Short workouts that burn a lot of calories?



  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Just thought I'd add Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred....20 minutes per workout. Any Jillian Michael's DVD, really. Try it!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Kettlebells ...go as long as you want, many different moves and workouts.... great burns and fun to boot!
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    I echo the Jillian Michaels recommendations. She does things in circuits, so you aren't doing the same thing over and over. I have 4 or 5 of her videos so I don't have the sequences memorized and there is something of a surprise while doing the workout that keeps me engaged. In Banish Fat Boost Metabolism you can choose to only do certain circuits so you can change up the order or do a shorter workout that way too.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I love the Kettle Worx DVD's, they come with a 5lb weight. The DVD's are fast pace and have you doing many exercises every two minutes. You can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    tae bo hands down is awesome!!
  • JustDionne
    JustDionne Posts: 1
    I love Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. Thanks for reminding me that I've got that. :)
    I can generally burn around 400 calories in 30 minutes on the elliptical while watching a tv show at the gym.
    My ADHD makes it really hard for me to enjoy running without a purpose. In the past, I've found that running errands on foot when possible really helps me out. My favorite used to be running to the grocery store with a backpack. I get my exercise. Between the weight and being in the middle of "exercise" I have no problem talking myself out of junk food. I don't get as bored because I've got a goal in mind. On the way back, if I've worn myself out and am going slow, I'm still working my muscles a little more by carrying the extra weight.
  • kindred_fawn
    kindred_fawn Posts: 22 Member
    insanity if you can do it, its advanced. Otherwise, star jumps, jump rope.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Sprint, calisthenics, sprint, other calisthenic, repeat.

    You can use push-ups, squats, variations of crunches. Whatever. Just mix it up and keep it high intensity.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I have ADD, and so working out for a long period of time drives me crazy with boredom. What are some short workouts you've found that really work your body?

    Try Tabata training, its a type of HIIT training. You do each exercise for 20 seconds then stop for 20 seconds. Repeated 8 times. (4 minutes in total)

    They can be anything, sit ups, squats, high jumps, skipping etc.
  • honeythatsokay
    I definitely second the 20 min Jillian Michaels workouts. I combine them with a TV show that I like, on the same13" laptop no less. (Mute Jillian) I will watch one of my less favorite shows, like Nikita (Maggie Q has a slamming body so that's motivation too!) I could never do it with, say, Games of Thrones though, where you want to catch all the details because it's a lot of floor exercises so you're laying down and getting up quite a bit, but 20 mins will work you out! And you don't feel like you wasted time watching TV ;)
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189

    ^^this. doesn't burn a ton WHILE you work out but helps you burn more while you are sittin on the couch lol
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    well you havnt seen an athlete do HIIT then haha, when I do HIIT i pour sweat and push through so much pain I have a hard time taking my sweat soaked shirt off afterwords, however you are correct, HIIT does improve your resting Metabolic rate, youve done your homework
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Turbo fire is also a great one to do!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    30 Day Shred, 27 mins with your warm up and cool down! Job's a goodun! :P
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    If you're looking for a short workout and to burn a load of calories, then I would recommened the 30 Day Shred. It only takes 30 minutes a day and produces great results :)
  • emma110984
    emma110984 Posts: 125 Member
    SKIPPING... JUMP ROPE!! It's a killer...