How to deal with *kitten* at the gym...

I spent a decent amount of time deciding between two gyms in my area and finally chose the larger one with more machines, more perks, pool, etc.

I discovered weight lifting and found my way to the machines in the weight room and the dumbbell rack but I've also encountered some really unsavory people that aren't exactly nice about me being there. Im waiting for my NROWL4W to arrive, hoping that knowing exactly how to do some more "manly" lifts will bring a little more respect but otherwise, what am I supposed to do?

The weight room is really intimidating for a big girl :ohwell:


  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    What do you do? Focus on what you're there to do. That may gain you some respect, that's been my experience, but if not who cares. You're not there to make friends.

    But honestly, a woman nosing about the weights room, who obviously isn't a member or dressed for a workout probably isn't going to be welcomed by the guys using it.

    You'll probably find their attitude changes a lot once you start turning up regularly and being serious about your workouts.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Don't pay attention to them. You've paid for the membership, you can lift the weights. Just get in and do your thing.

    Good on you for going at it!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Yeeeaahhh screw them!! Ur there to do what u want to do not what other think u should be doing! :) xxxx
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    But honestly, a woman nosing about the weights room, who obviously isn't a member or dressed for a workout probably isn't going to be welcomed by the guys using it.

    I go in after a 40-45 minute cardio warm make up, sweaty, face all flustered and hair a mess :/
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Although I no longer weight train, I spent a decade or so lifting in all types of different gyms, from spit and sawdust hardcore gyms where you'd never think about taking a shower and half the guys were working out still wearing their builders boots, to large fancy chains where most of the ladies are wearing full make up and designer gym wear (ok I exaggerate on the make up).

    Without exception it's the men in the fancy gyms that are the bigger idiots - and typically they don't know what the hell they are doing and look like crap, spending more time chatting with their popped-collar buddies and slamming down their dumbells with twice the force they lift them up with.

    Put your headphones on, escape into your own world, focus on what you are there for and ignore those fools. They're struggling with some deep-seeded insecurities (probably man-boobs and erectile disfunction) and are now revelling in their new domain where they can look down on a lady because she isn't as strong as they are. Pitiful.

    You could also have fun coming on here each week describing their latest stupid antics :-)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    It also depends on what they're doing. Unless they're sassing you, I doubt it's genuine assholery. Absolutely nothing wrong with looking at someone in the gym. Sometimes you're admiring their form. Sometimes you're admiring their -form-.

    I find at my gym, when they're looking at me it's mostly to see what I'm doing. I like it best when you notice someone nodding approvingly at you.

    Now if you have someone talking condescendingly to you, that's completely different and you deal with it by staring them down. ;)
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Well I started on the machines and worked my way over to do some bicep curls with a 10lb weight. Then realized it was too light and went for 15..too heavy...settled for 3 sets of 21s at 12.5 but the whole time there were two...well...chavs staring and laughing. :embarassed:
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Well I started on the machines and worked my way over to do some bicep curls with a 10lb weight. Then realized it was too light and went for 15..too heavy...settled for 3 sets of 21s at 12.5 but the whole time there were two...well...chavs staring and laughing. :embarassed:

    Similarities between a chav and a slinky -

    Both utterly pointless but fun to watch fall down a flight of stairs
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Well if you lift after doing cardio I understand them!!

    Kidding. I say just fake it until you feel it and go there as if you have done it all your life. You will see it is very fun to lift with the big boys
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member

    Similarities between a chav and a slinky -

    Both utterly pointless but fun to watch fall down a flight of stairs

    Ha Ha ^^^ THIS ^^^ :laugh:

    Just try and ignore these people, you're there for you, if they are laughing at you, it's only because they are jealous of your determination. You go girl! :flowerforyou:
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Get a pair of these ( they're worth it...but set your ipod's max volume to about 1/3 it's normal max. They are high isolation. You can be talking to me standing right in front of me and rather I'm listening to a cello solo or Hatebreed...I will not hear you. When I go to the gym I am in my own little world. F everybody else. I focus on having as close to perfect form as possible and measure myself against previous workouts.

    In life there are always going to be people who laugh at you...that's just the way it is. You're either strong enough to know who you are and do your thing or you're not.

    Your diet is slightly more important that what you do in the gym...the two of them combined are a potent combination for transformation.

    You are (believe it or not) not any different that tons of other people who have turned their lives around and now live healthy lifestyles.

    “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi

    Master your thoughts...that is the first step to mastering your life. If you want to do it, you will.

    I realize the irony in pairing a Gandhi quote with a pair of relatively high end audio gear.....//irony.
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    Eurgh. Idiots. I agree that they are just upset at a woman DARING to come into their designated macho man space. So they stare and make stupid comments to try and psyche you out and get you to leave and go back to the woman section - cardio machines. Don't let them win!! :)
  • tiffanic83
    tiffanic83 Posts: 64
    Or ask why they were laughing, that might shut them up.
  • Jasonhannen
    Jasonhannen Posts: 32
    The weight room is really intimidating for a big girl :ohwell:

    The world is FULL of ****heads, I tried teaching some a lesson when I was younger but realised there are too many out there, unfortunately we have to share our public spaces with idiots.

    It's what's on the inside that counts, let fools share our space and ignore them for they know not what it means to be a good person on the inside. Embrace the nice, kind helpful we meet on our life's journey.

    It doesn't matter how aesthetic a person is, you can be sure if they are not a nice person then they suffer with insecurities and will never feel love or reward in the same way that a good person will. So they are inferior and you are having the last laugh. you dont need to confront them, just know in your heart that you are a better person and there are also other better people out there sharing the world with these fools.

  • nbpoli
    nbpoli Posts: 13 Member
    Without exception it's the men in the fancy gyms that are the bigger idiots - and typically they don't know what the hell they are doing and look like crap, spending more time chatting with their popped-collar buddies and slamming down their dumbells with twice the force they lift them up with.

    This made me laugh so much! My gym is the same, and I would never dream of entering the free weights section, or c*ck corner as my friends and I call it. They either look down their nose at you for being in there, or stare at your bum without even attenmpting to hide it. It's such an intimidating place. It's definitely a no-go zone for women!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I always say if someone is watching. Give them something to watch.

    Just keep in your head that you are there for you.

    Screw em.

    If that doesn't work, spork them in the underballs.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    But honestly, a woman nosing about the weights room, who obviously isn't a member or dressed for a workout probably isn't going to be welcomed by the guys using it.
    I go in after a 40-45 minute cardio warm make up, sweaty, face all flustered and hair a mess :/
    Sorry, I thought you meant you went in there when you were checking the place out. Honestly just don't give them a second thought. Treat random people who happen to be in the weights room as irrelevant to you and they instantly become irrelevant.
    Or ask why they were laughing, that might shut them up.

    Yes, but challenge just one of them. Put a couple of men together and they can egg each other on, but catch a guy on his own and challenge his behaviour and he'll be incredibly embarrassed.
    I always say if someone is watching. Give them something to watch.

    Just keep in your head that you are there for you.

    Screw em.

    If that doesn't work, spork them in the underballs.
    Best advice EVAH! :bigsmile:
  • js370
    js370 Posts: 140
    Don't pay attention to them. You've paid for the membership, you can lift the weights. Just get in and do your thing.

    Good on you for going at it!


    Also, if you haven't already, put a routine together. I'm sure someone here can steer you in the right direction for a good routine.