Is Cardio-Only a Setup for Failure?



  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    ive noticed.... im a yo-yo exerciser. heh. when i start (again) its usually only cardio and i have motivation that feels like itll last forever. of course it dies after a while. i used to do something like 45- 60 minutes of cardio on the elliptical or about 30 mins on the trails around my house. ive also noticed that a few of my friends do this. they spend up to 90 minutes doing JUST cardio for about a week, and then i stop seeing their exercise updates. i do the same damn thing!!! why? would strength training keep up the motivation a little more?

    it interested me that im not the only one who does this, so im curious to hear your thoughts. why does excessive cardio seem to lead to a complete crash in motovation for the 585268447th time?

    Ok. OP. Sorry I got so derailed by one of your responses....

    Again, I'm not Personal Trainer, but I'll share my opinion after 2+ years on MFP and losing 50 lbs and achieving a wieght lower than what I had when I had an ED, but now I can do chin ups and squat 145 lbs:

    Doing excessive endless hours of cardio burns calories. Training for a marathon can be a great goal. It can be a wonderful active meditation, help you become fit, and be so good for your mental health. It can also get boring as hell and damage your knees....

    I used to run A LOT. Well, for my busy life, running 50 miles in one month is a lot. And i damaged my knees and realized if I wanted to put energy into the five million other things I want to do with my life, I can't be a "slave to cardio"....So here's what I figure. HIIT is BETTER than constant rate running, and you simply cannot do a full hour of HIIT. Trust me. I was regularly running 5 miles multiple times a week, and when I switched to HIIT for 20 minutes, it kicked my bum. I'm not talking intervals. I'm talking HIGH INTENSITY intervals. This has the same benefits, and then some, as steady state cardio. You build endurance. YOu also have more after burn. The only down side is, as far as "Logging" goes, it'll show you burning less cals (just due to the fact that you can't do more than about 20 minutes on any given day).

    I also took up weight lifting. I have only been doing it since January but I can say for sure that I am not BORED at all by it. It's amazing to see how much and how quickly one can change their body. Case in point: In january, I couldn't do one full chin up. I could do partials, and even that was a miracle for me. Now it's April and I do 9 PULL UPS every time I go to the gym. I can see improvements in how much i can squat, dead lift, etc. These improvements are almost weekly. I can see muscles I didn't even know I had. And when I try things that I used to struggle with (like circus arts, corde-lisse for example) it's THRILLING to see that I can do them with such ease!

    I feel like a monkey sometimes!!!!

    Bring it ON!

    so my vote goes for give up endless hours of cardio if you are bored. Cut it down to 20 mins of HIIT 3-4 x's a week and start lifting heavy. The day will come when your car breaks down and you realize you can push it where it needs to go all by yourself and darn it, it feels GOOD!

    i really appreciate this response; thank you! hehe a monkey ;) way to go with your progress. the boredom seems to be it.. i want to start weight training SO bad its unreal. my schedule and wallet doesn't permit me a gym membership though, so for now its just body weight exercises and small hand weights i found around my house. i havent tried hiit, so i shall look into it :)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Exercise has no bearing - at all - on losing body fat.

    If you exercise, let's say "300 calories worth," you'll just eat that much more.

    It makes no difference to your Calorie Deficit for the day.

    If you say "Oh, I'm going to exercise 300 calories, but, still only eat 1600" ... that's silly. Why?

    Simply, just DON'T exercise, and only eat 1300.

    It's easier to do the latter. Exercise just increases your appetite, beyond the calories-burned.

    The ONLY THING THAT MATTERS if you want to eliminate body fat is:

    (1) slash your carbohydrate intake to 72 grams per day, and keep it there precisely

    (2) your caloric deficit each day.

    Exercise is totally pointless, because it will just make you eat more. If you say "oh, but I'll only eat the same anyway" -- then very simply, DON'T exercise and just eat less.

    It's incredibly easy to lose body fat, IF, repeat IF, you keep to 72 grams of carbs per day. Exercise makes no difference either way.

    the only thing that matters is your Calorie Deficit on a given day !

    Instead of doing 200 cals of exercise, just don't eat a couple spoons of yoghourt .. 200 calories.

    I have this really great, slightly used bridge for sale. Interested?
  • jentarver
    jentarver Posts: 192
    I love lifting and I love the results!!! Cardio I love also, especially running!
  • rcamermaid
    rcamermaid Posts: 6
    To answer the original question, I believe there needs to be a combination of both cardio and strength (not heavy lifting) and it should be changed up because our bodies get used to the same routine. Don't exercise to loss weight - do it for a healthy body. I have family who are in their nineties and they still are active, shovel show, sweep, rake/cut grass, etc. They do it slower and get upset if you try to do it for them. Still, they are moving and keeping their muscles and heart going. May we all be healthy in our nineties.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Because most cardio is the same repetitive motion? And doing that for 90 minutes (which IMO is too long for a session) can seem endless.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I agree. When I lift weights, I move from place to place a lot, usually not staying in the same section after I finish a set. So, I'll do one thing, then go across the gym to do something else, then back again to do more in the first section. It's a change of scenery, and sometimes, the scenery is quite nice! :wink:

    Anyway, I prefer lifting to cardio, personally. It keeps my interest for longer and it makes me feel like a total bad@ss.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    To answer the original question, I believe there needs to be a combination of both cardio and strength (not heavy lifting) and it should be changed up because our bodies get used to the same routine. Don't exercise to loss weight - do it for a healthy body. I have family who are in their nineties and they still are active, shovel show, sweep, rake/cut grass, etc. They do it slower and get upset if you try to do it for them. Still, they are moving and keeping their muscles and heart going. May we all be healthy in our nineties.

    Why not heavy lifting? I love heavy lifting.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It is a simple concept:

    You eat to lose weight

    You exercise for good health.

    Both are necessary to live a healthy life!

    ^ That's MFP gold, right there. :heart:
  • kmalex
    kmalex Posts: 39 Member
  • lmfbs
    lmfbs Posts: 72 Member
    OP, ignoring all this other stuff, the reason I haven't kept up a cardio routine is I get bored. It's too easy for me to put it off till tomorrow or promise myself I'll catch up. I never do.

    I agree with the people who have said setting goals is a good idea.

    For me what's made the difference is a routine - I go to the gym every weekday at lunchtime. If I feel like my body needs a rest day, I'll take one, but I know my routine is every day at 12ish, I get out of my chair and pop down to the gym. Maybe a routine will help you stick at it?
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Exercise has no bearing - at all - on losing body fat.

    If you exercise, let's say "300 calories worth," you'll just eat that much more.

    It makes no difference to your Calorie Deficit for the day.

    If you say "Oh, I'm going to exercise 300 calories, but, still only eat 1600" ... that's silly. Why?

    Simply, just DON'T exercise, and only eat 1300.

    It's easier to do the latter. Exercise just increases your appetite, beyond the calories-burned.

    The ONLY THING THAT MATTERS if you want to eliminate body fat is:

    (1) slash your carbohydrate intake to 72 grams per day, and keep it there precisely

    (2) your caloric deficit each day.

    Exercise is totally pointless, because it will just make you eat more. If you say "oh, but I'll only eat the same anyway" -- then very simply, DON'T exercise and just eat less.

    It's incredibly easy to lose body fat, IF, repeat IF, you keep to 72 grams of carbs per day. Exercise makes no difference either way.

    the only thing that matters is your Calorie Deficit on a given day !

    Instead of doing 200 cals of exercise, just don't eat a couple spoons of yoghourt .. 200 calories.

    This guy is amazing :) Posts that same crap everywhere on every post, nutrition or exercise based :p Complete bro-science that doesn't even go with common sense, like most bro-scientists try to do to seem legit. Truly fascinating. Suggestion for you mister temp666, stop eating. Really amazing caloric deficit, no need to even exercise!

    For the OP, you can at least vary your cardio a lot if you want to stick to that. SOOO may options available : Bike, swimming, rowing machine (that one is evil), running outside somewhere you have never been, etc.

    Lifting is also pretty repetitive anyway, and somewhat harder to vary I find, so maybe that won't help in itself if you are trying to find variety.

    What works for me too is to log and keep data on my cardio like crazy. Everything I can track and measure and follow over time, that really drives me and motivates me to do better and go back outside and run.

    Good luck :)
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    It has nothing to do with cardio or weights. You don't have the will power or resolve to fix your weight problem. Maybe examine your lifestyle and where you're failing diet wise before trying to place the blame on working out.

    ah man definitely didnt ask for criticism. who said i have a weight problem..? i could very well be here to tone up. not just lose weight. dont tell me what i do and dont have. this post was written for discussion, not critique.
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    To answer the original question, I believe there needs to be a combination of both cardio and strength (not heavy lifting) and it should be changed up because our bodies get used to the same routine. Don't exercise to loss weight - do it for a healthy body. I have family who are in their nineties and they still are active, shovel show, sweep, rake/cut grass, etc. They do it slower and get upset if you try to do it for them. Still, they are moving and keeping their muscles and heart going. May we all be healthy in our nineties.

    Why not heavy lifting? I love heavy lifting.

    curious about that too?
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Exercise has no bearing - at all - on losing body fat.
    Really? So if you create a higher calorie deficit from exercise it has NO BEARING?:laugh:

    It's easier to do the latter. Exercise just increases your appetite, beyond the calories-burned.

    The ONLY THING THAT MATTERS if you want to eliminate body fat is:

    (1) slash your carbohydrate intake to 72 grams per day, and keep it there precisely

    (2) your caloric deficit each day.

    Exercise is totally pointless, because it will just make you eat more. If you say "oh, but I'll only eat the same anyway" -- then very simply, DON'T exercise and just eat less.

    It's incredibly easy to lose body fat, IF, repeat IF, you keep to 72 grams of carbs per day. Exercise makes no difference either way.

    the only thing that matters is your Calorie Deficit on a given day !

    Instead of doing 200 cals of exercise, just don't eat a couple spoons of yoghourt .. 200 calories.
    Where is the clinical peer reviewed study that shows that exercise is pointless and doesn't help with metabolism?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'd like to see that as well.
    From what I've learned, most people need 130g of carbs a day, minimum.
    People can sustain a low-carb diet, yes, but carbohydrates play a vital role in countless body functions, which can become impaired without the proper fuel.

    Also, weight-bearing exercise = increased muscle mass.
    Muscle burns more calories even when not exercising, so more muscle = higher caloric needs = higher metabolism.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Also, weight-bearing exercise = increased muscle mass.
    Muscle burns more calories even when not exercising, so more muscle = higher caloric needs = higher metabolism.

    You forgot to mention the hormonal benifits to strength training and their impact on fat oxidation.
  • rcamermaid
    rcamermaid Posts: 6
    Heavy lifting is great and I didn't mean to knock it. I'm impressed and in awe by people who do that. :smile:

    I'm just trying to convey that lifting doesn't have to be 'heavy' lifting to get toned. Many people I know think lifting weights will bulk you up. That's not entirely true. Just being able to use your own weight in various moves is good enough for toning.
  • rcamermaid
    rcamermaid Posts: 6
    To answer the original question, I believe there needs to be a combination of both cardio and strength (not heavy lifting) and it should be changed up because our bodies get used to the same routine. Don't exercise to loss weight - do it for a healthy body. I have family who are in their nineties and they still are active, shovel show, sweep, rake/cut grass, etc. They do it slower and get upset if you try to do it for them. Still, they are moving and keeping their muscles and heart going. May we all be healthy in our nineties.

    Why not heavy lifting? I love heavy lifting.

    curious about that too?

    Heavy lifting is great and I didn't mean to knock it. I'm impressed and in awe by people who do that.

    I'm just trying to convey that lifting doesn't have to be 'heavy' lifting to get toned. Many people I know think lifting weights will bulk you up. That's not entirely true. Just being able to use your own weight in various moves is good enough for toning.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Because most cardio is the same repetitive motion? And doing that for 90 minutes (which IMO is too long for a session) can seem endless.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    endless? on some machine maybe, but no . . . have you never been dancing or surfing or paddleboarding or bike riding or something cardio for 90 minutes outside? glorious . . . . sometimes 90 minutes is not near enough time :)
    I speak in terms of people who do it straight in the gym with no breaks and usually steady state. See them by the dozens in the gym and they may sweat, but their physical bodies haven't changed much. And long cardio like that tends to burn lean muscle tissue UNLESS there is replenishment.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    This guy is amazing :) Posts that same crap everywhere on every post, nutrition or exercise based :p Complete bro-science that doesn't even go with common sense, like most bro-scientists try to do to seem legit. Truly fascinating. Suggestion for you mister temp666, stop eating. Really amazing caloric deficit, no need to even exercise!

    For the OP, you can at least vary your cardio a lot if you want to stick to that. SOOO may options available : Bike, swimming, rowing machine (that one is evil), running outside somewhere you have never been, etc.

    Lifting is also pretty repetitive anyway, and somewhat harder to vary I find, so maybe that won't help in itself if you are trying to find variety.

    What works for me too is to log and keep data on my cardio like crazy. Everything I can track and measure and follow over time, that really drives me and motivates me to do better and go back outside and run.

    Good luck :)

    haha yeah i looked at his posts and saw that too. and thats very true.. i never think of those things!!! i even have a pool available to me.. ha. sounds like its time to get cracking :) thank you!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    To answer the original question, I believe there needs to be a combination of both cardio and strength (not heavy lifting) and it should be changed up because our bodies get used to the same routine. Don't exercise to loss weight - do it for a healthy body. I have family who are in their nineties and they still are active, shovel show, sweep, rake/cut grass, etc. They do it slower and get upset if you try to do it for them. Still, they are moving and keeping their muscles and heart going. May we all be healthy in our nineties.

    Why not heavy lifting? I love heavy lifting.

    curious about that too?

    Heavy lifting is great and I didn't mean to knock it. I'm impressed and in awe by people who do that.

    I'm just trying to convey that lifting doesn't have to be 'heavy' lifting to get toned. Many people I know think lifting weights will bulk you up. That's not entirely true. Just being able to use your own weight in various moves is good enough for toning.

    Ah, ok. My goal is to not only get "toned" but to look scary too! I live on a campus with a high crime rate and I want to make sure people know not to mess with me! :laugh:
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    The answer to the OPs original question is...yup.