How often do you weigh yourself?



  • jendan44
    jendan44 Posts: 20
    I weigh myself every morning. It helps to keep me on track.
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    I wouldnt harp on it. if you know you are in the gym or at home busting your butt to eat right, work out, and tone then dont trip. I weigh myself every Thursday. I look at Thursday as a new week. I weigh first thing in the morning, then I put it up till next week. Like I said dont harp, your building muscle, you are eating correct, and you are working out. You cant ask no more of yourself then what you are already doing. Be positive and stay focused on the fact that you are out putting in the effort to lose and feel better. Have a great Wednessday!
  • vaninay
    vaninay Posts: 47
    Once a week. :>
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It helps to keep me on track.

  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    I weigh myself 2x a day. It is a psychological thing for me. The scale hardly budges, but something's are shrinking. Very frustrating.
  • caviarblack
    caviarblack Posts: 41 Member
    I weigh in about every other day (just to make sure I'm on track), but only record my losses once per week.
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, usually at the same time.

    I used to do once a week but decided to try out every day just to see how much my weight fluctuates.

    Turns out, quite a bit. For example, just this week, I weighed 227 on Saturday, 229 on Sunday, 228 on Monday (yesterday) and 227 again this morning. I'm guessing the difference is mainly water weight and whatnot but to me it's interesting and a little gratifying to see those numbers change on a daily basis.

    It basically shows me what exactly my body is doing.
  • prettylocs
    prettylocs Posts: 2 Member
    The journey to a healthy lifestyle is not only about losing weight. WHen lifting weights, to stay motivated, I would reccommend foucus on inches lost as well. Sometimes inches loss can have more of an inpact on how your body looks than weight loss. Personally, I have to weigh myself every few days because if I go off track, I don't want to wait a whole week to correct it.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Every day in my case. I like to see my progress and have immediate feedback on what is (and is not) working - understanding that my weight varies randomly every day, but I can see trends after 2-3 days that I might miss otherwise.

    Plus weighing in EVERY DAY means I don't have a "weigh-in day" with all the stress that involves, and I don't have the "weigh-in day isn't for 5 days, I can have this extra muffin!" mentality that derails so many weight loss journeys. I'm in this for life. Every day.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I only weigh myself once a week. It can be very tempting to do it more often but I like the nice surprise at the end of the week.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I've been a member since last Memorial day.
    In the beginning I only weighed once a month, because my weight was so high that it was traumatic to see it.
    After a few months I switched to once a week. I still weigh on Sunday morning only. Here's why; the scale makes me crazy!
    If I weigh in and I'm up, I get depressed and want to sooth myself with food., But if I am down I want to celebrate with, you guessed it, Food.
    I try to remember what I read a member MFP post, "I am not a dog and will not reward myself with food".
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    Once a week, and I do my measurements then too. Sometimes it's super tempting to just jump on the scales and check, but I know it'll either make me go crazy obsessed or crazy upset.
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm going to try out every two weeks, I think..but I understand why some weigh every day.

    My calories aren't a problem. I eat between 1200-1500 depending on whether I've worked out that day...though I tend to eat more at dinner and less throughout the day, so I might try spacing them out better to see if that helps. I can't really justify eating fewer than 1200 calories, so it's not like reducing further is going to help in the long run.

    I also saw somebody who claimed that drinking lots of water made a big difference in their weight loss. I'm also going to give this a try.

    Thank you everyone for your input.
  • ethelapple
    ethelapple Posts: 79
    I weigh myself every day -- it helps me to stay on track. Once a week is not enough for me.
  • lizo11
    lizo11 Posts: 58 Member
    I weigh everyday, every morning. I only record once a week on here, but I also record everyday in a personal journal. The personal journal has a lot of thougts/feelings/etc., that I am not completely comfortable with putting online, but I do like to have it written down, to refer to. It's helped a lot in seeing trends, and how things (emotions) affect my weight.

    I would definitely encourage anyone lifting weights to measure with a tape measure, instead of just going by the scale. It really does help.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    i weigh myself daily, but only record my weight once a week.
    Same here. Every morning, after my micturations, step on the scale, take a shower, move the scale to a different tile or rotate it 90° because sometimes it's buggy, and make sure I get the same weight. I know weight loss isn't linear, though, so I really don't get bent out of shape unless I plateau for a couple weeks. Then it's time to drink a gallon of water, or have a cheat day and go to the chinese buffet or something. :)
  • JWill8552
    JWill8552 Posts: 1
    I just started MFP about a week ago and i already lost two pounds. I was very surprised but i worked my butt off. My goal is to get back to my high school weight (235), and build my body back to the machine it once was.
  • hippichic3
    hippichic3 Posts: 6
    I weigh daily but record weekly. I also do circumference measurements weekly. I've been experiencing the same thing. Not really seeing the scale move but the waist, hip and thigh measurements are as I continue with the new strength workouts.

    I also use my clothing as a guide. I have a favorite skirt I plan to get back into. Every two weeks I try it on to see how close I am. Each time the zipper gets closer to closing, I know I'm really on the right track.

    I'm a firm believer that it really isn't about losing weight but losing fat and being healthier!!! Best of luck!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I weigh myself once a week, every Monday. I'm trying to only weigh myself every other week now, because it's discouraging when there's no change after a week! Well, not a GOOD change, anyway. ;)
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    usually about twice a week but I only log my results twice a month