Back to Square One

Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
Hello Everyone,

I feel as though I always start with such ambition but than one day I just stop and say I'll start again tomorrow or the next day. I haven't found my niche.. I have not found what works for me. I think about it all day everyday trying to make the right decisions and put in the effort it takes..but still no dice. I guess I'm looking just for some friends here who can help kick my *kitten* into gear. I'm trying to write it down such as the things I should be doing. I try to write in my calender when I'm going to go to the gym. (but that's a whole other story in itself) Shameless self promotion: I started a blog too.

But back to the gym...

I feel like everyones watching my belly fat jiggle, looks at how BEAT red my face gets, how my pants look on my fat legs. I feel uncomfortable and I just can't shake it..

I'm reaching out. I've tried it on my own and it isn't working.
I need help.


  • MrsJaimeW
    MrsJaimeW Posts: 54
    We all need all the extra help... feel free to add me! I do the same thing as you, start dieting and exercising and then stop.. I could use the encouragement too :)
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I am on every day. I have joined mfp countless times and never stuck with it. I started in January and havent missed a day (well there were a couple of days I had no computer and it restarted) I have lost 16 pounds and I am ok with that since it didn't go on over night. I am pretty positive and try to be motivating to all my MFP friends. Feel free to add me and If i dont help kick your butt into gear, you can always delete me :tongue: . Have a great one and best of luck on your journey!
  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member

    so glad you have come aboard. YOU GOT THIS! The best thing I ever heard was from Joyce Meyers " The man goes where the mind is".....Keep it positive in all things. I too, could never get a grip. It's so important to log your food intake. When you see it in black and white you're more able to make changes. That's what this is....a life change. I started with the south beach diet food list (google this) and just ate from the list for a week while I exercised. I walked for an hour a day. You can eat as much as you want as log as it was on that list. If nothing else, it taught me how to eat healthier and portion my foods. Drink your water and remember Breathe, Eat, Move. Many Blessings. Trasista4
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hey Amary06,

    I spent most of my life losing then gaining again so I feel you. I think the key is to find a way to drop the mindset of "dieting" forever.

    Success comes with gentle lifestyle changes, learning moderation, and learning to enjoy healthy foods.

    If you talk to most of the people who have lost (and kept off) a significant amount of weight, you'll generally find that they're the types that don't deny themselves anything, they get a taste for pizza, they eat a slice and log it. And most importantly they're the types that aren't scared of going over their cals occasionally - the terms "failure" or "bad day", are generally replaced with a shrug of the shoulders and a vow to get right back on track.

    You can do this!
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you everyone. I think that this time I'm going to really try to make a conscious effort. I'm really ready for a change. I appreciate all your support and look forward getting to know all of you!
  • scorpia1977
    scorpia1977 Posts: 76 Member
    I know exactly what you're going through. This is very tough and such a challenge. As long as we have each other and keep the right state of mind, we can do anything!

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • I think we have all done the up and down on the scale over time, but this time we can work together and support each other to get the weight off.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    You are super cute and totally brave, and no one here can make you succeed. You really Really. For me, I found that the difference this time wasn't 'dieting' was simply educating myself on proper nutrition and how metabolism kinda works. Can't unlearn the incredible things I've been learning on here. Best of luck to you, girl!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    The first big step is that you WANT to. That's huge! Congrats on getting to there.

    Screw the people at the gym...chances are they probably aren't looking at you, but even if they are, let them look! As you drop pounds and gain muscle, they can watch your body change right before they're staring eyes! If you make eye contact with them, SMILE! Being in the gym and working out puts you in the driver's seat. The question is, how far will you go?! :drinker:

    You can add me, too.

    I'm 5'4".

    HW: 252
    CW: 160
    GW: 140 (but that may change when I get there!)
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    I've also had the fear of people looking at me at the gym, until I got one ever looks at me lol. Maybe it would help to find a smaller gym instead of those big 24 hour ones full of buff people at all times...just to get you there. You'll soon realize that everyone there is kinda in their own zone and may be in the same situation as you. Don't let that scare you. At least they'd respect you for bringing your butt there to put forth some effort!
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Ugh I'm the same way. One week I'm a diet and exercise fool! Next week, I'm eating over 2,500 calories a day, not exercising at all and drinking way to much. I have started my weight loss journey over and over and it seems every time I'm "back on the wagon" I'm heavier and heavier. We are only human. Some of us have found what works for us and some of us haven't. Some of us are in the right mindset and some of us aren't.

    Feel free to add me, seems like you and I are in the same boat.
  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    Add me as a friend - we'll help each other! As for the gym, maybe you should look at going to another facility? When I was scouting gyms, I was looking for where would I fit the best? I ended up going to a gym that was a bit more expensive, but definitely my second home!
  • bob6702
    bob6702 Posts: 10 Member
    The main thing to remember, Amary, is that there are millions of people out there that struggle with this stuff on a daily basis. The reason that you and I and all of the other MFP members are here is that we want to make ourselves better, and you should be proud for taking the first step towards building a better you.

    As long as you keep taking steps forward, you will reach your goal, and you'll look back on this day as the beginning of something AWESOME!

    We're with ya!
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    As for gyms, Well, I guess I like the gym I joined. It's an LA fitness. They have a bunch of classes (that I have yet to go to but still.. they have classes) and it's only 2 blocks from my house which is a double bonus. I guess I just need to peal my butt off the couch and go. I've always been a bit of a solitary person. I have a hard time getting to know new people and I'm incredibly self conscious. One thing at a time thing at a time.
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    First week, was a bust. week 2.. I'm hoping for something better...looking for more friends to help me in this journey!
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Hey Amary,

    You did the first step. The second and third will follow. So welcome on MFP!

    Maybe the first few weeks will be the hardest, because your mind will fight you and make a lacy person of you. But after that it changes...that´s good, isn´t it?
    So stay here, add me if you want and fight through the first weeks.

    And always remember: Sweat is your fat crying!