Balancing Social Drinking and Weight Loss



  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    The goal is presumably weight loss, so what really matters is making sure you ingest fewer calories than you expend in a given day. That gives us two factors to work with, calories in and calories out.

    Decrease the calories in by eating/drinking less. There are some good ideas for how to do that in this thread already. Then there's stuff like low-calorie light beer if that's your thing, though you end up having to drink two of them to get the same amount of alcohol as a regular beer. Problem only side-stepped.

    Increasing calories out is about the only other option. Work out beforehand and/or the next day. Next day is probably off the table depending on how hard the partying was. I like working out beforehand because I know exactly how many calories I'm allocated, and I can't give myself an empty promise to "finish off the rest tomorrow". That may or may not happen.

    So now you've worked your butt off after work on a Friday, burning a few hundred calories in preparation for a night out. Bring your phone and log as you go. Once your "Calories remaining" reach zero, you gotta stop if you want to lose weight. This might mean a couple of disappointing evenings where you watch everyone else grab a late night burger while you eat nothing, but that's the nature of the beast.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Drive to the party (or just tell people you are driving). That way you can't drink too much, if at all!

    or start drinking g&ts, and after the first one stop putting gin in it. (the same goes for any kind of hard liquor + mixer.)
  • AuntThelma
    AuntThelma Posts: 4,492 Member
    So many people have the same problem. Is it possible for you to Google what you think you will be drinking and know the calorie count before you indulge? I know some frozen drinks that you get at restaurants can pack as much as 500 calories. Definitely start alternating alcohol, then water, then another alcoholc drink, then water. Sip slowly. Try to make one of your drinks last thru two of your friends' drinks. If you eat, try to eat sensibly. And definitely exercise more on the day before drinking, the day of drinking, and the day after. And drink LOTS of water on those days too.

    I like to start with a glass of wine then switch to water. But I drink my water from my stemmed wine glass. I get the feeling of the social ceremony of drinking with my friends, but the benefit of good, clean, purifying, zero calorie water.

    And tell your friends and fiance to start being better friends. Forcing someone to drink is not friendship, it's peer pressure.
  • sgressock
    sgressock Posts: 47 Member
    I would work out in the mornings and get myself a ton of extra calories for the day... Especially if I new I was going to be drinking. Good luck !
  • bditty187
    bditty187 Posts: 14
    You can drink and lose weight. I have lost almost 55 pounds since 2-1-12. I haven't stopped drinking, I cut way back on red wine and craft beer. I limit white wine consuption to maybe once a week. Vodka, gin, rum, whiskey and a zero cal. mixer is all you need. 69 cal an ounce. Light beer works too.

    Plus drink water, eat right and work out.
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    Wow. I felt guilty having ONE light beer today even though I was still under calorie goal. Apparently my drinking days are over at least for now.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I think the biggest thing is to still log everything you are eating/drinking (even if you aren't proud of the fact that you had that late night pizza) and then learn more about your habits so you can work with them. If I know I am going to have a big weekend (a wedding, etc.) I try to save 100-200 calories per day during the week, either by cutting down on snacks or by getting in some extra time at the gym or just being more careful. Then, when the weekend comes, I have an extra 1000 or so calories that i can put towards drinking. This has really been working for me when I stick to it. I don't think its a good idea to skimp too much on calories during the week but I think its the grand total calories per week consumed that is really important to focus on.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Life has many choices.

    In my late teens through late 20's I way over did the whole alcohol scene. The result, lots of money wasted, lots of days regretting the previous evenings and a hard time kicking the habit.

    I chose poorly during that period.

    Up to you to decide what role if any alcohol will play in your life.

    Why not kick the habit now and be done with it?

    It is absolutely a healthy choice that will allow you to allocate your calories to good, whole foods.

    And, as for your social scene. There are non-alcohol choices and the people who are your friends will accept.
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    I can not just social drink. When I am cutting I avoid it completely cause if I start I cant stop.
  • gendoll
    gendoll Posts: 89 Member
    My husband and I are very social people as well. We tend to go out 1-2 nights a week. Usually on Friday and Sat. We also like to play darts and pool which keeps us active and has helped me cut down on the alcohol consumption. So my suggestion would be to try and incorporate some type of activity in with your drinking. That way your not just sitting around drinking but your also keeping active. You'll drink way less and still have fun while your out with your friends.
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    I do the 'thank you but I'm driving' thing and it's the easiest way as people stop trying to pressure you.

    I work in a bar and it's easier to say this than try to explain it's because I don't want to waste calories :-)

    Good luck with working out your weightloss and your social life.

    Nicola x
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    Some people are drinkers and some people are not. Please don't be discouraged by those who say you have to give it up altogether, you absolutely don't.

    My boyfriend and I go out at least 1 night per weekend. Here is what I try to stick to:

    Pre drinking:
    Eat extra healthy, vitamin rich, low cal meals so that I have some excess calories
    Workout so I have even more excess calories

    During drinking:
    I drink plain vodka + club soda + crystal light (I carry to go packets) which are between 60-100 calories per drink(depends on the bartender and brand of vodka) or I drink diet beer. I actually like the Miller 64. The Bud 55 will do in a pinch but it's pretty darn watery.
    I try to drink only 1 drink to everyone elses 2.
    Dance, stand, play pool, whatever, just stay in motion

    Post drinking:
    Absolutely no post drinking food binges
    Water, water, water
    Sleep, sleep, sleep
    Be good on calories next day too

    Happy socializing!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Here's where moderation and willpower comes into play - you just have to commit to limiting yourself to the amount of calories you're consuming through alcohol. If you consume 4, 5, 10 + drinks over the's going to sabotage your 'diet'. Make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Tell your friends this is what you're doing. Enjoy a drink or two while in their company or learn to enjoy their company while drinking just plain soda water w/ a lemon (or a similar low cal beverage). It sounds harsh but believe me....most of us have been there. If there was a way to magically work around it I would have found it by now :drinker:

    I would suggest -
    getting some good high calorie burn work outs in especially on those weekends
    telling your friends this is something you are committed to doing and 'you appreciate their support' ahmm
    limit your party nights and/or how much you drink on those nights
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    Hello all! I am in the process of losing roughly 60 lbs that I put back on after a very big weight loss (116 lbs).
    I don't have much self control when it comes to these things.

    I bet you have more self-control than you think. :) How did you lose 116 pounds the first time without a huge measure of self-control? You can totally do this! You can earn yourself some points at the same time by offering to be the designated driver. If you're drinking "out", just mention that you're the DD to your server/bartender - you'll probably get whatever you end up drinking(club soda, etc.) for free. Financial motivation!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    OP, if there's anyone on this board who's social it's me! I run a Happy Hour Group in Raleigh, NC and we go out every week to a new bar/restaurant!! I'm out every Thursday and Saturday, and sometimes Fridays. We have over 500 members, although probably 30-40 come out on any given night.

    First, I do not go over my calories. If I know I'm going to be out, I either know I have to run / exercise that day or eat less. That's first. I'm 44, 5 '11" 167 lbs and just ran a marathon and have a half-marathon coming up in which I plan to run very fast. I can't let anything, whether it be alcohol, partying or anything else deter me from my fitness goals.

    That being said, I do work in 2-3 gin + tonics when I go out. Just eat less / more sensibly during the day. If you feel pressured you can alternate water in a short glass with lemon/lime....looks like a drink and will fill you up! Other than that, drink in moderation and enjoy. Two things I'm not giving up are coffee and wine.