Hi, I'm Sarah and I will NOT be obese like my mother!

Hello Everyone! I'm Sarah from southern Ohio. I just joined yesterday, I'm hoping this site will give me the structure I'm looking for to reach my goals. I'm looking to end the yo-yo of dieting and losing and then gaining it back plus some. My subject line may seem a little harsh "I will NOT be obese like my mother!" But it's the truth and it's my new motto! I have 2 babies of my own and I want to set the right example for them. I'm looking to make some new friends, that may be able to provide support and/or pointers on what has worked for them. <3


  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    good for you, we all have something that motivates us. it's not disrespectful to want to change for the better something a parent did. good luck to you, and you can add me if you like. :smile:
  • LoveAustralia
    LoveAustralia Posts: 33 Member
    I'll be happy to support and encourage you! I really like your topic and I'm so happy you've taken control! That's the first step congrats!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, so you worried me for a minute there-- I have a daughter named Sarah. I just about :explode: when I saw the title.

  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    You got this. :) Feel free to add me if you'd like some support.
  • janjan369
    janjan369 Posts: 98 Member
    I actually love your subject line! You can do this - I'll add you. :)
  • AlanLeMay
    AlanLeMay Posts: 20
    I have been on for almost a month. Please feel free to add me if you like.
  • Okay, so you worried me for a minute there-- I have a daughter named Sarah. I just about :explode: when I saw the title.


    Sorry for the scare :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate the warm welcome!
  • suzqmf
    suzqmf Posts: 36 Member
    Sarah....I could have written that title! I am new to this too I would love the support as well. Please add me! Suzanne
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    Always looking for new, motivated friends! Please add me! :)
  • damerdar
    damerdar Posts: 37 Member
    Ooooo add me! You're the only other person I've seen on here that's also from southern ohio.

    And regardless, good luck :D
  • Sandraonlyskinny
    Sandraonlyskinny Posts: 18 Member
    Sarah, SOOOO many of us are in the same boat, my mother has been obese all her life and because if it she has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis in her hips, knees, back and ankles. I am a much older mum, my girls are 4 and 6 and I am 45 and I am determined no live to be a grandmother. I have started running and swimming and I am studying for a Diploma in Nutritional Medicine all because I want to not fall into the family pattern.
  • omg this definetly hit home for me, my mother,my sister, my whole family! i just came back and need to lose almost 30 pounds. my husband notices im heading their way BUT WANT TO PROVE HIM WRONG!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Sarah from southern Ohio. I just joined yesterday, I'm hoping this site will give me the structure I'm looking for to reach my goals. I'm looking to end the yo-yo of dieting and losing and then gaining it back plus some. My subject line may seem a little harsh "I will NOT be obese like my mother!" But it's the truth and it's my new motto! I have 2 babies of my own and I want to set the right example for them. I'm looking to make some new friends, that may be able to provide support and/or pointers on what has worked for them. <3

    I dont think its harsh at all i totally understand! My mom is my starting weight (264) and it breaks my heart. My mom has some major health problems.

    My bottom was when I was sitting in a doctors office little less then 3 months ago and I was told diabetic medication was my future if I didnt start losing weight like today. I get to see my doctor on Friday and I cant wait to see her shocked look when she sees the 30lbs ive dropped!
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to add me!
  • msrobinson77
    msrobinson77 Posts: 177
    Welcome! Since you are just getting started, my advice is to log the good, bad and ugly. If you feel too embarrased to share what you are eating, keep your diary private for now. If you want tips and advice, keep it open. When I first started logging (about 9 months ago) I was SHOCKED to see how much I was really eating. I thought if I ate reasonable healthy foods, it didn't matter how much I ate. This has been a great resource for me and will be for you if you are interested in weight loss and overall health. Good luck and please feel free to add me:-)