Need Motivation/Workout Buddy

tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
I've been working out for a month or so now & have lost 3.5 lbs. I have a lot more to go! Today, I'm starting a diet. I have no support at home or through friends. So.... I was hoping to find a "motivation/workout buddy". Obviously, we're all from all over the globe, so I don't expect that I'll find someone local, but that would be awesome. (I live in Indianapolis, IN by the way.)

I have started a low-carb diet. I love carbs. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I've built up some willpower & I'm hoping for the best!! At the very least, I'm trying & having a friend (or a few friends) would certainly help!


  • mcmom0725
    mcmom0725 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi!! Count me in! And congrats on your weight loss!!! I too am in need of support!! I have lost 4 lbs since starting mfp. I have also recently started exercising a bit harder and more consistently and keeping better track of what I am putting in my mouth. I have struggled with my weight all my life and would love to finally get to and stay at the maintenance part of this. I am trying to do this the smart way this time - a little at a time and make changes I can live with :) Good luck to you and keep up the good work!!
  • SweetMegz04
    SweetMegz04 Posts: 459 Member
    Count me in too!!

    I am getting myself back on track and have done well the past two days.. I know that's not much- but it's a Start!! :)
  • gemini0689
    gemini0689 Posts: 28
    hey i dont live near you but we can be eachothers PUSH to hit the gym and eat right!! add me as a friend if u want!!
  • sniarrwar
    sniarrwar Posts: 1
    Count me too :)
    i have started a diet and exercising for a week now and i also dont have any support from my family and friends :/
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    @ SweetMegz 2 days is a start! Like I said, I've been working out, but still eating whatever & however much of it I wanted. I really just started dieting this morning so I can't even claim to 2 days! lol

    Why is that friends & family (even those that need to get healthier themselves) just don't understand & can't support us??
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    I understand. You have to be aware of those who will try to prevent you from losing the weight. I've learned to turn down going out to dinner to certain places just because it's too much temptation at this time. Friends want to go out drinking which is a lot of calories going in that I can do without. The nice thing is that churches are offering more dances and things to do there so it helps.

    I've just gotten back on track since March. It's difficult but love this site as it provides much motivation and encouragement from other members on the same journey. It's like someone once said....a person who has been skinny all their life will not be able to help you much on losing weight but those who have fought this batter and won can give great advice and help! Linda
  • Gwenefar2001
    Gwenefar2001 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also trying to get back on track. I'm a midwest girl transplanted to the East coast. I love my meat and potatoes! I'm right there with you. Trying a lifestyle change and increasing my activity. Lets get 'er done! I can be your cheerleader if you will be mine. I know it sounds cheesey.....gotta have the cheese somewhere in my life right now. :-P
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    You can always have cheese on a low carb diet! Thank goodness! You can't take away my carbs & cheese!!! lol
  • lessofel
    lessofel Posts: 14 Member
    I just celebrated my 44th birthday at my heaviest weight since I was about to give birth. I am hoping to celebrate my next birthday 40 pounds lighter and can use all the support I can get. I would enjoy offering support and motivation in return. Anyone in a similar boat? Thank you. lessofellen
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    I totally understand! I'll be 30 in September. I'd like to at least have 20 pounds off by then, but that might be stretching it!
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Diet? No~ it's a lifestyle change! ☺
  • jacwhitney
    jacwhitney Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been using MFP for about 3 weeks now and am keeping fairly good records. Trying to keep the calories at 1200. I love this tool it is easy to use. Also got a Polar heart /calorie monitor. So now I can see the calories burned and the calories eaten! It helps. So far this month I have lost 14 pounds, but I have been at a hold for the last week because I stopped working out. Guess that tells you, I am 55 and really need to push to get off those extra pounds.
    Take care, and I'll see you all at the next check in.
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    Great job on the 14 pounds! Especially 14 in a month!! It seems like you've definitely got challenges (very low calories & absolutely having to work out). Great job so far & I'm sure you'll get back into the workout. It's worth it!
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    hi im new here and i would love to have a workout buddy and some motivation and i cold help you guys out also.
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I live north of you in South Bend. I am recovering from spinal surgery. Lets keep each other motivated!
  • Jip333
    Jip333 Posts: 4
    Count me in too, likewise, also need to get back on track and have done well for the last two days....really want to stick with it!
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    Welcome and feel free to add me. Im on here everyday !! Good luck.. This website makes it so much easier. :))
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    It seems like everyone needs a little cheerleading... & a lot of motivation! I'm hoping to stick with this site, as I'm fairly new, also. I got started by looking for a fitness app on my phone so I could track my exercise & my weights/reps (because I'm forgetful). I was looking at the settings on the app & that's what led me to the actual site. I love how many of you have already responded to my post. I'm really looking forward to staying on track & having all of you to help! I've already found comfort in knowing that there are so many others out there that have the same issues as I do!

    Here's to making it work one day at a time!! :-)
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    There are tons of healthy foods out there. I have lots of healthy things I like, so for now those are the only foods I am eating. I will be expanding my diet soon so I don't get board with it. I am trying to loose 15 to 20lbs. this month! I have lost 2lbs in 3 days! We can do this together! I have my food journal open so friends can keep me honest!
  • pzseeker
    pzseeker Posts: 17 Member
    Best wishes to you.. feel free to add me. I hope you don't focus on those that can't or won't be supportive. Cause you found one who will here!:smile: