Electric Cig

sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
Just bought an electric cigarette. Today is day one of me trying to quit.. has anyone out there used this to ween themselves off from smoking and quit successfully?


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    My sister and my brother in law and my father have all tried it. None of them have successfully quit with it, they used it for a while though and almost quit but then started smoking again.

    I think you can do it!
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I sorta quit a while back because I had to.. then I got ticked off and lit one up.. not a good idea but yea I did. I know I can do it, I just gotta stick with it. This time If I have the urge it won't be so bad.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    My boyfriend tried it, lost 2 of them and started smoking real ones again. Hope you have better luck!
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    the one thing I can say about the electric cig is they have a ton of different flavors to try. Oh, and you can smoke them anywhere... but, as far as quitting because of it, no, sorry. Better luck to you, though!!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    They work for about 3 weeks. Don't go out drinking.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    I tried it & was not successful :sad: I think you have to WANT to quit though. I don't think I really wanted it. I liked the "idea" of quitting but when it came down to it, I still wanted to smoke :frown: Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    If you get a decent one with flavors you enjoy, yes. I've known of lots of people who've done it. I'm more a social smoker these days, anyway, and sometimes I'll be good with just the e-cig. Since I almost never smoke anyway, for me the occasional one or two isn't a big deal... But I know that not everyone is like me. And I used to smoke... Off and on for... good Lord... 26 years. Wow. Mostly off these days, though. Check out the e-cig forum. There's a lot of information to be had and that is an amazing resource. Much success to you. Believe in yourself! :smile:

  • sbfreak17
    sbfreak17 Posts: 42
    I quit January 24th...& I chose to use an electronic cigarette. I started out using it regularly but now I might use it once or twice a day if that. I'd recommend it as long as you're serious about actually quitting. If not, you'll just end up "addicted" to it which is rather counter-productive lol...
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    My mom was using one after my grandmother got a stint in her heart and couldn't be around smoke anymore.
    It didn't help her quit, but it was better than potentially hurting my grandmother.
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I've tried it and to be honest I found that it just prolonged the habit of puffing on something. As well as an addiction, smoking is a habit and I think you need to completely change your routines when you give up - I've tried the Champix (NIGHTMARE), Patches, E-Cig - the longest I've ever stayed off them was when I went cold turkey. So hard but so worth it. (Says she, who has still not quit).
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I know of one person that has stopped using an e-cig but most people I know has only been using them to cut down, as when the if you reduce the amount of nicotine in an e-cig to nil you will still have to get over the habit of smoking (the cig in your hands at certain times.) Good luck, I know how difficult it is but I am sure you will do it!
  • loseweightjames
    Just bought an electric cigarette. Today is day one of me trying to quit.. has anyone out there used this to ween themselves off from smoking and quit successfully?

    ex used it, works great, she quit smoking cigarettes and just smoked the ecig instead
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I used the e-cig to quit smoking. I am almost 9 months cig free. I tried quitting in the past with the patches, gum, meds and everything in between with no success. My husband bought me one of the e-cigs. It takes a day or so to get used to it. It is a great tool to use to quit. I now "vape" with the e-cig you can fill with different flavors imaginable but without any nicotine. Best wishes on your journey!!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    It did help me, but I've got a horrible habit of going back to analogs while drinking. I still use mine, although not really on a regular basis, just when I'm about to lose my cool.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    You're right. A lot of them are really dangerous. My boyfriend did some research and we chose two e-cigs from the following site because they have built-in shut off features as well as other features (amperage limits, etc) that make them a lot safer. Also they're a lot easier to use, last longer, and are durable as hell. I've dropped mine on the concrete multiple times and it's still kicking. One of them comes with a lifetime warranty, the other comes with a 1 year warranty. I have the 1 year Provari model and it's still going strong.


    It's a little expensive at first, but I stopped smoking entirely in the past and plan on doing it again in the next week or two. Had to order new batteries.... once they get old, they don't hold a charge very well. The good thing is, they lasted a year. Hope it helps. Good luck :)
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Brother and Sister in law tried. No success..
  • RedMuse
    RedMuse Posts: 50 Member
    I have used one for 3 years, I have changed companies over the years, but have never gone back to regular cigarettes. With in a few weeks of using mine, I felt better, breathed better and could taste again. Love mine!!

    while it may not be as good as quitting, you still have the side effects of Nicotine, I am very satisfied with my e-cig. If you are interested, I use Volcano E-cig.

  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I have been using one for three years.... I know that is not exactly quitting, but I have not had an actual cigarette in three years. Nicotine in itself is not really all that bad for you (no worse than caffeine, unless you choose to drink it), it's all the other crap you get in a normal cig. With the e-cig you can also gradually lower the amount of nicotine you use and eventually use it with no nicotine (for the mental habit) if you want. I honestly continue to have the nicotine in mine, but I find it's much, much better than the alternative and it has worked for me. Also much CHEAPER!
  • Mikelobov
    Mikelobov Posts: 44
    They are dangerous, can cause very poor health from side effects. Not that smoking is a healthy choice either, but it's not the right method.