
Hello! I am Patricia or Trish. I am 21 years old. I am new to myfitnesspal. I have had other accounts but would always get discouraged and delete them. I wan't to lose about 40 lbs. I am currently 200 lbs and about 5'6. I carry most of my weight in my stomach.

I am getting married in June and would like to lose as much weight as possible for my wedding day and just for this summer in general, so I can feel confident and beautiful and look back at my wedding pictures and not hate the way I look.

I DO NOT want to starve myself. I feel like whenever I diet I end up really restricting myself so much to the point where I eventually binge. I want to be successful with this diet or lifestyle change so if anyone would like to be friends on here and give me advice and help me out I would REALLY appreciate it.



  • Rebecca_hnolasco
    Rebecca_hnolasco Posts: 6 Member
    try doing weightwatchers....

    thats what i am doing and i lost 12 pounds in one month
  • Lindseyfay21
    Hey Trish,

    Congratulations on getting married! What an exciting time!! I was just married in January ;) I am 26 years old and noticed that our stats are about the same - ie- I am 5'6 and 212 lbs. I am hoping to get healthier for having a baby. My goal weight is 145 as it is smack dab in the middle of the healthy bmi for my height. As it is a substantial weight loss and I know better than trying to starve myself I expect it to take me 7-10 months to reach my goal, but I am super motivated! I'm doing 1300 calories a day and walking/running for 30 minutes a day (starting out slow with the running and will build up) for about 4-5 days per week. It'd be awesome if you want to motivate eachother and keep eachother accountable :)