I want to exercise, but I don't want to be SORE!!



  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    No pain no gain! I love being sore, to the point that It's hard to sit on the toilet..
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Take a hot bath with eucalyptus oil and a couple cups of epsom salt after your workout. stretch. drink water. get your protein. get a lot of sleep.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    First time I did P90x, I was sore for the first month. Never got sore from Insanity, but that's probably because I did P90x twice before doing Insanity. Honestly, now I hardly ever get sore so I know I am not pushing myself like I used to.
  • mrodriguez81
    mrodriguez81 Posts: 61 Member
    I just started running yesterday, I have been walking and jogging for about 3 wks and decided to bump it up so I started to run. I was a little sore this morning when I woke up. I didn't want to go again today because I was sore but I sucked it up and I went and ran 3K again. I was fine when I was running it didn't hurt that bad. It's been 3 hrs since my run and I have a desk job, everytime I get up, it hurts like hell and it seems like I'm walking a little funny. But I think that being sore means that something is working. I hate pain and being sore but I have to suck it up in order to see results.
    Now I don't know about tomorrow, maybe I will run again or maybe I will just do bike, or weights but I will do something. You just have to push yourself to do it. GL
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I absolutely love being sore from a workout! If you can push though the soreness for a bit it will eventually fade. The first time I did Insanity I was walking around like I just gave birth (lol..it was bad) But now I might feel a little sore sometimes, but not enough to complain about. Just stick with it.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Take tylenol or ibuprofen or something if you REALLY can't handle being sore.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    some people just really want the easiest way possible, and then complain that they aren't getting results.
  • AReisenfeld
    AReisenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    The simple answer - if you're doing any kind of weight training (even just body weight) that your muscles aren't used to, you will be sore. There are many things that can reduce the soreness, but you will inevitably be sore. On my heavy lifting days, I still get sore, and I've been lifting for months.

    I circuit weight train 4 days a week, cardio 6, and I was beyond sore after 1 day of Insanity Plyometrics. You can't build muscle unless you challenge them: challenge = lactic acid.

    I would say pick your poison: 1) a week of soreness that will go away faster if you stretch, use a foam roller, eat protein, and keep moving, or 2) never get sore, but more than likely not achieve any significant muscle building.

    I think of lactic acid and soreness as proof I put my all into my workout. Sweating is good, but unless I have some sort of muscle fatigue, I feel like I did less than my best.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    There's a lot of good advice here, but spread between too many posts.

    - WARM UP for 10-15 minutes and COOL DOWN for 10-15 minutes. Light cardio is ideal.
    - STRETCH as many of the muscles you use as possible while they are warm (as in, after warm-up if you feel it appropriate and certainly after your cool-down).
    - HYDRATE by drinking lots of water.
    - PROTEIN is needed to speed healing and build muscle.

    Here's my cure-all for overdoing it:

    When I know I've overdone it, I have a protein snack. Then I re-warm the muscles with a little light cardio (say to about 120-130 heartbeat - just enough to get things warmed up), get a nice gentle stretch in, cool them down with even lighter cardio, and drink water until I feel like I'm absolutely going to explode.

    Then I do the "H2O boogie" (keep drinking water until you're full of water, go pee, drink more water, repeat) for an hour or so. Sitting on the toilet with a large bottle of water is not outside the realm of possibility at this stage.

    Then I use the muscles as much as I can, lightly. If it's my legs, I walk around a lot (gotta do that to go to the bathroom to get rid of that water repeatedly anyway!).

    Followed with a good night's sleep.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I was sore for around 4 days after I started 30 day shred. No pain after that while going up levels.

    When I finished the 30 days I started Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones and 6 week 6 pack (all Jillian M) and no pain at all.

    The few days of pain I went through with 30DS were worth it!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    some people just really want the easiest way possible, and then complain that they aren't getting results.

  • Pihjin
    Pihjin Posts: 63
    Actually I'm of a different train of thought to most people. I believe in workouts that don't hurt, have low impact and cause no injury...

    I practise and train with NIA, also known as "the body's way".
    Here's a Nia body for anyone curious as to how something low impact can tone and strengthen!
    http://www.absolutepilateswithleslie.com/dance fusion 1.jpg

    I exercise, build up a strong cardio sweat and when I'm done? I feel great, tension is released and I'm energised!
    I have arthritis in my knees so high impact exercises in the gym etc. always left me sore and I would never stick with them.
    Why would I? I don't want to do something I don't enjoy and damages my joints! Then I found out abour NIA by fluke (I was going to try contemporary dance and got the times of the class mixed up!) and I'm hooked.

    YMMV though and in short - do what feels right for you and what you will enjoy and stick at.
    If that's lifting serious weight, running for miles, toning with yoga or dancing for hours then do that!
    Stretch and drink water no matter what activity you do.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    (1) Build up slowly, you will be less sore.
    (2) The more you use a muscle, the less it becomes sore, even with the same level of over-exertion (see "repeated bout effect" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_onset_muscle_soreness ).
    (3) You get used to it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    There's a lot of good advice here, but spread between too many posts.

    - WARM UP for 10-15 minutes and COOL DOWN for 10-15 minutes. Light cardio is ideal.
    - STRETCH as many of the muscles you use as possible while they are warm (as in, after warm-up if you feel it appropriate and certainly after your cool-down).
    - HYDRATE by drinking lots of water.
    - PROTEIN is needed to speed healing and build muscle.

    Here's my cure-all for overdoing it:

    When I know I've overdone it, I have a protein snack. Then I re-warm the muscles with a little light cardio (say to about 120-130 heartbeat - just enough to get things warmed up), get a nice gentle stretch in, cool them down with even lighter cardio, and drink water until I feel like I'm absolutely going to explode.

    Then I do the "H2O boogie" (keep drinking water until you're full of water, go pee, drink more water, repeat) for an hour or so. Sitting on the toilet with a large bottle of water is not outside the realm of possibility at this stage.

    Then I use the muscles as much as I can, lightly. If it's my legs, I walk around a lot (gotta do that to go to the bathroom to get rid of that water repeatedly anyway!).

    Followed with a good night's sleep.

    awesome! thanks!
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    I do 30 day shred and I'm a runner. I ran last night and did the DVD this morning. I am so sore today....AND IT FEELS GREAT! I think being sore from working out is great! It lets you know that whatever workout you're doing, you're doing it right! I hope you can find some exercises that don't make you so sore, or I hope you can find the awesomeness in feeling sore from a great workout!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I always drink a protein shake after my workouts. They greatly reduce the soreness.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I hardly ever get sore anymore and I kind of miss it!! When I did the 30 day Shred I was sore for the first 3 or so days of each level and then I wasn't sore anymore. Now I am sore immediately after working out but by the next day I am fine again. It is weird I don't even get sore after running!!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    You know, I actually LOVE being sore. At first I hated it, but soreness means you worked hard. I've come to strive for that soreness because it means my body is changing!

    Besides, its not like its a painful I wanna die soreness. It's a ooooo that stretch feels sooo good soreness.
  • Levi_Hansen
    Levi_Hansen Posts: 44 Member
    Soreness fades quickly if you keep it light.

    Just jog 3x per week and do free weights. That's all it takes!
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    I've done the first week of 30DS, and only stopped because I found out I was preggers. Anyway, if you are concerned with being too sore, either try it out on a day when you know the next day can be a 'rest' day if you need it, and not a super busy one. Or, try aquatics. Aqua aerobics are MAD cardio, and less pain.

    I was pretty sore the first day after 30DS, where even sitting on the toilet and stairs were a challenge. I did another round the next day, and by the third day I felt better.