Logging Supplements/Medications?

Quick questions--how many of you log your medications and/or supplements?

I have a nasty cold and my doctor put me on MucinexD. I just looked it up for the heck of it and someone has it in the database at about 200 calories...FOR ONE TABLET (normal dosage is 2)!!! :noway: I've also checked out the calorie count for my daily supplements (a few oils and other things my naturopath has me take) and it totals 60 calories.

I know a lot of people say they enter everything that passes their lips, but that seems a bit extreme.



  • sherripaxton
    sherripaxton Posts: 14 Member
    I never even thought to do that. Interested to see what other people have to say. Good topic.
  • lolcatftw
    lolcatftw Posts: 36
    I log my supplements. If I were on medication to treat an acute symptom I wouldn't bother. But if I were on medication(s) continuously then my OCD would get the best of me and I'd try to ballpark Cal/fat I suppose. Thing is, nutrition information is not required for non-food items (incl. supplements, medications, alcoholic beverages, etc), so it may be a challenge to find reliable data.

    200 Cal sounds out of line for a pill--especially a non oil-based pill. It's my understanding that most pills are made up active ingredient packed in non/minimally-metabolizable inactive ingredients. To contrast the number you found, my huge (1 inch by half inch) Omega-3 fish oil pills are only 10 Cal and 1 g fat.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    200 Cal sounds out of line for a pill--especially a non oil-based pill. It's my understanding that most pills are made up active ingredient packed in non/minimally-metabolizable inactive ingredients. To contrast the number you found, my huge (1 inch by half inch) Omega-3 fish oil pills are only 10 Cal and 1 g fat.

    I'm thinking that too. It was in the database twice--once with no values whatsoever, and one with super high calories. So strange.

    I don't bother tracking my supplements because I have to take them, no matter what. I just wanted to get other people's input. :smile: