Master Cleanse?

agentjayd007 Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
Hey all, I am a 20 year old gymnastics coach who could lose a few pounds. I am around 180 right now and I wanna drop the fat I have on my stomach and pectorals. I have a pool party to go to in about a month with my new girlfriend and shes never seen me without my shirt, and I am afraid to show myself with the fat I have going on. Im not obese, but I would really like to lose this weight.

I have heard how people can lose 10-15 pounds in 10 days on the Master Cleanse, and I was wondering if this is ok to go with? Any input on anything about losing weight will be greatly appreciated.


  • Hey all, I am a 20 year old gymnastics coach who could lose a few pounds. I am around 180 right now and I wanna drop the fat I have on my stomach and pectorals. I have a pool party to go to in about a month with my new girlfriend and shes never seen me without my shirt, and I am afraid to show myself with the fat I have going on. Im not obese, but I would really like to lose this weight.

    I have heard how people can lose 10-15 pounds in 10 days on the Master Cleanse, and I was wondering if this is ok to go with? Any input on anything about losing weight will be greatly appreciated.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Well you shouldn't want to lose weight for your girlfriend! But anyways- I'm a HUGE fan of the master cleanse... you should buy the book and read it (it costs all of $6).. and read WHY you should do the master cleanse.. most people don't do the cleanse to just lose weight- it's actually a cleanse for your body and helps detoxify your system. I think 10lbs is a bit much to lose in a week- unless you are severly overweight- then it's possible.

    *** I weighed 260lbs the last time I did the master cleanse- and I didn't lose 10lbs in a week!
  • Thanks, there are also some websites that talk about how the master cleanse isn't there to make you lose weight...I thought it was though? I know it does other stuff, but this was saying that it shouldn't be used as a weight loss tool.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks, there are also some websites that talk about how the master cleanse isn't there to make you lose weight...I thought it was though? I know it does other stuff, but this was saying that it shouldn't be used as a weight loss tool.

    That is correct. One of the "side-effects" of doing the cleanse can possibly be weight loss- but that's not the reason to do the cleanse!!!! If you want to loose weight, just watch calories etc and exercise! It's not going to hurt you to do the master cleanse- after all- it is a cleanse! It will make you feel better! The master cleanse is also called the "lemonade cleanse" because basically you are drinking lemon juice mixed with pure maple syrup and some cyanne pepper! But if you read up- you know that the mix actually contains all of the nutrients you need for a day!
  • jcummings69
    jcummings69 Posts: 183
    Good luck if you decide to try this. Last week I decided I wanted to try this cleanse starting today, well that lasted a whole 2 hours! I thought to myself "How bad can the salt water drink really be?" Well it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever experienced. Seriously, you have to drink a whole quart of this mixture and it left me gagging after one sip (through a straw I might add). Still I was determined and I managed to drink it (it took me 40 minutes). I had water shooting out of me for the next 2 hours (sorry to be graphic but it was BAD). Still, I was determined to do this. But after one sip of the lemonade I was done! It was super spicy and nasty. There was NOOOOOOOO way I was going to suffer that much for 10 days!
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I've done it with my mom. It isn't too bad the sea salt is for a reason too. (read the book or get it free online and you can check out books at library) it isn't for weight loss but you do loose weight. I lost about 15 lbs in a week. But again my normal metabolism is very high/fast so when I dropped calories unred 2k I lost a bit more than average. But my mom still lost like 10 lbs. The weight loss is a side effect the cleanse is to actually cleanse your digestive system. Never do any cleanse for sole purpose of weight loss. Now that said, since you said you only have some belly fat to get rid of and you have a month-why not try an intense abd workout? (be sure to get o.k. from your doc if you haven't been active) You can drop at least 3 inches maybe more and tone your abs in a month. I'm assuming youa ren't very big since you said your girlfriend hadn't seen you shirtless so I assume you only have a pooch pouch that is easily hidden under your shirt.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Good luck if you decide to try this. Last week I decided I wanted to try this cleanse starting today, well that lasted a whole 2 hours! I thought to myself "How bad can the salt water drink really be?" Well it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever experienced. Seriously, you have to drink a whole quart of this mixture and it left me gagging after one sip (through a straw I might add). Still I was determined and I managed to drink it (it took me 40 minutes). I had water shooting out of me for the next 2 hours (sorry to be graphic but it was BAD). Still, I was determined to do this. But after one sip of the lemonade I was done! It was super spicy and nasty. There was NOOOOOOOO way I was going to suffer that much for 10 days!

    The salt water is horrible- I agree. We usually skip the salt water (hehe). Anyways though- you can adjust the amount of syrup and cyan pepper to your taste!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't like the pepper in the drink- you can buy cyanne pepper 'pills' at the health food store- just take those instead!!!! We bought disolving gel caps that are empty and use reg cyanne pepper and fill them and use those instead of putting it in the lemonade. Also- PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE first- it's sooo much better to drink cold. I can't stand the syrup- so i opt for less and I love the taste. I fill a big water bottle, and carry it around with me all day to drink on... instead of trying to drink it all at once. After you've done it a few days it's not bad at all. You will begin to actually like the lemonade drink!!!!!!!! Sometimes when i'm not doing the cleanse (ie now when i'm pregnant) i start thinking, "man i really want one of those drinks!"
  • Topics like this are how the health food industry keeps your eating do a little exercise and you can drop a few pounds in time....the reliance of humans on quick fixes is crazy...
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    please read the above articles. You lose mainly water weight on these diets. And they strip your body of helpful bacteria, the ones that break down nutriance in your body. I would say, ONLY ever do this kind of program if instructed by a doctor or a CERTIFIED nutritionist or dietician. They can be harmful and can lead to gallbladder issues very quickly! The body already has a means to cleanse the system of toxins, and unless there is something wrong with those organs (the liver and kidneys), then you don't need to detox usually because they do a very good job on their own.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Topics like this are how the health food industry keeps your eating do a little exercise and you can drop a few pounds in time....the reliance of humans on quick fixes is crazy...

    For those into holistic medicine or because of their religions or eating lifestyles (like me) I have to again say this is NOT a diet. This being master cleanse. Also the organs don't always do a good job, in fact in most humans the organs are not even remotely operating at their best. (processed food, more over eating, pollution, stress, and the list goes on). if this was the ACTUAL case, a FACT, then we would not need the thousands of internal medicine doctors or the MILLIONS of products that are FDA approved to treat millions of stomach and intestinal disorders. Natural medicine has been around since the dawn of time before high priced and often unnecessary pharmaceuticals.
    Again the master cleanse is not a diet:mad: , not a quick fix:mad: , and not to be done without supervision of a physician. Nor should any cleanses.
    Again if the guy only has a tiny pooch, he could very well tone his abs in one month and drop 3 inches from his waist ( probably more but 3 inches with daily ab work is very doable and can be done safely as well). DOING EXCERCISE! A BASIC DEDICATION 2 TIMES A DAY TO A 15 MINUTE AB WORKOUT (AND SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS WALKING AT A BRISK PACE EACH NIGHT FOR 30 MINUTES)
    I think as far as natural healing and medicine, some outsiders are skeptical:yawn: But the medical profession is embracing their roots and actually incorporating natural healing such as cleanses, acupuncture, fasting, meditation, hyponisis, and other natural treatments for minor to major illnesses. The US is the ONLY nation that had not since maybe the 80's encouraged natural healing or had fasting or cleansing as a mainstream ritual to rest the body and balance natural flora, yeast, and healthy bacteria. Other countries strive on using what they have and not OVER medicating. Our bodies were designed to rid themselves of dangerous waste-but keep in mind all the MAN-MADE pollution and hazards we have. I can't even get to my office without going through a wall of smokers and bus fumes and fumes from those HORRIBLE hummers. Even the human body wasn't designed to fight carbon monoxide, pesticides, etc. So our organs need all the help they can get, this isn't Eden Banks:cry::noway: :wink: This is a METROPOLITAN BOWL of poisonous GOO we live in-the US all for the sake of convieniance and ease.
    Not everyone wants to be on drugs for reflux, constipation, diverticulitis, diabetes and other illnesses which have natural cures /courses of treatment.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    While I have no problem with holistic medicine in general. I respectfully disagree with the idea that the liver and kidneys don't do a very good job. I have, infact spoken to my doctor about these and he has assured me, quite adimantly, that any kind of colonic, or bacterial cleansing is not only unnecessary, but possibly harmful. This is my doctor saying that, someone who I highly respect and is very well respected in his field.

    I specifically asked about these kind of treatments because of past questions regarding cleanses. He told me straight up. Cleanses strip the body of the good bacteria found in the intestinal walls, the stuff that helps break down food and helps to keep the body healthy. Removing them can increase your risk of infection as well as decreasing the efficiency at which your body absorbs nutriants.

    please read this additional article on detox programs

    or alternatively watch these videos on the master cleanse diet
    This person is a Registered Dietician

    Please, I'm not being argumentative, I just want to make sure people are healthy. I'm no smarter then the next guy, which is why I asked professionals about this. I think if you want to try something like this, please, just ask your doctor, if they are ok with it. Then what more do you need to know?
  • number8
    number8 Posts: 12
    I love the MC. I rolled on the floor laughing at jcummings description post salt water!! :)
  • number8
    number8 Posts: 12
    I've done the MC for 10 days 2 times now. EACH time at about day 8, people start commenting on my complexion - they say it's beautiful. ALSO, when I'm jogging, even after a week of doing the MC, I have so much energy!!! I've had my best jogs while doing the MC. I LOVE THE MC!! (I also lost weight)
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Topics like this are how the health food industry keeps your eating do a little exercise and you can drop a few pounds in time....the reliance of humans on quick fixes is crazy...

    For those into holistic medicine or because of their religions or eating lifestyles (like me) I have to again say this is NOT a diet. This being master cleanse. Also the organs don't always do a good job, in fact in most humans the organs are not even remotely operating at their best. (processed food, more over eating, pollution, stress, and the list goes on). if this was the ACTUAL case, a FACT, then we would not need the thousands of internal medicine doctors or the MILLIONS of products that are FDA approved to treat millions of stomach and intestinal disorders. Natural medicine has been around since the dawn of time before high priced and often unnecessary pharmaceuticals.
    Again the master cleanse is not a diet:mad: , not a quick fix:mad: , and not to be done without supervision of a physician. Nor should any cleanses.
    Again if the guy only has a tiny pooch, he could very well tone his abs in one month and drop 3 inches from his waist ( probably more but 3 inches with daily ab work is very doable and can be done safely as well). DOING EXCERCISE! A BASIC DEDICATION 2 TIMES A DAY TO A 15 MINUTE AB WORKOUT (AND SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS WALKING AT A BRISK PACE EACH NIGHT FOR 30 MINUTES)
    I think as far as natural healing and medicine, some outsiders are skeptical:yawn: But the medical profession is embracing their roots and actually incorporating natural healing such as cleanses, acupuncture, fasting, meditation, hyponisis, and other natural treatments for minor to major illnesses. The US is the ONLY nation that had not since maybe the 80's encouraged natural healing or had fasting or cleansing as a mainstream ritual to rest the body and balance natural flora, yeast, and healthy bacteria. Other countries strive on using what they have and not OVER medicating. Our bodies were designed to rid themselves of dangerous waste-but keep in mind all the MAN-MADE pollution and hazards we have. I can't even get to my office without going through a wall of smokers and bus fumes and fumes from those HORRIBLE hummers. Even the human body wasn't designed to fight carbon monoxide, pesticides, etc. So our organs need all the help they can get, this isn't Eden Banks:cry::noway: :wink: This is a METROPOLITAN BOWL of poisonous GOO we live in-the US all for the sake of convieniance and ease.
    Not everyone wants to be on drugs for reflux, constipation, diverticulitis, diabetes and other illnesses which have natural cures /courses of treatment.

  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    While I have no problem with holistic medicine in general. I respectfully disagree with the idea that the liver and kidneys don't do a very good job. I have, infact spoken to my doctor about these and he has assured me, quite adimantly, that any kind of colonic, or bacterial cleansing is not only unnecessary, but possibly harmful. This is my doctor saying that, someone who I highly respect and is very well respected in his field.

    I specifically asked about these kind of treatments because of past questions regarding cleanses. He told me straight up. Cleanses strip the body of the good bacteria found in the intestinal walls, the stuff that helps break down food and helps to keep the body healthy. Removing them can increase your risk of infection as well as decreasing the efficiency at which your body absorbs nutriants.

    please read this additional article on detox programs

    or alternatively watch these videos on the master cleanse diet
    This person is a Registered Dietician

    Please, I'm not being argumentative, I just want to make sure people are healthy. I'm no smarter then the next guy, which is why I asked professionals about this. I think if you want to try something like this, please, just ask your doctor, if they are ok with it. Then what more do you need to know?

    Well just because someone is a Doctor does not mean they know all. That's like saying the US goverment really cares about us. Just because something is approved by the FDA doesn't mean it's safe.. just because something isn't approved by the FDA does not mean it isn't safe! I think the most important thing a person can do is to educate themselves! Doctors believe they care about you- but go work in a doctors office. THe bottom line is money. Why is there such a huge push for perscription drugs? Why are their constantly good looking pharamacuetical reps in and out all day long? They only care about money. The sick we are- the more money they make. Our bodies are AMAZING things- WHEN THEY ARE TAKEN CARE OF! They werent meant for all of the toxins and chemicals we injest. Our bodies have become extremely toxic and I bet most would be surprised at just how much it effects their bodies and organ functions!!!! I don't think people are as healthy as many of them think they are! We have WONDERFUL and amazing immune systems- Ok nevermind, I digress for now. Sorry, i'm not dogging on you at all or anything.. just wanted to say my .02 about these things.
  • The body self regulates and cleans just your diet and don't put the junk in there that could cause what you eat and exercise....your body will do amazing
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Don't you think more people would be dying or on organ transplant lists if the body's organs didn't effectively flush out toxins from our systems?

    Have you considered that we need thousands of internal medicine doctors to meet the demands of simple economics? Population growth and density are a huge factor. Without a surplus of doctors, the cost of a simple checkup would be astronomical.

    Do you also recognize that internal medicine does more than to treat the overall body? Internal medicine also treats drug addictions, psychological pains, cognitive/speech disorders, and infectious disease?

    You may describe America as a "metropolitan bowl of poisonous goo" but the Middle Ages didn't have it so well either. They had natural medicine _and_ The Black Plague. In my metropolitan goo laced country, I fail to see any disease wipe 1/3 of its denizens from the map. Maybe that's due to the contributions of modern medicine.

    You may call many drugs "unnecessary pharmaceuticals" but until you provide scientific research from a journal which proves that holistic medicine has the same capacity to treat cancer than drugs like cisplatin or behavioral/cognitive disorders, then you'll prove my point why we need so many internal medicine doctors.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you. Neither am I. I simply prefer open intelligent dialect on most topics. Again our bodies are not exposed to NATURAL toxins only. That is not relaity and therefore they are taxed everyday. I'm aware of the benefits of western medicine and I also embrace holistic medicine. My doctor told me that the benefits of cleansing actually cured or rather FINALLY treated my IBS which I was diagnosed with in college. I would go up to two weeks with no bowel movement (yep I said almost two weeks in fact 13 days the last time and I was using every pill they gave me and would have gone into the hospital for surgery if the medicine didn't produce a bowel mvmt in 24 hours) The problem is the instestines can't eliminate UNHEALTHY bacteria all the time. We need "germs" to survive but to much is not healthy.
    We all know too that antibiotics used to treat most bacterial overgorwths an dinfections also KILL healthy bacteria,you would agree or not Banks:wink: and also might and probably will make our bodies immune to treatment with antibiotics if and when we need them again. Hmmm would you agree or not?
    My doctor (and not just the one I'm dating) says antibiotics are OVERUSED ., Also everyone knows that it really is all about the DOLLAR. If they let you know you can treat many common bowel porblems naturally then you won't need to come to them for repeat visits and follow up. And how will they ever pay for their country club memberships or newest Lexus without that?
    I do not knock western medicine, I also respectfull disagree that a practice that has been used for thousands of years (cleansing and fasting) and has not had documented proof of death of major organ failure when done RIGHT and not for the purpose of weight loss, is not beneficial.
    In fact my own mother just got out of intensive care last weekend after almost DYING because she trusted her internal medicine doctors. She had two blood transfusions and 5 colonostomies and trusted only in the medicine. She was misdaignosed, suffered a lot of pain, nearly 800,000 thousand in medical bills and the near depletion of her lifetime benefits. She was overmedicated as well. Yet what it turned out to be-diverticulitis-was treated and can be prevented with cleansing (which she had and the doctor ordered it in the HOSPITAL) and dietary changes. The antibiotics did not work and the bleeding was missed for a whole week. Now that she has gone holistic (well as holistic as my mother will go lol) she has stopped bleeding and her system is getting back to normal and the test have all come back fine to date. I had wanted to leave that part out as I don't see a need to blast my private life online, however I wanted to clarify why my stance is what it is. Now since the head of internal medicine at a major hospital gave my mother a cleanse (after finding the cause of bleeding and to rest her digestive system) I have to stand firm in my belief on that one. It could also be the influence of his his culture combined with his Harvard degree as cleansing is a part of the Asian culture and most cultures and to a degree many religions.
    While I have no problem with holistic medicine in general. I respectfully disagree with the idea that the liver and kidneys don't do a very good job. I have, infact spoken to my doctor about these and he has assured me, quite adimantly, that any kind of colonic, or bacterial cleansing is not only unnecessary, but possibly harmful. This is my doctor saying that, someone who I highly respect and is very well respected in his field.

    I specifically asked about these kind of treatments because of past questions regarding cleanses. He told me straight up. Cleanses strip the body of the good bacteria found in the intestinal walls, the stuff that helps break down food and helps to keep the body healthy. Removing them can increase your risk of infection as well as decreasing the efficiency at which your body absorbs nutriants.

    please read this additional article on detox programs

    or alternatively watch these videos on the master cleanse diet
    This person is a Registered Dietician

    Please, I'm not being argumentative, I just want to make sure people are healthy. I'm no smarter then the next guy, which is why I asked professionals about this. I think if you want to try something like this, please, just ask your doctor, if they are ok with it. Then what more do you need to know?
  • lilmandy89
    lilmandy89 Posts: 323 Member
    What is the Master Cleanse??
  • Julie1984
    Julie1984 Posts: 33
    I just watched an episode of Pen & Teller: B.S.! last night about this sort of thing, and it was quite entertaining. As others have already pointed out, the body does a fine job of "detoxing" itself, and most of these programs have a lot more to do with relieving you of your money rather than your health problems. One guy on the show was actually charging $40 a bottle for a concoction that was mostly water and sugar- ha!
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