Couch to 5K looking for a partner in the Lehigh Valley, PA

I'm interested in doung the couch to 5K program and have seen a lot of great feedback on here. I'm ready to get started and looking for someone who wants to give it a shot with me! I'm 30 yrs old and have been working on getting healthy for a while - I bike and walk a lot already. Anyone else in the Lehigh Valley willing to give running a try??


  • Augbert
    Augbert Posts: 3
    I would be happy to tag along!
  • macy0125
    macy0125 Posts: 2 Member
    Aw cool! I thought I'd be able to find a group doing it somewhere local, but it looks like most people do it on their own??
  • Augbert
    Augbert Posts: 3
    I was lucky- there is a running club in my neighborhood that started last april. I am going to try to organize another running club in CV but that would probably not be practical for you. There's a great loop in my neighborhood if you want to get a few runs in on the week...would love to tag along!