Water Retention

Does anyone take water pills to help with water retention weight? Does it help?


  • Diandra81
    Diandra81 Posts: 128 Member
    I took Diurex (non-caffeinated) and developed a rash on my face because of it! I did notice that it made me go more though...

    I'd honestly suggest just drinking at least a gallon of water daily....it'll get rid of any water you're retaining.
  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    I agree with the above poster try drinking more water. I was also retaining water pretty bad and seen no movement on the scales becasue of it at least once a month, but then I spend one full day and night peeing non stop and then next day I step on the scale I drop 3 to 4 pounds, so I started drinking more water and it has seemed to help alot. I do still have a 2 or 3 days a month that I get bloated, but it goes away as soon as Im done cycling.