count veggie calories?

So i've been a bit off track for almost a full month now and i'm going to get back on track on Monday. I'm thinking about NOT counting the calories from my veggies. If after a week or two i'm not seeing the same results as my previous weight loss months then I'll start counting them again. I use to be crazy about it though and it takes up way more time counting them. Like putting in 2 mushrooms, 1/2 bell pepper, etc, etc all for one meal. And what i'm going to do is have 1,200 calories regular food so I for surely don't go into startvation mode but to where I still get all the veggies I want. Has anyone else done this? Did you have success or any failure in it???


  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    I don't normally count the "free" veggies. Like you, it just takes too much time. Lettuce, carrots, green beans, etc.

    I do count the salad dressing or any oil used and I always count the starchy veggies, like potatoes, corn, etc.

    I don't know if it will work for everyone, but it works for me.
  • nicoledenyse
    I dont count my veggies either. this may the wrong way going about it but i think about how veggies are alot better than eating mcdonalds , which i could have been eating instead. and i think about how many vitamins and nutrients im getting. plus since their good for you you can eat a good size portion so you are full and not snacking on something later.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I count every calorie I put in my body. That is the only accurate picture of what you are truly eating
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I count everything, too. It's all about what works for you, though. Give it a try and see if it works for you.
  • shinybonnie
    I estimate on the calories of most veggies because it's too much work to look them up. Like If I have a salad with lettuce, tomato, broccoli, and green pepper, I just guess that that's 50 calories (depending on how big my bowl is). Some veggies I know are more calories - like the earlier post said: potatoes, corn, avocado, etc! So I do look up those.
  • kimberjones
    I try to count all of my calories, too. It helps me get a better picture and more accurate overview of my dietary health. If it seems monotanous (sp?) and you'd rather not eat them than count them then don't count them. It works better for me to count everything and count it as close to measuring it as I can w/o necessarily measuring it w/ a measuring cup.

    Just work through what works for you.
  • slimmingmom
    Thanks guys! And I did plan to count the ones higher in calories. And I plan to count my fruits, especially avacoda! And I plan to count all the oils and what not I use to cook up the veggies, or if I have my dish mostly of veggies. I'm just not going to count veggies if I add some into something or nibble on a few carrots here and there. When I count my veggies I tend to eat less becuase I'd rather save my calories for something a bit more, ummm, tasty. lol :)