Losing but gaining self confidence

You should lose weight for yourself before u lose weight because of the pressure from others. If you don't love yourself first, then you can't love anyone else. just a thought :)


  • ari86
    ari86 Posts: 5 Member
    You are so right ... So many people do it for all the wrong reasons... I use to be one of them got skinny got big i was a yoyo .... But now i am doing it for myself because my knees hurt and click when i go up the stairs... Because i want to be healthy look goood and feel good about myself .. You have to learn to love yourself before trying to love anyone else ... i heard that so many times and i'm learning little by little to do it ...
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
    I feel what ur saying, I was in even better shape then I am now a few years ago but I had a rough year last year. Put on about 40lbs. But I woke up one day and said isn't of filling my face and heading toward the grave, I'm going to get my body to a whole different level and choose life :) best decision I've ever made. I'm here to support you and I'm glad ur share ur story with me
  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    So true! Things are finally starting to click with me as well. I had a similar realization to yours...instead of feeling sorry for myself i am changing how i feel one day at a time. I am not sure when it all started for me (the low self esteem thing) but it ended about 3 months ago. :)
  • Chillyw
    Chillyw Posts: 13 Member
    Agreed. I used to feel self conscious at the gym, and would go for a bit then stop every time, especially since the motivation was to "look good" (which really means looking good in the eyes of other people).

    Gotta have the right attitude it seems, which is:

    - Don't give a damn what others think
    - Be in this to make sure you're healthy, not to please a superficial body image you or other people have.