Building Confidence/Needing Support

Hello, everybody I have been signed up with mfp for a few months now; I got into it for a short, very short, amount of time. Well, I'm tired of feeling depressed about the way that I look. I don't want to be insecure anymore about my appearance; I want to feel comfortable going shopping, instead of always becoming overwhelmed with what I can't or can fit. I am going to be 27 years old and I weigh 180lbs, the same weight I weighed in when I had my son. He will be 7 in 3 months; When he was a little over a year I had lost 25lbs and was really into working out. But then I just stopped I ended up getting married and having another child and I weighed in at 200 with our daughter. I lost the 20lbs I gained during that pregnancy, but I'm still overweight and just so very unhappy. I start diets and then I have moments where I just start eating everything and not caring about my intake, then I feel so guilty and disgusted with myself that I start to even eat more. What really has gotten to me is that my husband doesn't find me attractive anymore. He always makes little weird comments and he's always checking out other girls; I know I should be wanting to do this for me and now I feel that I am because before I tried for him. I just need friends, or somebody to help keep me motivated and support me. I don't want to be unhappy anymore, I strongly believe if I can show myself that I can do this I know I will have the confidence to believe in myself in doing anything again!!


  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    Hi, Tiffani - I'm new here too (I'm embarrassed to say that I joined three years ago and never posted till today!). Good luck to you, and hopefully we'll see some results together!

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • junebug03
    junebug03 Posts: 4
    HI Im Linda Cramer . I no how you feel . The doctor told me to lose83 pounds. So now here i am trying my best to stay on this 1200 hundred calorie diet. Doing all this exercise and at my age its hard Im 53 but that does't mean I don't want to look good and feel good about myself. So your not alone here . LETS CHAT. yOU JUST TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME WILL MAKE IT.
  • moskinnny
    moskinnny Posts: 118
    Hi Tiffany...feel free to add me if you need support. If you have any questions that are not on my profile, feel free to ask.