Trying out the 30 day shred

I've heard nothing but good things about this workout plan and downloaded the levels on itunes the other day.
Honestly, does this work?
How much room do I need to do the work out?
Can I do this work out in the gym too, or will I look silly?

I also planning on using soup tins for weights until I can get some at the weekend, that will work right?

Opinions on this please!


  • sweetendeavor
    sweetendeavor Posts: 72 Member
    I just finished 30DS. I don't suggest doing it everyday. When I did it everyday I barely saw any loss. When I started doing it like three times a week and alternating it with other workout dvds, I dropped two pounds.

    You won't need much room. I suggest 8 x 8 should be enough. Good luck!
  • JM 30 day shred is a great overall work out. You can deff start with soup cans until you pick up weights. You don't need that much room and I would not recommend doing this in a gym, after all it is a home work out DVD.
    when you finish the 30 days i would suggest one of her other videos like ripped in 30, but 30 days shred is a good place to start.
    in the past i have done 30 day shred about three times a week and a different JM dvd just so I didn't get bored.
    Today I started day 1 of 30 day shred if you are looking for a buddy let me know.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Today was my last day of the 30 Day Shred. I *almost* did it for 30 straight days -- only 2 rest days, non-consecutive. It worked pretty well for me! I lost 7 pounds over the past month that I've been doing it. You can see my before/after pics on my blog:

    I'm not sure if you'd be able to do it at the gym. How were you planning on using it, since you downloaded it on itunes? On your laptop or iPod? I think it would be difficult to follow on an iPod, but I used my laptop to do all 3 levels and it worked just fine. Just find somewhere stable to put it, and give yourself some space to move.

    Soup cans will work to start, although I'd definitely recommend getting some actual hand weights as soon as you can. You'll benefit the most if there's more resistance (of course, not too heavy though).