Treadmill or Outside



  • pjsmom2010
    pjsmom2010 Posts: 79 Member
    It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I completed the C25K on a treadmill so I am able to run for 40-45 mins without stopping. When I was able to run for 15-20 mins without stopping, I tried to run outside and nearly died. It was a struggle to run even for 5 mins. I decided to start the program over but outside and I'm currently on week 4 and it's very challenging and I'm only running for 4 and walking for 1.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I prefer Outside over Treadmill

    but my knees feel so much better after 5 miles on the treadmill versus 5 miles outside.....
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Work = Force X Distance....(force = mass X acceleration)

    On a treadmill, your legs are going back and forth, back and forth, but your body mass isn't going anywhere. Outside is better.
  • jheffe
    jheffe Posts: 34 Member
    definely outside..I love to see the surroundings..nature etc..time goes so fast and I tend to push myself farther than on a boring treadmill!..I keep track of my steps/miles/calories burned via my fitbit
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    what do you mean by "better"?
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    OUTSIDE! I can get into a daze or get lost in my mind outside, looking at natural beauty and enjoying being outside..making an hour run feel like nothing. 5 minutes on the treadmill feels like FOREVER. The only thing good about the treadmill is for speed/interval workouts.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    Both are good but I love to run outside I have to make myself use the treadmill!
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    both.... but def prefer outside. i have a treadmill to use when the weather is bad and when i need some additional intervals/incline.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I used to prefer outside, before I was comfortable running on the treadmill, but now I prefer the treadmill. wait, I prefer one type of specific treadmill at my gym - freemotion incline trainers. they are THE BEST to run on, hands down.
    Plus then I don't have to worry about bugs, cars, construction, holes in the ground, and other distractions.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    It gets well over 100 degrees here during the summer.... daytime is treadmill time.
  • gemini0689
    gemini0689 Posts: 28
    im going to try to run outside (weather permitting) tomorrow morning a lot of you like outside so i have to see what im missing!!!
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Outside on the dirt or grass is easier on your feet, I found out the hard way; concrete & treadmill = heel spurs.
    Was wearing Nike's also.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Outside! I have found that walking outside is harder than a treadmill, even compared with walking the treadmill and not holding onto any bars.

    Outside is more natural.

    There is fresh air outside.

    Treadmill is convenient when the weather is not cooperating, but I think it is more natural to consider those days as rest days.

    But treadmills are boring.
  • cindyh2673
    cindyh2673 Posts: 1
    Although a treadmill is easier I find running outside to be ideal to really improve your cardio. You find goals as you run to your next point where staring at screen can be tough. I've lost more weight running outside for sure~ !
  • gemini0689
    gemini0689 Posts: 28
    what do you mean by "better"?

    which one burns more calories, which one actually feels better, which one is better for weightloss?
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I completed the C25K on a treadmill so I am able to run for 40-45 mins without stopping. When I was able to run for 15-20 mins without stopping, I tried to run outside and nearly died. It was a struggle to run even for 5 mins. I decided to start the program over but outside and I'm currently on week 4 and it's very challenging and I'm only running for 4 and walking for 1.
    Its funny that, thats one thing i prefer about the treadmill. I can run non stop on the treadmill for 50 mins ut not a chance in hell could i do that long outdoors lol
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I started on the eliptical moved to treadmill about 1.5 years ago I moved to out doors I love it outside. I might get on the treadmill once a week if that anymore. I was driving home and saw a lady running with the baby carriage uphill and the next day I was hitting the pavement. Have not looked back. Even on cooler wetter days, actually those days seem to be better no one else out there. But running ouside I invested in a GPS, HRM combination does pacing distance ect ect so when im slacking I know it a Garmin Forerunner 305.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I don't understand what you mean by "better".

    Outside is dependent on the environment you're in. If you live near a crackhouse or on a 50MPH road with no sidewalk, then perhaps you should explore the joys of treadmill running. Unless of course your local gym is located in said crackhouse.

    If you live in an idyllic subdivision or (like me) in a rural area with miles of beautiful road and tons of woodsy trails, then you might want to consider outside.

    Seriously, there are advantages and disadvantages to either. Outside, you have scenery and you're actually going somewhere, which is a plus, and you have absolute control over your speed.

    On the other hand, you have rain/snow/inclement weather which may interfere with or prevent your workouts, insects, the need to carry water, and possibly large metal objects with impatient and inattentive people operating them (or animals if you are in a more rural setting). And if you hurt yourself 3 miles from home, you're three miles from home and hurt.

    In the gym, you usually have some form of temperature control, generally rain/snow-free, the ability to keep water in a cupholder, the ability to adjust your terrain and get precisely the workout you want.

    On the other hand, there can be a line for the treadmill, and your speed can only be adjusted artificially in increments, you're using someone else's shower so stock up on athlete's foot spray.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I prefer outside. It works your glutes way more than the treadmill does and everyone needs vitamin D! so why not kill two birds with one stone!