Married, Single, Divorced, widow, complicated,????



  • courtcourtfnp
    courtcourtfnp Posts: 134 Member
  • Divorced....and re-married.
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    I have a wonderful boyfriend named George - you'll hear me talk about him, I'm sure! June 14th is our four year anniversary.
  • @jforferris01-OMG! That is so true! Glad to hear it's not just me that feels this way!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Getting married in three months!
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    Single and looking.
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    Single for the time being and hoping to keep it that way for awhile, I want some time to focus on myself since I just got out of a two year relationship that ended very badly.
    I did that too, for two years, and it's a wonderful thing. You have time to reflect, you get to figure out what *you* want, and what works and doesn't work for you in a relationship. I went through a horrible breakup before I met my current boyfriend, and I stayed single for two years by choice. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. You just have to stay focused and not let anyone pressure you - my mom, for example, went bananas that I stayed single for so long by choice, LOL! She constantly tried to push me towards guys who I had nothing in common with, and who I wouldn't have been interested in on my own. But they were breathing and were male, so she really tried to push the issue. But I held my ground, and I waited till I was really, honestly, truly ready to date again. And then six months later - Boom! There was my George!
  • strongformygirls
    strongformygirls Posts: 8 Member
    Eternally Single, haha... Apparently I'm trying to show the world just how long I can go without a mate
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    Married 12 years! :D
  • Single :heart: waiting for the right guy! :smile:
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    Divoreced ( not by choice)

    Now re-married
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Married 7 years
  • kellyjervis
    kellyjervis Posts: 24
    Married :heart:
  • SexyFatMomma
    SexyFatMomma Posts: 25 Member
    Divorced! (Yay, lol)
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
  • mae1020
    mae1020 Posts: 234 Member
  • damerdar
    damerdar Posts: 37 Member
    Single :ohwell:
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Happily married....most of the time. :wink:
  • kristin1219
    kristin1219 Posts: 35
    with my boyfriend of 10 years....i feel it's turned complicated, he does not! Ah! lol (at least i can laugh about it, right??)