
Some friends have told me to myfitnesspal. I had a baby almost exactly 1 year ago and quickly lost 50 pounds. But I have spent the last 6 months trying to lose the last 10 and last pant size! It's very frustrating and I feel I have tried everything. People kept telling me I was eating too little, but I finally decided to try eating normally and immediately gained another 5 in 2 weeks! Now I have 15 pounds to lose! I run 2 miles pushing a jogging stroller almost every day, walk another mile with the dog and stroller, do about 20 minutes of belly and love handle burning with weights every night, and try to stay around 1200 calories a day. I cannot eat any carbs at all or I immediately gain weight, I swear. It's very frustrating. Any suggestions?


  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    What is your height, weight and age ?
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    I'm 36, 5'9, 154.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
    So what are you skeptical about? MFP?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    your diary is closed, so its hard to tell.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    sounds like you are not eating enough for your height/weight. just do a search for 1200 calories not enough... tons of resources and people in the same exact position.
  • CarolynKlum
    CarolynKlum Posts: 48
    I know how you feel -- I said the same thing. I asked if I could "trust the system" and someone simply told me to try it and see the results for myself. You have to trust it. It works.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Nothing jumps out as being a reason. Have you talked to your doctor about it?
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    "almost exactly".....that made me lol!!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Definitely need more calories, if you're doing all of that working out. Also- you're using weights to try to target specific areas- that been proven to not be so effective (target areas, I mean). Try to see what your body fat percentage is and work on that for now instead of specific spots.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    One thing to keep in mind is doing the same time and intensity of exercise every day, means it is gradually burning less calories for you as your body becomes more efficient at it. For example, when I first started running it skyrocketed my heart rate and I burned calories quickly. As I lost weight and gained cardio health, it is a lot easier on my heart/body and I burn a lot less calories. The human body is designed for efficiency in things we do regularly.

    You may see a lot of benefit from changing up your approach -- different weight training, different cardio, etc. This is of course just an idea, I have no way of knowing how you keep track of calories burned/etc. Maybe it's time for a heart rate monitor.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I would suggest opening your diary, also mixing up your exercising, adding strength training, using a heart rate monitor if you don't already to get an exact calorie burn and you do need to eat back your exercise calories.
  • cherrytulips
    cherrytulips Posts: 109
    Some topics for consideration:

    -Are you eating a lot of packaged foods? Even if they are low-cal and you are within your calorie goals, try to incorporate more vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, and carrots into your diet. Those will aid in digestion, the ability for your body to absorb nutrients, and therefore regulate your metabolism better. Same with fruits!!

    -Try not to eat complex carbs after 5pm. You can have fruits and veggies after 5, but packaged carbs and complex carbs aren't such a great idea. Carbohydrates should make up about 30% of your intake.

    -Shoot for 1g of protein for each pound of body weight. So if you weigh 130 pounds, aim for 130g of protein in the form of lean meats (white chicken breast, salmon, turkey) or tofu/legumes/nuts. Protein should make up roughly 40% of your intake.

    -Keep in mind your body DOES need fat in order to function and metabolize food so fat should make up about 30% of your intake.

    - I would also recommend lifting heavier weights. If you are doing only cardio, your body must have gotten used to it and is adapting to it as part of a normal routine. Too much cardio can even end up burning your muscle before it burns fat. Switch it up by doing heavy lifting sessions in order to trigger muscle growth. You will NOT bulk up. Muscle building is essential for a speedy metabolism because resting muscles burn up more calories than resting fat.

    -Lastly, if all else fails, I recommend doing some of your own research and exploration. has helped me customize my own fitness goals and I am seeing great results. I know I sound corny, but here is a link to the fitness plans so you should check out whichever appeals to you most and then watch all of the videos and learn about what works best.

    best of luck!!
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories at all?

    Just putting this out there. If your calorie goal is currently 1200 and you burnt off say 300 calories, you would now have to eat 1500 calories for that day, not 1200, because you have essentially only eaten 900 calories if you didn't eat them back.
  • Todzilla7
    Todzilla7 Posts: 24
    Hearing that you react so dramatically to carbs indicates to me that your body thinks it is starving... and it probably is at your height and activity level. If you are truly at 1200 calories a day AND doing all the exercise you listed, then you aren't sufficiently feeding your body. It thinks it is starving and holding on to everything you put in it. Establish a proper caloric intake amount for your body, goals, and activity level... then give your body adequate time to adjust.

    Oh, one more suggestion... don't use weights for your ab work.
  • cherrytulips
    cherrytulips Posts: 109

    "Hearing that you react so dramatically to carbs indicates to me that your body thinks it is starving... and it probably is at your height and activity level. If you are truly at 1200 calories a day AND doing all the exercise you listed, then you aren't sufficiently feeding your body. It thinks it is starving and holding on to everything you put in it. Establish a proper caloric intake amount for your body, goals, and activity level... then give your body adequate time to adjust.

    Oh, one more suggestion... don't use weights for your ab work."

    I agree with this and with what @Zichu said. You need to eat more calories, and be patient with yourself. Love yourself, listen to your body, and learn from your body as well. You can do it!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've bumped my calories at least 4 times throughout my MFP "journey" and it's busted me out of my mini plateaus every time! I know it seems counter-intuitive, but believe it :) your body needs to believe that it's being fueled properly before it's willing to let go of your emergency reserves (fat).

    try changing your goal to 1/2lb loss a week (I know it feels far away but 15lbs is REALLY close to goal as far as your body is concerned). do a search on the forums here for "plateau busting" or "upping calories" and you'll hear about many successes!

    good luck, be patient <3
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    yeah this place is almost as fake as ...... HCG lmao
  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    yeah this place is almost as fake as ...... HCG lmao

    what are you talking about?
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Just so I understand correctly, I have a couple of questions. When you say you tried eating "normally" for 2 weeks, what do you mean? When you say carbs make you gain weight, are we talking all carbs, fruits, vegetables, etc and not just grains? With 1200 calories, which is far too low but anyway, how many grams of carbs/fat/protein are you eating a day? Ok, that's three but I realized as I was typing that I had more. Also, are you trying to get to the very bottom of your healthy weight range and if so, why? Ok, I'm done! Just trying to get a handle on all this.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories at all?

    Just putting this out there. If your calorie goal is currently 1200 and you burnt off say 300 calories, you would now have to eat 1500 calories for that day, not 1200, because you have essentially only eaten 900 calories if you didn't eat them back.

    I totally concur with this!! Your body could have also become accustomed to your workouts. Change it up a bit a few times a week. Don't get me wrong your workouts are GREAT!!! What I'm suggesting is a changeup of building lean muscle on the muscle groups you don't normally work. Building LEAN muscle in those groups will give your body the extra boost of metabolism from those lean muscles.

    You can also take a number of BCAAs in the morning which can boost your metabolism giving you that extra bit of internal fat burning when you aren't working out. L-Carnitine and L-Glutamine is a good place to start with simple BCAAs.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm 36, 5'9, 154.

    Without knowing ANYTHING else about you:

    1) Using these numbers (and your post that you want to lose 10 more pounds) your BMR comes up to 1480 calories. This is the MINIMUM number of calories you should eat. This is the number of calories needed to maintain your muscles and all your organs.

    2) Your TDEE for your goal weight for 3-5 days of exercise a week is 2227 calories

    You should eat 2227 calories PER DAY and more if you exercise a lot. The fact that you gained 5lbs in two days says that your body is starving. That is expected because you have completely damaged your metabolism eating at 1200 calories for so long. Use the tools here and read for yourself. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it does work
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    What the previous post said.

    Never eat below your BMR
    Eat 500 less calories a day than your 'from normal daily activity' figure to lose a pound a week (as shown in your goals page)
    Eat back your exercise calories on days when you work out

    You may add weight to start, but once your body realises it will still get the food it needs it will start losing again.
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    Hello...I took advice from someone here and I went to to find out what I should really be eating in a day. When you go to this site, click under "Top Links" the All Calculators. Then click "Military Body Fat Calculator" you will need to know your measurements. Once you fill that out, it will give you your BF% (body fat).

    The you click on the BMR under Top Links. Fill it out. Look under the "Katch-McArdle Forumla" this will tell you what your BMR is.

    Then read the paragraph "How Many Calories Should I Eat?" There you will see a chart called the "Activity level". Find the level you are at and be honest. That will give you the total of calories you should be eating in a day for your body to get to your goal. This is a slower process which is better for your body. You didn't gain the weight just over night. You can set it 200 or 300 under what the "activity level " tells you, but once you get to your goal you need to eat what it tells you so you can maintain your weight.

    Then I set my own goals using these numbers. When I exercise , I eat back most of it "earned back calories". I have heavier work out days on MWF so I eat more those days. I also have Carbs at 40% Fat and Protein set at 30%.

    I don't know what you are eating in calories right now, but if you choose to re figure using these things I mentioned, your body will need to adjust so don't get discouraged. I gained at first but am now loosing. Never eat under your BMR!

    Once you loose weight, revisit and re-calculate again, the numbers will change, then you adjust your figures on MFP.

    I hope this helps, I was so frustrated when I first started and this has been very helpful to me. You are more than welcome to friend me. You can see my diary.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I cannot eat any carbs at all or I immediately gain weight, I swear. It's very frustrating. Any suggestions?

    I doubt this a lot. Unless by "carbs" you mean grains and refined sugars. Even then I doubt it.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    If you put complete trust in this website, it will work.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm 36, 5'9, 154.

    you might not have any more weight to lose. focus on muscle building and fat decrease, not the number on the scale. your bmi is 22.7 which is well within the normal range.

    figure out your body fat percentage and go from there.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm 44, 5'8", and 140lbs (as of this morning! Woohoo!) I recently joined the eat more to lose more camp, and so far it's working for me! I'll chime in with the others in saying that 1200 calories is not enough. I went to the fat2fit website & used their BMR, body fat, goal weight & calorie calculators.

    I know it seems crazy to up your calories to lose weight, but really it's no more crazy than saying exercise more and eat less - it's like asking your car to go farther on less fuel. Only with our bodies, they try to adapt to more exercise and less food by retaining everything they can, rather than efficiently using the fuel you give it.

    It does take a little time. You mentioned upping your calories and gaining some weight - this is not uncommon - you have to give your body a chance to adjust, and it may take a month or more.

    I am also down to those last few pounds, which are the most stubborn, for sure. I upped my calories at least a month ago,and have been sort of bouncing between the same few pounds lost and gained for weeks! Then this week- breakthrough. I've suddenly dropped over 2lbs in the last two days - and I feel like I pigged out on the weekend! But I eat pretty clean, mostly natural, healthy foods.

    It takes some time to figure out what works best for you - but the 1200 calories ain't workin' for ya, so give the higher calories a shot for 4 - 6 weeks. Read through the fat2fit site, great info there, and there's a group here too, but can't think of the name of it at the moment (someone help with a link? :tongue:). Check out this thread as well:

    Great info from people having success with eating more. Hang in there!
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    skeptical about whether myfitnesspal will actually help.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Found the group:

    I've tried a couple of other online calorie/fitness trackers & used them in the past, but MFP has been the best for me. Great people here, I've learned a lot, it's easy to use, love the phone app, awesome support all the way around.