Hi!!! New mommy and needs help.

Hi!! I had a baby 8 months and unfortunately when overboard with my cravings and gained 60 lbs :(. After giving birth I lost 20 but the rest don't want to go anywhere. So I decided to start MFP. I've been on it for a week. I don't quite get what some things mean and would greatly appreciate the help. On my MFP app it has the goal food exercise net and remaining. I don't quite get the net vs remaining part. I've been exercising 5x a week so that confuses me with the #. Sorry if this has been asked before.
Here's an example. My goal is 1550 cal, I had 1450 in food and burned 796 with exercise. Now it says I have 654 Net and 896 remaining. What does the net mean???? Do I eat 654 more calories or 896? HELP??? I want to do this correctly.


  • You have 896 remaining that you could eat. That is your goal minus what you have eaten plus any exercise calories (1550-1450+796). You net is what you have eaten minus your exercise calories (1450-796). Your net should be at 1550 so take the 1450 plus the 796 = 2246. There is a lot of debate about eating back your exercise calories. That will need to be your choice. Some would eat 2246, some would stick with only eating 1550 (or 1450 in your case). Good luck!
  • mcast21787
    mcast21787 Posts: 2
    Ahhhh. I get it now, thanks for answering my question. I guess I'll have to figure out myself if I should eat back my exercise calories. As of right now I don't think I will, I'll see how it goes and go on from there.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    Ahhhh. I get it now, thanks for answering my question. I guess I'll have to figure out myself if I should eat back my exercise calories. As of right now I don't think I will, I'll see how it goes and go on from there.

    I would suggest eating back your exercise calories.

    Please check out the group Eat More To Weigh Less. They're a super helpful bunch of gals who can help clarify anything for you!
  • PhatGirlSlim35
    PhatGirlSlim35 Posts: 15 Member
    Ahhhh. I get it now, thanks for answering my question. I guess I'll have to figure out myself if I should eat back my exercise calories. As of right now I don't think I will, I'll see how it goes and go on from there.

    Usually I would say don't eat back your exercise calories. But your body needs fuel and we get it from food.So if your exercising 5X a week, on a per day basis are you eating enough calories to fuel your body. Your body will tell you, if you find that your appetite has increased then yes eat the exercise calories.
  • siane25
    siane25 Posts: 1
    hi im the same mommy in need of help maybe we could be friends on mfp and encourage each other.i need to lose 10kgs to be my pre baby weight ..i know its alot right.but im going to take it one day at a time.my son is 5 months old and starting to teeth so he demands alot of attention and cuddles so its kinda hard to excersize and even make a healthy lunch but this is my 10th day really putting in the hard yards ..id love to hear you weight lose dreams and desires and how you plan on doing it ...im from nz ...so it wintre here wich is also going to to make it alittle harder to get up and outa the house.id love to help encourage you and hopefully you could help me out too...good luck with your battle of the baby weight ...WE CAN DO IT>>>
  • I also just had a baby (this is my second). If it's any encouragement to you, I also gained 60 lbs with my first child, and i lost all of it plus an additional 10 lbs within 6 months! Counting calories is only part of it. You really have to think about where the calories are coming from and how to get the most nutrition out of every calorie you eat. One thing that really did the trick for me was having a baked sweet potato for lunch every day (only for the first couple of months because I started getting really sick of them after a while) in addition to 3-4 other small, healthy meals. They are full of vitamins and give you lots of energy. It can be done girl, hang in there! BTW, I gained 40 with this pregnancy, plus I had gained about 15 lbs before I got pregnant, mostly from work-related stress, so I'm in the same boat as you right now. I've still got 37 lbs to loose to get back to my "before" weight. Good luck!
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi I am also a new mummy (to my second girl) who is now 11 months old. I went from a Uk size 12 to a Uk size 14 while pregnant then after having my lil' princess I went upto a Uk size 16. Go figure I gained more weight post pregnacy than whilst actually pregnant!!
    I started the 30 Day Shred today & my new healthy eating plan curtesy of MFP, fell free to add me & lets support each other through our quest to new slimmer mummys :o)