delicious things to put peanut butter on.....



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I beat 1tbsp. pb and 1 scoop chocolate protein powder with a tiny bit of almond milk, really mixed it up so it was a bit fluffy, then spread it (ie. piled half of the mix) on a peanut butter cookie. OH. MY. GLORY! Im a big fan of not use the powder to make shakes because it's always a bit gloppy.

  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Hershey bars!!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    wow your a D*ck
    You want to use "you're" there. Also, you want to use a lowercase "d", since it's not my proper name. Cheers!
    Oh noes!
    U hurted my interWebs feelingz

    eYe cant spelll or use grammmer correctly
    must slit wrists/
    Just bow to the master, he's been at it for longer than you have, that's all he wants.
    No, no. I just expect better comebacks.

    Ok, take it outside, kittens. What you are doing is hijacking a thread, which is against the forum rules and rude to the OP. I suggest you make it up to her by mailing her a Costco sized tub of peanut butter. Let's spread the love, shall we? :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • CoralConnor
    CoralConnor Posts: 42 Member
    carrots.. try it! It's healthy deliciousness... Just expect weird looks and comments
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Bananas!! This is my most recent "Fave" thing!!



    ... dare I go on?!?

    ... most odd thing for peanut butter that I have tried recently?!? A grilled peanut butter and cheese sandwich. Promise - it's actually quite awesome (though, I try and pretend that it's just "OK" for sake of pride! Ha!). Anyway - peanut butter on both pieces of bread, sharp cheddar cheese in the middle and a couple good shakes of hot sauce... grilled?!? DEEEEE- LISH!!

    ... I love peanut butter ...
  • paxier
    paxier Posts: 59 Member
    Rice Cakes and sliced banana. Yum..

    oh that sounds good! I love peanut butter on celery.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Lombrica, That actually sounds really good, and I'm not even pregnant.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    bump for ideas .. i like it celery
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    bananas and celery
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    Everything.... I :heart: PB!
  • Hairhacker
    Hairhacker Posts: 174 Member
    I can't believe nobody has said this... VANILLA WAFERS!! Am I the only one?? Sooo good!!
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Options !!!! :love:

    PB&J Pretzel Sundae??? Yes please and thank you! I think I might have to re-create that on my next cheat day! :bigsmile:
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I can't believe nobody has said this... VANILLA WAFERS!! Am I the only one?? Sooo good!!

    Ohhh... that would be good. I would add a banana slice and a chocolate chip. Mmmmm!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    wow your a D*ck
    You want to use "you're" there. Also, you want to use a lowercase "d", since it's not my proper name. Cheers!
    Oh noes!
    U hurted my interWebs feelingz

    eYe cant spelll or use grammmer correctly
    must slit wrists/
    Just bow to the master, he's been at it for longer than you have, that's all he wants.
    No, no. I just expect better comebacks.

    the lack of depth of the comeback was an insult in and of its self, it's cool though...sarcasm isn't for everyone :sick: