
Oy. My poor belly!

I decided to allow myself to indulge in food tonight. I've done really well, and decided that I deserved it. And I enjoyed every bite of it.

Until I logged it in! Holy Crow! :brokenheart:

I know it's a rare occurance, so that's okay. I also know that I enjoyed it, and that I gave myself permission. But seriously! I ended up eating two days worth of calories in one night! That is not okay at all!

But I'm not going to sweat it after I post this. I ate, I enjoyed, I was honest in my Food Log, and tomorrow I'm back to normal. But still.... Oy!


  • araines92
    It must of been one of those days...I did the same thing :happy: and now my tummy hurts too :sick: . So tomorrow we begin again...never looking back...just looking ahead to that day when we can say I did it and I didn't sweat it when I slipped. Good luck on your journey and congrats on getting married.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    me too lol
  • sparkles321
    "Oy" about says it all, doesn't it? :ohwell: I can't count the number of times I've said that, either from over-indulgence or a healthy choice that really wasn't. Ah well, so we live and learn.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yeah, it was for sure one of those days.. I ate A LOT today! I guess that just happens though. It's strange that so many people seem to have picked today as the day, though lol. But tomorrow it's back to business for me, too!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I've had a few of those days lately, and man do they suck! Bad choices make me so p'ed off at myself. I get over it quickly though. :tongue:
  • bluehead
    Duuude, I hear ya. I've been dogsitting all week and the first thing I see when I open their fridge is an open jumbo sized bag of mixed candy bars. I dove right in to those bad boys. The bag is now triple rubberbanded and shoved into the back of their freezer...
    And here I thought I was being all cute by bringing my P90x videos w/ me. Ha. I have been taking lots of dog walks and went for run w/ the 1 year old choc. lab earlier. He definitely keeps me busy. Tomorrow's another day.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Yeah, we went to the Cheesecake Factory with family that arrived tonight. I've never been to the Cheesecake Factory & don't have one in the city we live in... we went to one near the airport.

    Anyway, let's just say it was a planned cheat day. I only ate 1/3 of my pasta & half of my cheesecake, but it was still ugly. It's all good though. I don't feel like I "cheated" though... I'm still on track & know my goals.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Did that yesterday. I felt terrrrible last night after my indulgence, and my tum was still a little upset today. Oh well, it happens! It was so worth it at the time!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I thought I was going to over indulge by having 2 drinks tonight, but after I ate what I planned for dinner, I was full and didn't want anymore and am still 300 under my calories for the day, so I probably better duck before someone from this post throws a cheesecake or a candy bar at me :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, the cheat days will come and go, but your determination to prevail can carry on tomorrow, so don't let a little excess consumption derail your plan.:flowerforyou:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Just like Weaklink said, overindulgence happens, and then you just get yourself right back on track! :smile: That seems to be the story of my life these last 9 months since reaching my goal weight! :laugh: I royally pig out once every few weeks, but then get myself right back on track, since I DO NOT EVER want to go back to the way I was BEFORE coming to MFP! :noway:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    For me the logging of my night of indulgence was sort of like the hangover from too much drink. I didnt like the feeling, so it happened with less and less frequency.

    Now I may eat some crap food (like the Chick Fil A Sandwich last night-FRIED!) but I cant eat until my tummy hurts any more.

    Of course this has take over a year............but wow-it is nice to not have that URP feeling:laugh:

    I am glad you enjoyed your night out. WOW getting married in less than a year! You must be so excited,
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks everyone for letting me know I'm not the only one. In my head I know that, but seeing the calories written out like that was horrible.

    "arewethereyet" thanks for the well wishes! I'm super excited about the wedding. I can't wait! And then there will be little ones....