The Gym

Hey! Does anyone feel the same way like me?
I want to go to the gym, but then I just feel "blah", lazy I guess and don't go,
I guess it also doesn't help that I have an anxiety disorder among other things (large crowds, etc), anyways, how can I make the gym "fun", so that I'll actually want to go? Any suggestions?
I'm really commited to sticking to this healthy eating and exercise, but I just need the motivation, you know?


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Personally, I never have motivation to drive somewhere to workout. Instead of paying the fees every month I just get some videos or get outside. I also have a small set of free weights in my house, a step for step aerobics, a yoga ball and a yoga mat. It suits all the needs I have without having to waste time driving and wait for motivation.

    If you are set to going to gym it is good to have a routine for doing it. I have slight anxiety disorder and my sister has it too. We only do things like this if we go each day at the same time and workout for a preset limit. To get myself going at first I setup a "treat" for myself like buying a t-shirt or something at the end of the week. Once it becomes normal it is easy.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I can relate.

    I had to hire a trainer when I first started out to make myself go. I have since learned to like going although sometimes it is hard to get motivated. And having said that I haven't been in a few weeks, but my excuse is that I am training for a 1/2 marathon.

    Do you know anyone you can go with? Or are there group classes offerred at your gym? They tend to play great music at the group classes and the instructors are usually pretty good at motivating you. The main thing is to make going a part of your regular routine. Pick times that are convenient for you (like on the way home from work for me) to increase your chances of sticking with it. Also, don't be afraid to try new things. You may be surprised at what you find you really like.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey! Does anyone feel the same way like me?
    I want to go to the gym, but then I just feel "blah", lazy I guess and don't go,
    I guess it also doesn't help that I have an anxiety disorder among other things (large crowds, etc), anyways, how can I make the gym "fun", so that I'll actually want to go? Any suggestions?
    I'm really commited to sticking to this healthy eating and exercise, but I just need the motivation, you know?

    If you do not feel comfortable going to the gym, there are so many other things you can do at home. Look into workout DVD's. That is actually what I am doing. Go to, they have great workouts. Slim in 6 might be a good one for you. You can also get various cardio DVD's that might be fun for you. Right now I am doing Core Rhythms and it is a lot of fun. Go to
    I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I used to be that way... blah...:sick: the gym... I used to look for every excuse not to go with my fiance. I would say things like, "I will just do a DVD at home..." and never did.

    Now that I have pushed myself and gotten into shape, I can't wait to go to the gym! I won't be able to go today due to appointments and meetings but as soon as I get home I will be headed down the road for my jog/walk and then Tae Bo and PushUps and AbLounge. It's so exciting for me to be able to do things that I couldn't have 6 months ago. I feel myself getting stronger and I love it!

    You just have to DO IT! Push yourself and you will be rewarded! Good luck!
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    Find some classes that you might enjoy, makes the time go by so much quicker and you don't even notice the others around you cause you are focusing on the instructor. PLUS I look at it like it's a "Free" personal trainer, only it's you and some others rather than one on one.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member

    The main thing is to make going a part of your regular routine. Pick times that are convenient for you (like on the way home from work for me) to increase your chances of sticking with it. Also, don't be afraid to try new things. You may be surprised at what you find you really like.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    I agree with the routine. I used to go home from work and wait for my fiance to pick me up to go to the gym. I would get home and totally lose motivation. Then I decided to go straight from work and get there before him. I feel so weird now if I don't go to the gym after work.

    I also agree with trying new things. I just recently started doing upper body with free weights, now I prefer free weights!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I used to have a membership to a gym. However, I could go into several rants, not about the gym itself but about the people who I met there. Some of the sterotypes probably fit people reading this post, and some are more irritating than others...Anyway.

    Once I moved to a place with enough space I started buying my own workout eqiupment. Mostly free weights, and a lat pull machine which morphes into other excersises. I eventually want to weld my own squat rack together. For cardio equipment? I have a Mt Bike, and a pair of running shoes. With two children, and a wife my schedule is far from set. So having w/o equipment at home allows me to choose my spots. I definatly enjoy it more, and I can pretty much wear whatever I want.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I view the gym as one might look at a class, bowling leaque or a PTA meeting. I go every Tue/Wed/Thu, rain or shine, tired or not, and I do my workouts. I know very well that after a few minutes, my endorphins will kick in and I'll feel a lot better. I simply refuse to look at the gym as 'optional', because it isn't, for me. I know also, that I will NOT make up for missing a workout at the gym by doing something at home. I might tell myself I'll do a dvd or go for a jog or do some calisthenics, but I've learned that home is not the environment for me to focus on exercise. It just isn't. SO I must force myself to go to the gym. Period.

    Also, I'm there for myself, not for anyone else. I don't pay any attention to them, I don't chat with them, and I don't care if they're watching me (or not). I'm there for a purpose, and it does not involve the other people there.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    If you do join a gym, make sure it is somewhere where you WILL be comfortable. I go to a hole-in-the-wall gym where I have gotten to know the other members and feel comfortable working out around them. I don't think I could ever go to like LA Fitness or Urban Active...
  • twilight1542
    Personally, I find it easier to motivate myself to go to the gym than to workout at home. At home I have free weights, a few dvd's and an elliptical. But there's too much distraction.......laundry, cleaning, organizing...and the logisticals....if I do cardio in my room I am paranoid that I am being too loud--bedroom is on 2nd floor and I have 3 roommates...If I do it in the living room then someone could interrupt me at any point.

    At the gym it's all about the gym! I couldn't care less if I'm dripping with sweat because so is everyone else! So I put in my headphone and either listen to my Ipod or watch tv and just go for it. Also, sometimes I end up working out longer because I've still got energy and time......Yesterday I did 45 mins eliiptical; 20 mins Arc Trainer; and 45 mins swimming (40 laps) and all I planned on doing was 1 hour total between swimming & the elliptical. Whereas at home, once the program is over I'm done.

    I also LOVE my gym. It's not a mom & pop type; it's a chain "Club One". But it's what I would consider an upper tier gym. I have never had a problem getting machines, a locker, a shower or anything. Everything is well maintained and I've gotten to know a lot of "familiar faces" there. There's nothing quite as motivational as seeing a 50+ year old man or woman doing a 2+ hour workout...I can't help but think if they can do it I should be able to as well.
  • jenne
    I hear what your saying. That used to be me a couple of years ago! Swore and declared i would never set foot ina gym and then I had a medical scare that made me realize doing things on my own just wasn't working so well. I knew winter was coming and running is not really an option here once the cold really sets in.

    Nowadays I love my gym workouts! I did a lot of reserach into the gyms in my area, took advantage of the trials they offered until I found the gym that I felt offered what I needed to keep myself motivated. Then I made it a habit... Set a goal, to do a mini triathlon within two years and when I realized I was struggling I hired a trainer and made myself accountable to hiom, so to speak.

    Hubby has never been to my gym, will do anything he can think of to stop me going but you know what I still go, I make myself and with the new found confidence that came from doing things I never thought I would be able to in mine or his lifetime, it's easier to just walk out the door and go to my boxing class -))

    Make it a habit is the best advice I can give you. As Nike says " Just do it" Cause this is one thing no one else can do for you.

  • debtdummy
    this is going to spund odd, but i love my gym, i go and its quite nice seeing same people and i jog on treadmill listening to fav music and people watching....... i love the 2 girls who come in to look at the fit lads and pretend to workout, ther is a funny old man who jogs in a jumper... the old lady who counts out loud when she walks on the treadmill................................ my gym is great...
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I view the gym as one might look at a class, bowling leaque or a PTA meeting. I go every Tue/Wed/Thu, rain or shine, tired or not, and I do my workouts. I know very well that after a few minutes, my endorphins will kick in and I'll feel a lot better. I simply refuse to look at the gym as 'optional', because it isn't, for me. I know also, that I will NOT make up for missing a workout at the gym by doing something at home. I might tell myself I'll do a dvd or go for a jog or do some calisthenics, but I've learned that home is not the environment for me to focus on exercise. It just isn't. SO I must force myself to go to the gym. Period.

    Also, I'm there for myself, not for anyone else. I don't pay any attention to them, I don't chat with them, and I don't care if they're watching me (or not). I'm there for a purpose, and it does not involve the other people there.

    That is definately a good way to look at it!! That's pretty much what I do. I go to classes every Sun, Mon & Wed no matter what I feel like. Than if I have time (in the summer I played ball instead on Tues & Fri) I would go and do just a reg work out in between classes.
    Just plug into my iPod and get into my own little "workout world", the ppl around are the least of my concerns. I've also found that reading a book while on the bike really makes time go by quicker plus you are working your arms by holding the book out rather than leaning or resting them on the handles. Haven't quite conquered reading on the elyptical or treadmill yet, a little too unstable for :laugh:
  • purple120
    purple120 Posts: 244 Member
    I used to be very intimidated when I first started going to the gym over eight years ago. I thought everyone was looking at me and would stop what they were doing to critize me. There were times when I would walk in and turn around and walk out. Other times I would just make it to the parking lot. :laugh: That was the first two weeks, but I found out quickly that everyone there is doing their own thing and not monitoring my workout. Sometimes I just put on a ball cap, my headphones and I'm in my own little world. My husband and I just joined a different gym that is available 24/7 so I have no excuses not to go. Everyone has great advice here, just keep trying. I love going to the gym for so many reasons, hopefully someday so will you.:flowerforyou: