
Ok, so I admit it, Im in love with my scale......... I weigh myself constantly, I weigh myself at random times during the day, I weigh myself before I use the bathroom, and after (even in the middle of the night). I weigh myself before bed..... and again in the morning, I then figure out my night time loss (2lbs - 4.4lbs) I have it all written down in my super secrete night time weight loss log.... It’s a habit that is slowly turning into an obsession, it’s not healthy… HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else an obsessed scale watcher around here, (lets hear your OCD like weight loss habits). or an I alone with my scale and my newly developing case of OCD???????


  • Rolcast
    Rolcast Posts: 1
    You are not alone. I am the same way. Everyone tells me I need to cut it down to once a week. I am getting a little better but I still do it every morning. It was every morning and again at night. I am the same I lose 2 lbs from the time I go to bed until I wake up.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    No, you are not alone.

    Chuck your scale. Right now.

    Only weigh yourself when you go to the gym. Sometimes that can be literally the only thing that gets me TO the gym, then once I'm there I'm like, "Okay, FINE I'LL EXERCISE." (I hate exercise...)
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I have to weigh every morning. i have literally considered taking my scale with me when I travel so that I can still weigh everday.
  • ladyfingers39
    ladyfingers39 Posts: 335
    I hear ya! I use to only weigh every morning, but lately I've been weighing before bed. It's insane!!!
  • brittany103
    brittany103 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm the same way! I've been trying not to weigh myself everyday but it's hard. I usually weigh my self twice before I go to work, before and after the bathroom, before and after I eat anything or just anytime I walk past my scale (it's in my dining room so I walk past it a lot). I even weigh myself everytime I go to the bathroom at my boyfriends house even though his scale is off but I weigh a few pounds left on it so I like it :). It's definitely an unhealthy obsession but I can't stop.
  • Something is seriously wrong with me ! I HATE my scale. I only weigh on Friday mornings and I dread it :( I sometimes don't sleep well Thursday nights thinking about weighing on Friday morning! Now that is crazy.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I've been finding myself jumping on 2 or 3 times a day up to now but I have my 'official' monthly weigh in a commercial scale which gives you a printed receipt with fat percentage - so this month I've decided not to weigh at all in between until my next 1st day of the month weigh in and see how I get on. It doesn't make the weight come off any quicker if you keep looking at it and it can be demoralising if you see a gain with no reason so I'm going to concentrate my attentions elsewhere!

    I'll still be weighing nearly everything I eat though so won't be completely free!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I weigh myself a LOT too...and at strange times of day. I like to note how things fluctuate based on what I ate, or the time of day.

    Anyhow, I don't think its a problem as long as you aren't getting all freaked out and letting it ruin your day if it doesn't show you the number you wanted to see.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    If you're just bored and doing it, then you probably just need a better hobby lol. I try to weigh in daily but sometimes i forget.
  • proudtruckersgirl
    proudtruckersgirl Posts: 42 Member
    I do the same thing. I weigh my self anytime I am in my bathroom really. But mostly in the mornings and before Bed. I know I will gain during the day and be lower again in the morning, but I still want to see the flucuation. :)
  • Hi, I am doing the same thing weighing myselves all the time and think too that its pretty ridicoule. Wonder if its getting better when I start loosing more weight or if it gets worse lol. Have a great day.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    i had the same problem in the beginning, i weigh myself few times in a day.

    similar to your eating and workout discipline, you have to stay away from scale, in fact don't rely on it too much since you might actually gaining muscle while losing fat, hence a false positive. try to weigh in every 8th day from the last time you use the scale. it will ease out tension
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm addicted to the scale but only "moderately" LOL I weigh myself before I go to bed and when I wake up but it has to be after 7 am :happy: No particular reason except; I justify it by saying I'm "monitoring" my weight. Normally I'm 1-2lbs lighter than the night before. I've been doing this for YEARS! The only time I didn't do it is when I didn't have a scale which for me is never for too long a period. I will spend my LAST to purchase a scale.
  • MrsB1229
    MrsB1229 Posts: 5 Member
    I do it, too. I don't let the number bother me though. THAT was what was hard for me. I'd obsess over the number and let it bring me down...what I've done in the past is send it to work with my husband. I can only weigh myself when he and I are home at the same time. Then I have to fetch it from his car which is a PITA.
  • JEYORK2005
    JEYORK2005 Posts: 6 Member
    This is the way I look at it ... YOU ARE EXCITED TO LOSE WEIGHT AND IT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!! I weigh much more now that I am losing weight and I enjoy seeing the number go down. If I have gained a pound or so it just motivates me to eat a healthier lunch/dinner. I NEVER get mad at myself for gaining weight (especially since I weigh every morning). I just skip the extra slice of pizza or do an extra 15 minutes at the gym (little things). If I would have checked the scale more before I got to my highest then maybe I never would have gotten that big. You're curious and happy with your progress ... keep up the good work and don't stress. Good Luck!
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I do it as well. But more for self-study. I try not to obsess, but sometimes I find that I am. Then I decide, hey, maybe I shouldn't do this today, and I'll take a couple of days break. Body weight fluctuates I believe about 5 lbs.But no matter what, I always try to weigh before bed, and as soon as I wake up. Since I wake up at different times each day, it's kind of weird to see how it works. Sometimes I'll find that when I wake up at 5 am, by the time 3 pm rolls around, the scale says lighter than my starting weight for that day. It's just interesting how the body works, and that's really the only reason I do it that way. I'm just always curious to see what's going on. :)
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    I weight myself once every day in the morning, but I had to train myself to not freak if I gain weight, and just accept it.

    Personally, think it's more accurate because then I can get an average for the week rather than just that specific number for that day.
  • carie1664
    carie1664 Posts: 10 Member
    Twice a day weigher here! :) It just seems to help keep me on track!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    You are spending way too much time fixating on water weight. That's all it is. You have to understand that those numbers don't matter and there is no reason to track them. Weigh yourself every morning if you must, but stop with the rest because you will drive yourself crazy. Who cares how much your poop weighs?
    I only say this because I do think it sounds like you have an unhealthy obsession with the scale, and it could lead to burnout and abandonment of your plan.Think of all that time you could be spending doing something that will help you reach your goals. Or sleeping.
    It's really just irrelevant. All that matters is your general trendline. That's why I LOVE the report tools on this website.
    You've made great progess so far, congrats on that! Try and find some balance :)
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    lol love this thread..and yeas I'm obsessed too