Gain weight after stopping breastfeeding?

juliekf Posts: 7 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Just curious, did anyone gain weight after they weaned their baby? I had read that often your body holds onto the last 5 - 10 pounds while nursing and that once you wean, you usually lose it. But I found that I've GAINED about 5- 10 pounds since i stopped bf-ing about 7 weeks ago and I am frustrated. Maybe I just haven't decreased the amount of food I was eating...


  • ive been breastfeedinf for 23 months now. if thats true about holding weight then i cant wait to stop, :) but baby doesnt seem to want to.
  • I was still eating like I was nursing with the first had trouble. With the second, I was aware of it so I adjusted my intake.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    I gained nine pounds in a week after I weaned my firstborn (@ 1 year). It was stunning. Not in a good way. I guess he had been eating a lot more than I realized. The 5-10 lbs. that will hang on until you wean is a myth for some of us.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I actually lost the last 5 pounds my body was still holding onto (size of my boobies became a C cup), after I weaned my daughter off (after 6 months). Then, my breasts went back to a meager A-cup. During pregnancy, I gained 30 pounds, 22 pounds, I lost after 10 days. Then 3 more while breastfeeding and then the last 5 came off right when I stopped breastfeeding.
  • juliekf
    juliekf Posts: 7 Member
    Hmmm, maybe if you wean earlier, those last few pounds go, but I too nursed for a while, until 19 months. Guess I just need to cut back on the food now!
  • Maybe you need to ween mommy off of blue moon?
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    I gained after weaning my kids. After having my daughter, I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight (150) 2 weeks after having her. I kept it off until she weaned herself (SNIFF SNIFF) at 12 months. Within a YEAR (she turned two in June this year), I got up to 172!!! So, in a year, I gained 22 lbs. I started MFP the day after her 2nd birthday party, because of the pictures. :(
  • jena0751
    jena0751 Posts: 1
    I stopped pumping my usual 2 times a day and only nurse one/two times daily, in the last month i have noticed i have gained a lot of belly fat. It is really depressing.
  • I gained weight :( I suspected it might happen since I ate everything when I breastfed. I would say within one month, I gained 10 pounds and three months later a total of 15 pounds. I used to be 130-135 now I weigh 160! Yikes lol. I have very poor eating habits though. I wish I could work out more. My son might be old enough now where I might feel comfortable having him at the Gym. I do notice that the weeks I am able to get a work out in...the pounds come off fast but then the next week right back on so I know it's my eating.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You probably need to adjust your calorie intake. I didn't gain or lose after I wean my kids. I lost all the pregnancy weights while breastfeeding.
  • MollyEthansMom
    MollyEthansMom Posts: 3 Member
    Oh this makes me feel better. I thought it was just me. I lost all my pregnancy weight pretty quick but since my baby started on solids I've put on 8lbs in 4 months. :( I know I need to readjust my calories. I guess I was just used to eating that much... I need to get it on track now before I completely wean him and gain even more. :/
  • I lost all 75 lbs i gained with a difficult preganace at 9 mos post partum. The I bf until my sone was 2 and gained 10 lbs, and when he weaned I gained another 7... really depressing.
    Plus I started calorie counting to loose wait, and i can only have 1200 cal/day in order to loose 0.5lbs per month.

    I am very discouraged, and scared to have another baby.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I gained a little after weaning the last one. Can't say with the first two --
    Maybe you could say I gained after weaning them because I got pregnant again almost immediately!
  • JoshNorris79
    JoshNorris79 Posts: 20 Member
    I just took a nutrition class this spring, during the last 2 trimesters and during breastfeeding, women need to add 500 calories a day to their diet for a minimum. SO, if you quit breastfeeding and are still eating the same calories as during breastfeeding, chances are you will gain a pound a week. 500x7 days = 3500 calories or one pound of fat.
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