Do you ever feel this way?

Do you ever feel like you are in a rut? Do you feel like you can't control anything that goes on in your life? Do you feel like when you take 2 steps forward, you end up taking 10 backwards? Well that is how I feel. I can't control anything. I can't get a job. I have been unemployed since February, my bills are stacked clear to the ceiling and above. My kids need clothes, my water is off, my gas is off, I need clothes, I need to lose weight... but I just gain it. I miss my mom and my sister, I am dealing with custody of the kids... And it just seems like nothing is going good. I know that it isn't good to stress... but that is my middle name. Sorry I needed to vent.:ohwell:


  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    Do you ever feel like you are in a rut? Do you feel like you can't control anything that goes on in your life? Do you feel like when you take 2 steps forward, you end up taking 10 backwards? Well that is how I feel. I can't control anything. I can't get a job. I have been unemployed since February, my bills are stacked clear to the ceiling and above. My kids need clothes, my water is off, my gas is off, I need clothes, I need to lose weight... but I just gain it. I miss my mom and my sister, I am dealing with custody of the kids... And it just seems like nothing is going good. I know that it isn't good to stress... but that is my middle name. Sorry I needed to vent.:ohwell:
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I understand what you're going through! It's not easy. You just need to change your outlook and things will get better! My mom got me to do this- even though i fought her for months and months because i didnt want to believe it. Anyways- she always thinks/speaks positive. She doesn't say, "oh im always broke" instead she says, "gee it sucks i dont have the money to spend on that right now.. but i know soon i will" or something

    I was a classic example of always saying, "oh i'm so broke.. i never have any money etc etc" and now i don't say that. When I think things like that I say outloud, "i live in abundance." etc etc... it's funny but i'm so against saying and speaking negative things- that when i'm out and others say something negative i often find myself blurting out, "you shouldn't be so negative. you need to speak positive... say this instead..." hehe anyways it makes me laugh. IT WILL HELP THOUGH! trust me! It's made a world of difference in my life!
  • sapphyre0702
    I'm sorry things aren't going well, but I'm sure they will turn around soon.

    There is this book called, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne and it is all about the power of positive thought and how just by thinking about good things they will happen. It is a really good book. In one part they say by thinking things like, "I can't lose weight" or "I can't do this or that" we are actually drawing more negative energy to ourselves, but if we just say "this is really tough, but I can do it" positive energy comes towards us. It is hard to do at first, but little by little it gets easier.

    I know it isn't scientific or anything but sometimes it is nice to be in a good mood, and after a few days of really focusing on being positive I noticed that I was just overall in a better mood, although notice changed.

    If you believe in yourself then others will follow suit, and everything will fall into place!

    I hope this helps, I know it is the worst feeling when it seems nothing is going right.

    Best of luck!:happy:
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I'm sorry things aren't going well, but I'm sure they will turn around soon.

    There is this book called, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne and it is all about the power of positive thought and how just by thinking about good things they will happen. It is a really good book. In one part they say by thinking things like, "I can't lose weight" or "I can't do this or that" we are actually drawing more negative energy to ourselves, but if we just say "this is really tough, but I can do it" positive energy comes towards us. It is hard to do at first, but little by little it gets easier.

    I know it isn't scientific or anything but sometimes it is nice to be in a good mood, and after a few days of really focusing on being positive I noticed that I was just overall in a better mood, although notice changed.

    If you believe in yourself then others will follow suit, and everything will fall into place!

    I hope this helps, I know it is the worst feeling when it seems nothing is going right.

    Best of luck!:happy:

    THE SECRET_ thats what it's called- that's where my mom got off on her positive kick! Only she watched he "movie".. it's pretty good. And wether you believe in what they say or not- putting their suggestions in to practice will AT LEAST make you feel better and have a more positive outlook on life!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Do you ever feel like you are in a rut? Do you feel like you can't control anything that goes on in your life? Do you feel like when you take 2 steps forward, you end up taking 10 backwards? Well that is how I feel. I can't control anything. I can't get a job. I have been unemployed since February, my bills are stacked clear to the ceiling and above. My kids need clothes, my water is off, my gas is off, I need clothes, I need to lose weight... but I just gain it. I miss my mom and my sister, I am dealing with custody of the kids... And it just seems like nothing is going good. I know that it isn't good to stress... but that is my middle name. Sorry I needed to vent.:ohwell:

    I hear you girl. I hear you. Be strong.