Just ate a bunch of cheetos without even thinking about it!

It's bound to happen, of course, but I just ate a bunch of cheetos and didn't even realize I had done so until I looked down to find an empty bag. Kind of dejecting, but tomorrow's another day, right?


  • missa0208
    missa0208 Posts: 25
    It happens, I know it has for me more than a few times lol. Thats when I try my best to get an extra workout in just so I don't feel as bad. And yes tomarrow is new day =). Good luck to you !
  • GardenFolly
    GardenFolly Posts: 20
    I understand this. It is like the brain link between hand and mouth went missing! I am being a bit of a tyrant in my house about people bringing home snacks like that (or at least hide them really well!) Of course tomorrow is a whole new day, at least you noticed! :)
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    We all do it. I normally eat super healthy, but was derailed when my (now) husband and his teen-ager moved in....what boys will eat. I don't know if this will help you or not, but I was about to eat an entire bag of cheese puffs one day when I decided to try this trick...I made a vow to never eat anything unless I was at the kitchen table. I also ate 1/2 the bag before dumping them in the yard for the birds. I just knew I would not go outside and pick them off the ground. Also, I try brushing my teeth before I start eating the offending treat...I am amazed at how little I want to eat after that.

    Stick with it - don't let one slip ruin the rest of your progress.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I know right??? my husband and 3 boys (two tweens and a teen) can eat ANYTHING. I can ignore those things in the store, but in the house, they call my name....

    I have gotten better at being more mindful. I have on occasion logged just 10g of doritos. if i plan to eat a little bit, and stick to it, I feel better than totally depriving myself.