What's the most expensive thing your toddler has destroyed?



  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    laptop chord
    mine r very destructive
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I had the most destructive set of twins....They could pull things off that I didnt think possible. They cracked a toilet from top to bottom. Destroyed their nursery(while the monitor was on and you could hear them breathing but not tearing curtains down, hmmm) I think they rigged the monitors. Also brand new carpet in the hallway. There were other things along the way until i put them in a cage and kept them there(of course I am kidding but it was definitely an adventure).
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My wolf-dog ate my husband's motorcycle seat. Then, the day he got it replaced ($400), she did it again.

    She ate the linoleum off the floor.
    She ate a door.
    She unearthed a backyard-wide sprinkler system.
    She dug up and carried around a tree.
    She chewed/punctured a can of spray paint and turned half her face/chest black.
    She severed the cable connection so many times, the cable guy gave us the tool to cut the cable and a bunch of spare tips.
    She ate/shredded a pack of cigarettes.
    She got a fish hook stuck in her lip.

    My dog has cost me WAY more than any toddler!!!!!

    Sounds like my dad's Weimeraner. She's eating a wall, floor trim, two recliners, a 4lbs plate of fudge, expensive shoes, purses, a wicker bench... When I say eat, I don't just mean chewed on. I mean she has literally destroyed!

    The best was the $250 Ray-Bans my dad got in Vegas. They were ON TOP of the refridgerator when he left for work, on the floor in shreds when he got home.

    My kid is an angel. I can't think of anything that he has ruined.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My ex was going shooting with some friends, and our son, who was 2 days shy of 2 years old, snuck a shotgun shell and put it in his diaper. He waited a little bit and then when I was picking up the living room, put it in the microwave and turned it on. There was no ignition source, but the heat caused the casing to swell and burst, which sent the gunpowder and bb's shooting all over the inside of the microwave. My son wasn't hurt but very well could have been, and I freaked out accordingly. For about 2 years after that, everytime he saw a white microwave, he would ask if it had a shotgun shell. Ugh.....

    My ex accidentally burned his parents' house to the ground when he was 3, so I guess I'm lucky it was only a microwave for me....

    OMG...to both!
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    wow, i knew kids were bad but the pets too!! hmm i always wanted a dog..but now i'm not so sure...don't fancy it destroying everything i own! lol
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Since I have no kids yet, but had a toddler brother once i'll participate xD

    I had a backstreet boys cassette tape and he unwound it all around the kitchen.
    May not seem expensive to you, but to a 10 year old girl that was my most prized possession xD
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My children have taken a magnetized toy to the television... it now has a big color blotch/hump on one corner of the screen. They put my mom's cellphone into her coffee cup.... they drew these amazing caveperson type drawings on their white bedroom wall from the edge of the bed to the ceiling with purple crayon.. they colored the arms of the white rocking chair with a black sharpier. they pulled my door through the doorway and ripped it off the hinges. towel racks, kitchen drawers, door knobs are non existent. they broke the porch step leading into the house, several glasses and plates and the front door.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    my toilet
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    my soul

    This ^
    .... lets see about 4 Ipod touches , about 5 dual shock PS3 controllers , a few jawbones.. a turtlebeach set.. umm a painting, numerous numerous Items.

    I forgot several digital cameras'.. * and this is with 6 Children mind you , not one of them has been more expensive really then the others .. and I put everything up but the younger kids will play the ps3 and the 4 and almost 2 yr old will get a hold of the controllers the 4 yr old is cool and sometimes just drops it , an accident really.. but the two yr old will chuck it :C ...

    I was remodeling our bedroom and living area and my husband had left the paint in the 5 gallon bucket with a wet towel on it. I was talking to my aunt .. and out of the corner of my eye I could see this crazy figure with HUGE eyes.. lol it was Drew then 10 months old.. and COVERED from head to two in battleship grey paint. I went to get the run down and there while holding drew I could assess the situation ... where I found my 21 month old daughter painting away on our new wall paper... new bed spread .. on the new wood flooring .. and there were Diaper prints of where her brother had dutifully sat while she plastered the paint on every single inch of skin she saw ... he started to crack as I stood there .. silently screaming inside my own head and trying to figure out what and how to clean and whom first..? I put her in her room.. Laughed a lot while saying you dont paint the room you use paper YOU NEVER PAINT your brother. but it was hilarious .. through him in the bath and had quite a lot of cleaning to do. all this while on the phone for 10 minutes. SERIOUSLY.

    if they are quiet....and only three ER visits in over 15 yrs of parenting isn't bad :D

    you need to figure out what they are doing ..

    because by GOD ALLMIGHTY they are doing something ! lol.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    When my Isabella was 5 she finger painted with Nutella on my LCD 46" TV, i waslike BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol -Ty
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    My son banged a heavy car against our brand new flat-screen. :(
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    My sont is 27 months old. Just last friday the decided to fight the Entertainment center & the entertainment center WOn! 6 stitches later. then he put quaters, dimes & pennys in my truck cd player & scratched a big ring in my Miranda Lambert, all bc his daddy let him loose in my truck. smh! he has pulled trim off the wall. Just yesterday he pulled the second drawer face off my cabinet drawers! Oh Lordie!!! Neither my oldest boy or daughter was ever this distructive. Wonder if it has anything to do with the moon & the stars alignment when they were born! rofl!! Oh & had to child lock the baby gate to the stairs! He is a smart one!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh I forgot! We think our daughter flushed my husband's wedding ring down the toilet, but he left it in the bathroom... It was expensive at the time ($300) but with the price of gold going way up it would have been about $600 to replace. Yeah, he got a tungston one instead.
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    My ex was going shooting with some friends, and our son, who was 2 days shy of 2 years old, snuck a shotgun shell and put it in his diaper. He waited a little bit and then when I was picking up the living room, put it in the microwave and turned it on. There was no ignition source, but the heat caused the casing to swell and burst, which sent the gunpowder and bb's shooting all over the inside of the microwave. My son wasn't hurt but very well could have been, and I freaked out accordingly. For about 2 years after that, everytime he saw a white microwave, he would ask if it had a shotgun shell. Ugh.....

    My ex accidentally burned his parents' house to the ground when he was 3, so I guess I'm lucky it was only a microwave for me....

    It was a microwave for us, too. My son wanted to heat up his cracker. By the time, my hubby heard the microwave he saw flames inside it. For watever reason, the cracker burst into flames and turned into charcoal. My son was fascinated but it was too much for our microwave.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Wow. I'll give mine an extra hug tonight :). Nothing has been that bad.

    Um, yeah...my 12 y.o. lost is iPod touch, and we were pretty ticked about that. Either we're getting off easy, or payback will come when he starts to drive.
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    What doesn't he break lol I would say his daddys 3D Glasses for his 3D monitor oops!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    My diamond necklace..my 15month old likes to "rip" things apart.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    My finances. I say I planned for everything in life, except for the egg sliptting. Grandpa retires in August and I can take them out of day care and I will feel like I won the freaking lottery.

    Bahahaha! Nice!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    When I was little, apparently I flushed my mother's rolex down the toilet.

    When my brother was younger, he stole & totaled my dad's BMW, crashed my dad's Jet Ski, & countless others. He's always had a run of pretty bad luck, mixed with a little stupidity! Lol
  • Rubyinthesand2012
    My now almost 6yr old twins scribbled over my mother-in-laws new leather sofa -- one of them had a biro and the other a permanent marker pen! luckily i was in the process of divorcing her son so i didnt really care however it was the only time in almost six years they have ever been allowed to stay over at her home!

    The worst has to be my diamond ring... my partner came into a large sum of money a couple of years ago and didnt tell me straight away, we were talking and he asked if i had loads of money what would i buy myself, so i said a huge diamond solitaire as ive never had an engagement ring (although ive been married twice). He came home a with a beautiful 2 carat diamond solitaire a week or so later. it was stunning.

    Id had it a few months and i was getting a spray tan so took all my jewellery off and put it on my bedside cabinet left the house & the children with my partner. When i got back home he said they'd been playing in our room -- i went up and my ring was gone! we still dont know where it went we moved furniture in every room ripped up carpets the works its never been found....luckily it was insured so i now have an equally gorgeous £6000 replacement which never leaves my hand EVER!