tracking your strength training

Hi everyone,

I have kind of a stupid question but I was wondering where everyone tracked exercises such as weight lifting, squats, ab exercises, ect.

Do you track it under cardio exercises. or strength training?

I thought it should go under strength training, but I assume that I am burning calories while I do these exercises, so I don't want to create to much of a calorie deficit by not counting the calories I burned.

Any advice would be appreciated,
Thanks, klhain


  • verykristin
    I am tracking it in cardio. I don't think it's really an accurate representation of calories burned, but at least it's logging something. I work out pretty fast and furious with my strength training, so I know I'm creating a pretty good deficit.
  • twilight1542
    Track in both cardio & strength training. The calories burned for strength vary a lot so the number can be pretty off unless you use a heart rate monitor. Under trength training you can track your reps, sets, & weight which should change as you get stronger.

    I hope that helps :)
  • klhain
    klhain Posts: 35 Member
    Good to know. Thank you.