i have a question

can i use my chores as working out because at this point in time i cant afford the time to go and work out.... i have a mommy loving baby and a 4 year old and a house to clean and yes i do put a challenge to the things that i do?

this is how my day is... i clean and take care of the kids and by the time i sit down its almost midnight and i wish that i was joking but that is how it is when you have young ones


  • osewcute
    osewcute Posts: 244 Member
    it helps if you have stairs- be inefficient and clean half a bath, go downstairs, clean something else, go back up, etc. or if no stairs, start at one side of the house and go back and forth.
  • Hjbaker
    Hjbaker Posts: 165 Member
    If it will help you stick with MFP and feel good then yeah go for it girl... personally i try not to, but my activity level is set at sedentary so I don't really see the harm :)
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    it helps if you have stairs- be inefficient and clean half a bath, go downstairs, clean something else, go back up, etc. or if no stairs, start at one side of the house and go back and forth.
    oh yes that is what i do i do not have stairs but i sweat more when i clean then when i workout... i do my best to put a challenge to myself when i clean
  • Any exercise is better than none. When you are cleaning just go from one chore to another without breaks in between. Also working outside in the yard is a good exercise because you sweat more. Not sure what area you are from but there are some gyms that let you workout for free for 30 days to see if you like it. And also some of them have daycares.
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Any exercise is better than none. When you are cleaning just go from one chore to another without breaks in between. Also working outside in the yard is a good exercise because you sweat more. Not sure what area you are from but there are some gyms that let you workout for free for 30 days to see if you like it. And also some of them have daycares.
    i dont have my car enough to do those only one car and hubby takes it
  • kikakiss
    kikakiss Posts: 7
    There are things u can do at home. Get a jump rope. It should only cost u $15 and is super effective at gettting you moving. But I must warn you, if you haven't done it in a while it can be hard And very tiring. I'm trying it and it is hard work. Good luck!
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    There are things u can do at home. Get a jump rope. It should only cost u $15 and is super effective at gettting you moving. But I must warn you, if you haven't done it in a while it can be hard And very tiring. I'm trying it and it is hard work. Good luck!
    this is how my day is... i clean and take care of the kids and by the time i sit down its almost midnight
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    Because I rarely do chores, I use mine. Mind you, when I do chores its to spring clean a room. My hubby and kids do the cleaning and laundry for me (I am truly blessed). When I do chores I work up a sweat! If I do laundry, I hang it on the line. If chores was something I did daily, then I wouldnt count it.
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    I think chores can be pretty physically taxing! Standing over the sink doing the dishes for an hour gives my lower back a workout (though not the kind you'd want :mad:) Also if you mop the floor with a piece of cloth it's kind of like doing a plank... :huh: But seriously I think keeping active throughout the day does add up! :bigsmile:
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    When I first started, I did count my chores, grocery shopping, EVERYTHING. I have a very sedentary Monday-Friday job, so on the weekends I am BUSY. Those chore-burns sure added up quickly and were a great incentive for me to slowly start actually exercising. Now, I will not log anything other than on-purpose exercise. I think I had an hour of high intensity/aerobic exercise today, as well as another 20 minute brisk walk. It wasn't all at once... 30 minutes here, 20 minutes there... but the inches and pounds are coming off, so it's working for me!
  • kikakiss
    kikakiss Posts: 7
    If the kids nap u could try something then. I remember when my kid were little my day was the same as urs. Now I work all day 12 hrs+ and when I get home it's making dinner,eati, cleaning then pass out on the couch. I don't get time to work out either, but Instarted walking at lunch and breaks, and jump rope 10 min when I can. It's not much, but more than I was doing before and it's helped.
    I don't know how old your babies are but maybe you can go for walks with them. Put them in the stroller and start walking around the block. Cleaning is great but squeeze in a little time to take a break and go for a 15 or 30 min walk around the block a couple of times. Walk fast. It will be nice for u and the kids. :smile:
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    If the kids nap u could try something then. I remember when my kid were little my day was the same as urs. Now I work all day 12 hrs+ and when I get home it's making dinner,eati, cleaning then pass out on the couch. I don't get time to work out either, but Instarted walking at lunch and breaks, and jump rope 10 min when I can. It's not much, but more than I was doing before and it's helped.
    I don't know how old your babies are but maybe you can go for walks with them. Put them in the stroller and start walking around the block. Cleaning is great but squeeze in a little time to take a break and go for a 15 or 30 min walk around the block a couple of times. Walk fast. It will be nice for u and the kids. :smile:
    10 months and 4 year old and they make it hard to do any of those because they dont nap
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    actually home chores are a very good exercise... mopping especially... you can count these activities as working out at moderate pace...
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    what about an exercise video, or doing a routine on the fitness channel?..the 4 year old may want to "play" too.. I don't log chores but that's me, I count those as my "insurance", if I measure something wrong etc.... but.everyone has to do what works best for them :)
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    what about an exercise video, or doing a routine on the fitness channel?..the 4 year old may want to "play" too.. I don't log chores but that's me, I count those as my "insurance", if I measure something wrong etc.... but.everyone has to do what works best for them :)
    i still dont have time to do those because of the little baby and a house to keep clean
  • kikakiss
    kikakiss Posts: 7
    Ok, well sorry, I'm not sure what to suggest except when they do fall asleep you could do like 15 mins of exercise. Like burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, squats, run in place, push ups, lunges. Like my friend tells me. No excuses, a little is better then nothing. Try getting then on a schedule. And I'm sure your 4yr old would love to go for a walk with u and the baby. Give it a try tomorrow.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    I have a 6mo, 2yo, and almost 4yo. This may sound harsh, but you gotta get it in where you can fit it in. I have made a lot of sacirifices these past few months to treat my body with more respect and finally take care of myself. As you're playing with your kids, do squats/lunges/burpees/jumping jacks/pushups. It's hard to motivate yourself when you're so exhausted by giving your all to being a wife and mama, but you'll start to increase your energy by choosing your priorities. And dang, ask your man to pick up the slack for 22 minutes so you can do a quick DVD like 30 day shred! You can do it.

    And while cleaning, do some jump squats and make it more physically tiring on your body.. Just remember to be honest with yourself when logging your exercise because you could easily end up with tons of extra calories consumed!

    Good luck to you mama!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I have a 5 y/o and a 3 y/o and I'm a single mum, and I find time to work out... at 5.30am... do i like getting up then? no esp now it's getting colder, but I do it cause it's important to me.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I started doing exercise videos when my first son was a baby. He was a fussy baby and rarely slept more than 20 minutes at a time. If he woke up during my workout, I would go get him and continue working out while nursing him. I had three more children...so 4 kids 5 and under. I was a stay at home mom and found opportunities to work out when I could. I would get up before my husband left for work, and before the kids woke up, and either do videos or go for a vigorous early morning walk. That said, by all means log your cleaning...or don't log it...it will help either way.
  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    Im a single mom of a 2 year old daughter, study for school, clean the house, laundry , drive family places and still find time to get some sort of cardio in...30DS, taking my child out for a walk in the jogging stroller..It can be done..like the other person said, it may sound harsh but you have to stop making excuses for why you can't find 20 minutes out of your day to do something..you can do it! good luck
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