Just cant grasp the 1500+ calorie rule



  • agatronmeows
    agatronmeows Posts: 11 Member

    I restricted myself to 500 calories for a week when I started MFP (despite its annoying warnings), then upped my calories to 800, then to 900 then to 1200 once I got to the weight that I wanted. I'm going on a year and have lost 48 lbs and kept it off. Same for my wife.


    You're a male and maintain at 1200? Ick! You also said that people use starvation mode as an "excuse" to eat more. Um no. I properly fuel my body, and I am a 115 lb female that can maintain on 2200 calories. Good luck with being hungry for the rest of your life.

    How did you lose all your weight if you dont mind me asking. And how do you maintain it with 2200 calories? Im curious because i wanna be able to get that awesome. :D
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I haven't read all the replies, but I'm not understanding why you don't just TRY eating some more calories for 4-6 weeks and see what happens? It's not like you're going to gain a crazy amount of weight. If it doesn't work at least you tried and don't have to wonder anymore??

    Im not against the concept of higher calories (for losing weight) in general - but Im getting married in August -
    I started this journey 5 months ago - thinking 8-9months of healthy "dieting" would get me to my goal - clearly is hasnt
    5 months in, and I've got nothin to show for it.
    Now I have 3 months to reach my goal?

    The main problem I was facing was whether to "cave" and go with a Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers route - or stick with this & raise calories (even though IIm skeptical)
    I actually increased my Net to 1500 on Monday (that doesnt mean I have to love it) :grumble:
    That also doesnt mean I still understand it or really BELIEVE it will work for me

    If this was a "normal" weightloss journey; I would dive right in and figure it out - but I am crazy motivated to look phenomenal on my wedding day - and trusting a 1500+ calorie approach (when I dont understand it) is very risky for this very unstable, very scared-to-not-fit-into-dress bride!

    But I really do appreciate everyone's advice - many of these posts were extremely helpful and im going to drink the kool-aid and go for 1500+
  • Before baby #2 I lost about 25 pounds. Here's what I did and it works.
    Do NOT eat until you are physically hungry - your stomach is growling. Your stomach has natural cues to tell you when to eat. Listen to your body and it will tell you when it needs fuel.

    Eat about HALF of what your normally would until you learn how much your body needs for fuel. Eat about 6 or 7 little meals a day to keep your metabolism up.

    The biggest thing I have trouble with is that once I start eating I have to stop when I'm satisfied and not full. That's key.

    Hope this helps a little.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Background – I’ve been consistently on MFP for about 5 months. Work out 3-4x a week, cardio and weights. Very religious about staying around 1200 calories. Drink TONS of water. Once a week, I’ll have a crazy cheat day (to keep my sane). I try to have my macros balanced (although I am no were near successful at it yet).
    I have lost 2lbs and NO inches.

    All my fabulous and successful friends on here have been drilling into my skull for MONTHS that I need to up my calories – 1500 min (I’m 5’8, 158lbs).

    I KNOW they are right – they’ve proven it in their weight loss. But it’s KILLING me to increase my calories.
    I know, I know – “body needs fuel”, “you are in starvation mode”, etc etc etc. I GET it. But it just doesn’t make SENSE.

    Everytime I have lost weight in the past, I have gone a very similar route to what I’ve been doing this time around – workout, eat fewer calories, etc – and YAY – I’m skinny.

    What has changed???

    The reason this is all coming out now ---
    One of my friends is on Jenny Craig.
    My mom is on Weight Watchers.
    My best friend does HCG (I know. Its from the DEVIL – but she’s freaking skinny).
    They are all having HUGE success --- and the common thread with each of these diets is that they are limited to very few calories (JC is 1200. Weight Watchers – IDK what the points translate, but its low – HCG, 500 duh)
    So why – if I am supposed to “eat more” to lose weight – am I still FAILING - and everyone else in my life on “restrictive diets” are succeeding?
    This is where the confusion comes in – and my inability to fully grasp the 1500 calorie mantra.

    I am sooooo tempted to join JC or WW – just to see SOME results. I don’t WANT to – but I am beyond annoyed with my failure and I NEED to lose 20lbs by August (my freaking wedding)…

    Is there ANYONE out there that can give me the "A-HA" that I need to stick with MFP and not cave to the commercialized, microwave meal plan?

    I truly understand that this concept is terrifying!! Go to the group, "eat more, lose weight". I've done the same as you, lost some inches, and played with the same 3 lbs, up and down, for almost 6 months! I found that group, asked some question...and took a leap of faith.

    I will tell you that you will need patience! It'sgoing to going to roughly 6 weeks to reset your metabolism. You've set yourseld so low (eating 1200 + cal burned during w/o = netting way under 1000. You are not even consuming enough feed your organs each day, and making your muscle eat itself.

    I am telling you, if you jump up to 1500 for a few days to get your calories in and get used to eating again....you body will absolutely love the fuel you're giving it!!

    I also used fitnessfrog.com to get myTDEE and BMR. I eat myTDEE -15% (1779)....and NEVER eat below my BMR (that's NET).

    By the end of last week, I dropped those 3 lbs (my whoosh, for those of you that know what I mean). In another words, my body let go because I'm feeding it. I'm not in starvation mode anymore, and I've reset my metabolism. I've also broke my plateau this week and now in the 130's. It took me 6 months to get that "mental" part it. You are not alone in this!! We were brain washed to starve ourselves.

    Thiis will work for you, but you have to eat to lose. Once your body releases because you've starting eating, I promise you will be dancing around that scale, and suddenly see the inches drop off as well. Also, what you were doing in the past, is just that, the past. As women, our bodies change every year as we get older, and your needs are different than even last year. Hormones....

    Feel free to friend me if you like, and you are welcome to my diary as well.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I haven't read all the replies, but I'm not understanding why you don't just TRY eating some more calories for 4-6 weeks and see what happens? It's not like you're going to gain a crazy amount of weight. If it doesn't work at least you tried and don't have to wonder anymore??

    Im not against the concept of higher calories (for losing weight) in general - but Im getting married in August -
    I started this journey 5 months ago - thinking 8-9months of healthy "dieting" would get me to my goal - clearly is hasnt
    5 months in, and I've got nothin to show for it.
    Now I have 3 months to reach my goal?

    The main problem I was facing was whether to "cave" and go with a Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers route - or stick with this & raise calories (even though IIm skeptical)
    I actually increased my Net to 1500 on Monday (that doesnt mean I have to love it) :grumble:
    That also doesnt mean I still understand it or really BELIEVE it will work for me

    If this was a "normal" weightloss journey; I would dive right in and figure it out - but I am crazy motivated to look phenomenal on my wedding day - and trusting a 1500+ calorie approach (when I dont understand it) is very risky for this very unstable, very scared-to-not-fit-into-dress bride!

    But I really do appreciate everyone's advice - many of these posts were extremely helpful and im going to drink the kool-aid and go for 1500+

    Good job on upping to 1500, hope that is net!
    I went from 1200 net to 1650 net in January, the first week I gained 0.8, then lost 3,2,3,1.5. On 1200 the most I lost was a 2 so Increasing cals can get you to your goal quicker.
    Think of it this way, would you prefer to be fit and toned, or thin And flabby on your wedding day?
    Also by sticking to a strict cal level, you will more than likely gain a good chunk back if you eat anything like normally on your honeymoon!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    You said "everytime I've lost weight in the past, I have gone a similar route" Those are key words right there. Obviously, it worked for the short term, but you weren't able to maintain it. Why deprive yourself? Just my 2 cents.
    this. obviously your super low cal way didnt work in the past. why expect it to work that way now?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Basically eating a calorie deficit starts like this:
    But after a while it's like this:
    And eventually like this:
    And you feel like this:
    So basically,
    So instead, you should do this:
    and this:
    so you can eat like this:
    and feel like this:
    and be able to do this:
    and look like this:
    instead of this:

    and that's why you eat more calories. :D

    i'm so not worthy of this awesomeness :laugh:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    TDEE is everything
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    @BlueInkDot that is quite possibly the best post on MFP ever.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Stick to 1200...worked for me too!!
    Good luck!!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    @BlueInkDot that is quite possibly the best post on MFP ever.

    ^^^this, love it!!!!!!!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    BlueInkDot, if there was a karma system on these boards, you would've just gotten all of it.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    BlueInkDot, if there was a karma system on these boards, you would've just gotten all of it.

    Karma system? You wouldn't happen to be a GLPer, would you?
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    BAHAHAHAHA Best ever!
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    well-- like you I have only limited myself to 1200 and rarely ate back my exercise calories...
    I bumped my cals up to what my bmr is and have started losing...
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I love this place :love:
    I really appreciate all this advice.
    Its really freaking frustrating. And, honestly, if I didnt have a "deadline" (my wedding on August 11), I wouldnt be stressing or concerned as much about the success/fail, slow-to-no progress I've been having
    Starting this 5months ago, I assumed I was giving myself PLENTY of time to lose all this weight in a "healthy, long-term" manner.
    But its just not shaping up that way.
    I have read and read and read about the TDEE, macros, BMI, TMI, XYZ etc etc etc - it still just didnt make SENSE. But, I'll try to just trust the process; even though Im terrified.:grumble:

    Also, processed foods (i.e. diet stuff ...) doesn't help me a whole lot, I only see results when my body is getting things like fruits, veggies, proteins.... (I am a diff case tho because I have no thyroid)
    I moved my cal to 1500 on Monday at the advice of my MFP friends and will just keep my fingers crossed.

    Thanks to everyone who sent me literature - i love it and will dive head-first into all these articles & figure out how to wrap my head around all this information.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I did a three week round of HCG in January, lost 13 pounds, followed the maintenance, and have eaten low carb since then. I have lost a total of 25 pounds. I am a big eater so HCG was agony for the first 4 days. Since then, I have had more energy and fewer cravings. I rarely crave sweets or carbs anymore. I was as skeptical about HCG as anyone could be possibly, but I was in a dire situtation and really needed to get the weight off. I didn't figure anything could kill me in three weeks time, so I did it. It really does work, but you have to follow it to the letter and you must do the maintenance. I started taking 7Keto twice a day and I think that has helped me keep the weight off.
    But are you enjoying your life? Makes no sense to just do a diet program just to lose weight and be miserable doing it. If you are TRULY happy and enjoying it, then more power to you. The majority of people I know who've done it felt deprived and missed their favorites because they HAD to adhere to the program. Consequently weight regain was inevitable.
    It can be done with a lifestyle that you can really live with, but there are steps that need to be done to achieve it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition