List of Foods to help lose weight....

xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
Im browsing the web and came across some foods they say can help you lose weight.... Just gonna list them.....

1. Eggs
2. Beans
3. Salad
4. Green Tea (never tried it but might give it a go)
5. Pears
6. Apples
7. Blueberries
8. Soup (not the thick creamy kind more like the broth from my understanding)
9. Lean Beef - Organic (always told beef/red meat not the best guess I was wrong)
10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
11. Grapefruit (guess this is on the next shopping list)
12. Cinnamon (sprinkle it instead of sugar on toast or oatmeal to satisfy both the sugar craving and keeps hunger at bay)
13. Vinegar
14. Tofu (still not sure Im going to try this)
15. Hot Red Peppers ( think southwestern omelet - helps you not feel so hungry at lunch)
16. Oats
17. Goji Berries ( low cal tart/sweet taste helps keep you feeling full)
18. Buckwheat Pasta (FULLL of PROTEIN)
19. Almond Butter (great for dipping)
20. Low Fat Plain Yogurt (sub it in for Mayo in chicken or potato salads.)

So yea I found these and plan on trying some to see the difference... in mood energy and overall weight... lol
Just thought id share with you all =)


  • ereedy61
    ereedy61 Posts: 15
    Thanks!! I have much of that in my kitchen...the cinnamon esp made a big difference................. :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I found another list!

    1. Anything fitted into your calorie goal.

  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Yea those foods sound like they have one main thing in common - they help you feel full and satisfied without too much of a calorie cost. Also a lot of them can be used to replace other common foods and a lot of them great for fulfilling basic dietary needs which easily can be neglected when dieting.

    Thanks for the list I haven't thought of some of those. Gonna try some of them out. ^_^