and see if you need to eat a litlte more or try calorie cycling -- if your daily calorie intake is 1200, do 1000 one day, 1400 the next, etc to where you get your calories for the week but in different increments daily so your body won't get used ot the same ole thing everyday. Hang in there, it's the worst part of the journey!
  • erikaleigh361
    erikaleigh361 Posts: 8 Member
    Noted, Thanks!

    Yesterday was my first day doing a LITTLE bit of strength training. I will continue with that! These are all good tips, I will be sure to follow them!!
  • erikaleigh361
    erikaleigh361 Posts: 8 Member
    really?! upping the calorie intake?! What are some things you eat on a daily basis?
  • erikaleigh361
    erikaleigh361 Posts: 8 Member
    @pigsfly . . . you said, "detox." I've been considering a detox but not sure what. What do you suggest?/What have you done?
  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    Well, I eat "clean" for the most parts, so whole foods as much as possible, not much out of a box or bag, and organic when affordable. I eat a lot of chicken and steamed broccoli, salad and LOVE the Bolt House salad dressings made from yogurt, they are SO insanely good, and for 2 tbsp it's like 45 cal and 4g fat, for ranch and it tastes just like the real thing. If I make a sandwich, I use Pocket Thin multi-grain pita bread, only 50 calories and low carb overall. I drink no pop, don't do sugar of any kind (except an OCCASIONAL piece of dark chocolate, but jsut one LOL), no white flour and really no white potatoes,lots of sweet potatoes and air popped popcorn. I kinda eat the same stuff all the time but I guess I like waht I like :)
  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    OH, and I drink Shakeology by Beach Body for breakfast, with unsweet almond milk. Its really, really good, low carb and low calorie meal replacement. Its made from whole foods and replaces a multi vitamin. I am not a morning eater and would normally skip breakfast but this is like having chocolate milk for breakfast which makes me happy!
  • one word for ya doll....Zumba! I am starting to get a sculpted look in my abs , thanks to this awesome dance workout. I go to a class 3 days a week, and it is sooooo much fun. Girl it will give you the abs you have been looking for.
  • erikaleigh361
    erikaleigh361 Posts: 8 Member
    I am googling Bolt House Farms and Zumba in my area!!! haha. Thank you so much, Ladies!
  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    Also one of my staples is Perdue Simply Smart lightly breaded chicken breasts. They are hard to find but sold in the freezer section. Nice sized chicken breasts, lightly breaded, so it feels like you are cheating. Just put them in the oven and you can put them in a salad or I make buffalo chiken pitas with them....or put pizza sauce on top and some low fat mozzarella cheese for chicken parmesan. SO GOOD and it's like 190 calories, 5g fat and 8g carbs, 29g protein. Cant beat them!!
  • SJgoertzen
    SJgoertzen Posts: 2
    First, congrats on the 22 pounds. That is a big accomplishment. As far as the plateau, your body gets used to your workouts and over time, you need to do something new to almost confuse your body. Switching to biking, rollerblading or plyometrics would give your body a shake up and may do what you need to shed a few more pounds. Tae bo is also great. Good luck :)